OK so I get that you need to cut back on carbs (not eliminate them) so that you can lose weight faster but are there any good carbs or are you pretty much not doing yourself any favors by eating any of them? Are all carbs created equal?
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Are any carbs good?
Carbs aren’t as evil as some popular and fad diets will have you believe. Sure, you’re not supposed to have too many of them, but you can say the same thing for fats and proteins. And just like there are good fats and lean and complete proteins that are healthy, there are some carbs that are better than others.
I think that the best carbs are the ones that come along with a high nutrient density and a lot of fiber. So if you’re thinking potato chips, of course that’s not really in the good pile. But you can get a lot out of steel cut oats for breakfast (with berries thrown in for more nutrition and antioxidants) or you could choose sweet potatoes that are carbs but that are also nutrient dense.
Sure! Carbs are a great source of quick energy and as has been mentioned, they are often in foods that are very high in fiber, which is great. Whole grains are fantastic for both a diet and for your health. They can help to keep cholesterol down and they are good for your blood pressure as well.
The key is just to make sure that you're always eating a proper amount of them. Just learn to do the right portion sizes. Personally I find that very hard because portion sizes of carbs are pretty small compared to what I traditionally want to eat, but it's something that I've learned to do a little bit better, gradually over time.
That's exactly it. Certain specific diets that became popular labeled carbs as something to be avoided and, somehow, even those of us who didn't follow those diets seem to have accepted that belief. I'm just as guilty as the next person. I'm not even sure why i accepted the concept, since the science behind it is so dubious. I think it just became so commonplace to hear it that I just adopted it into my own beliefs. Even when I know I'm eating something very healthy and good for my diet, if it contains carbs, I still feel a twinge of guilt!
The best ones are whole grains. Don't mistakenly think that whole wheat and whole grains are the same thing, though. Whole grains are better.