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Ways to loose weight quickly

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  • Ways to loose weight quickly

    Sometimes you stare at your self in the mirror,you feel
    so bad about your size.You wish you could loose weight
    so quickly.You regret not doing something in the past
    about your size,you feel like turning back the hands
    of time.Yeah you have come the point you cant ignore
    it anymore. Dont feel so bad is never too late.


    Yes,so easily that you never thought of.Our body is
    like an engine,food is the fuel thatit makes it run.
    Your fat is making the engine run slowly.The way to burn
    that fat is by making the engine run very fast by raising
    your metabolism.The metabolism i just like fire,the hotter
    the fire,the more fat it will burn.

    The best way to raise you metabolism is by eating some kind
    of food and doing some exercise.You might be in pressure to
    try quick solution like using diet pills or fad diet.I hope
    you dont go that way,because you might not stand the side
    effect it might cause.

    So I assume you will not ignore these healthy quick weight
    loss methods.Being healthy while loosing weight should be
    your goal.

  • #2
    What Has Worked For Me

    I think I have tried just about everything to lose weight in my life. Some have worked, some have not. But the one thing I discovered for myself is that to KEEP the weight off requires a change in LIFESTLYE. Without it becoming a natural part of your life you will never stick with it. That means taking SMALL steps. A dramatic change doesn't last because it's just too much, too soon. For myself, whenever I start getting those thoughts in my mind that say, "Oh no, not THIS again. This stinks. This tastes terrible. Who needs this?" And on and on... When I start getting those thoughts, I know the fad I'm currently on is not going to last much longer. What has worked for me over the years and continues to work are the small tips that I have discovered that are not hard, boring, or tasteless. Only the things that don't cause my mind to revolt are the ones that seem to last.


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