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Yoga For Weight Loss?

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  • Yoga For Weight Loss?

    Can anyone provide information on Yoga for weight loss?...

  • #2
    no replies.........


    • #3
      Try scanning other threads, I'm sure there are posts that will answer your query. Anyway, i know yoga a little too so maybe i can help. Yoga is actually a form of exercise that aims to strengthen your whole body, kinda like a holistic exercise that involves not only the body but the soul as well. it relaxes you and is great in reducing stress. It originated from India and while some critics says that it manipulates the followers of yoga into some kind of spiritual cult, there are teachers and followers that strongly disagree stating that those kinds of cases are isolated and that it should not view followers of yoga the same.

      I agree with them, yoga is indeed a very good form of exercise because it not only strengthen your muscles and improves flexibility, it also does wonders to your whole well-being. i think because the atmosphere in yoga rooms are relaxing and soothing for the soul.


      • #4
        I've been a yoga practitioner for years now and I can say that yes, yoga does not only give you physical benefits as well as spiritual soundness. It makes a lot of difference if you incorporate yoga into your life, trust me.

        Why don't you try yoga? Then tell me how you feel about it.


        • #5

          Hey friends yoga is really good for your health.Start your day with 30 minutes yoga and you can find the difference easily.You can start it with some simple asans like Makarsan,padmasan,tadasan,kapalbharti,marjarasan are really good.


          • #6
            Yoga for weight losss

            Video: Yoga for Weight Loss



            • #7
              Well,thanks for sharing useful information...According to my opinion,Yoga is the best thing to increase the counts of the breath in deep....Also helpful to increase the stamina and immunity power against the viral disease....!


              • #8
                Yoga is best for health and mental sanctification, mostly people do this for weight lose and mental satisfaction,reduces stress and good for health, you must have to do,its good for us....


                • #9
                  Hi Guys..... As we all know that yoga is considered the best exercise for weight loss which we can do at home also .It is considered the best cure for stress and also good to maintain a good health as well .


                  • #10
                    Yoga is very good for health.
                    It is really good to maintain physical fitness
                    of the body. It is also beneficial to maintain mental
                    fitness of the body.


                    • #11
                      I think you're right about weight loss and Yoga. I've heard that it's good for getting the body to function better and more healthier and that it's good to relax you (when you're frustrated with your dieting) but also, it makes you stronger. I just started with it, and though it looks like nothing, it's actually really hard, and I was just in the beginner class!


                      • #12
                        Yeah I would also say that yoga is very useful for your physical and mental health to get relax and sound..


                        • #13
                          It is one of the best way to lose weight


                          • #14
                            I'm sure there are material that will reaction your question. Anyway, i know yoga workouts exercises execute out a little too so maybe i can help. Yoga is actually a way of execute out that is designed to enhance your whole system, kind of like a organic execute out that contains not only the system but the spirit as well. it sets you and is excellent in reducing stress. It comes from Local indian native and while some experts says that it manipulates the supporters of yoga workouts exercises execute out into some kind of religious edge activity, there are instructors and supporters that extremely don't approval revealing that those kinds of circumstances are separated and that it should not viewpoint supporters of yoga workouts exercises execute out the same.


                            • #15
                              Yoga isn't the best thing for weight loss. A combination of eating right and exercising is the key to losing weight. You should start by cutting any processed foods out of your diet and starting on a high intensity interval training


                              Weight Loss Products

