Weight Loss, Insulin Resistance and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

This is my story about gaining 60 pounds, being diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), developing insulin resistance and celebrating my weight loss four years later.

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Acai Berry and Weight Loss

What is the real deal with Acai Berry? Does this new “Superfood” really promote weight loss as one of its touted benefits?

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Weight Loss 4 Idiots – A Calorie Shifting Diet

The concept of calorie shifting has been present in many fad diets over the years, but has been made very popular by the Weight Loss 4 Idiots diet.

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Drinking Water is Important for Weight Loss and Health

I continue to struggle with drinking enough water to keep myself hydrated. So, to give myself some extra motivation I decided to find out the real facts about how drinking water can wash away a little extra fat.

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Dieting Causes Hair Loss

Oh, now is that not just the icing on the cake that you can’t eat because you’re on a bloody diet – dieting can cause hair loss.

I was so distraught when I read that if you are losing significant weight you may lose hair. I ran to the bathroom right away. All squinty-eyed in the mirror, I went over my hairline over and over again, looking for any sign of weakness, thinness, recession. OK, none found…yet.

The American Hair Loss Council states on its website:

“Hair loss may also occur due to dieting. Franchised diet programs which are designed or administered under the direction of a physician with prescribed meals, dietary supplements and vitamin ingestion have become popular. Sometimes the client is told that vitamins are a necessary part of the program to prevent hair loss associated with dieting. From a dermatologists’s standpoint, however, the vitamins cannot prevent hair loss associated with rapid, significant weight loss. Furthermore, many of these supplements are high in vitamin A which can magnify the hair loss.”

I am assuming that losing hair while losing weight doesn’t happen to everyone (every model would be bald). Perhaps the key to keeping your locks is to eat a balanced diet. If you are worried about hair loss while dieting, maybe try to limit foods that are high in Vitamin A. These foods include cantaloupe, carrots, spinach, kale, apricots, papaya, mango, beef liver.

On the other side of the coin however, Vitamin A is really good for your body. Vitamin A plays an important role in vision, bone growth, reproduction, cell division, and cell differentiation (in which a cell becomes part of the brain, muscle, lungs, blood, or other specialized tissue.). Vitamin A also helps regulate the immune system, which helps prevent or fight off infections by

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Red Wine May Aid Weight Loss

Well, this is the best news I’ve heard in a long time…an ingredient in red wine known as resveratrol may actually help treat and prevent obesity.

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McDonald’s Diet helps Chris Colsen lose over 85 pounds

It has only been a few days after my proclamation that I will be abstaining from my favorite fast-food chain, McDonald’s, when a news story was released about Chris Colsen, who claims to have lost over 85 pounds by eating McDonald’s for every meal.

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Is there something Fishy about the Sardine Diet?

I almost fell off of my oversized office chair the other day when I saw the “Sardine Diet” as a new weight loss option. Well, I say new, but actually the premise behind the Sardine Diet, which is to eat large quantities of foods high in Omega-3 fatty acids, is not a new concept to those of us who have tried almost everything to lose some weight.

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