Eating fiber promotes weight loss in the form of added health benefits.
Dietary fiber is the ingestional parts of food that mainly come from plants. How fiber promotes weight loss you ask? Well when dieting the biggest struggle is hunger levels. Most people do not feel full after a modest portion meal. That is where fiber comes in, fiber will help you feel more full quicker, and feel full for longer. Foods that are high in fiber, also tend to be very good for you, fiber promotes weight loss in that sense as well.
Does fiber provide other health benefits?
Yes, fiber has other health benefits that ultimately help with weight loss. The first being that fiber helps speed up the digestion process, in turn, increasing metabolism. The next benefit is that fiber softens the stool. If you suffer from chronic constipation, lack of fiber could be the issue. However, being that your stool is 75% water, not drinking enough water could also cause constipation. So in the process of losing weight fiber clearly is a big contributing factor.
What foods contain fiber that promotes weight loss?
There are many foods that contain fiber, some of those include:
White beans Black beans Kidney beans Garbanzo beans Avacado Whole wheat pasta Whole wheat bread Rye bread Brown rice Edamame Lentils Pears Raspberries Apples Bananas Orange Strawberry halves Figs (dried) Raisins Artichoke Oatmeal Split peas – Cooked Peas Broccoli Corn Almonds Sunflower seeds Pecans Pistachios Barley Bran flakes Popcorn – Air popped
The list really goes on
Fiber Prevention
Many health conditions or diseases can be prevented through getting enough fiber daily. Women should have at least 21-27 grams of fiber daily, man should have at least 30-36 grams per day. Getting at least these amounts daily prevents many over