Tips to Avoid Overeating

It’s a fact that all dieters must know – if you overeat, you are going to gain weight. In fact, overeating is one of the reasons why so many of us are now looking to drop some pounds. There are some tips that can help you avoid overeating. Some will work for you and others will not. Dieters should experiment to see what works best for them and then they should stick with it.

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Family Weight Loss

What I have learned from my chat with my friend is that family weight loss does not have to be painful. In fact, this process should be slow and as fun as possible. The whole point should not be to lose weight as much as it is to establish new, healthy eating habits and exercise more.

Read More Family Weight Loss

Flu Fighting Diet Foods

In tribute to my current condition I have looked into these flu fighting foods that you should incorporate into your diet if you want to avoid some of the more common wintertime ailments.

Read More Flu Fighting Diet Foods

Daily Meal Planning

I think the biggest difference between this weight loss effort and my other ones is that I am diligently tracking how many calories I eat every day. Planning my daily meals has become more like a science fair project, with adding up calories and trying to balance proteins and carbohydrates.

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Week 2 Weigh In

Dieting is always hardest when you don’t see big results and your motivation starts to dwindle. I’m really going to try to stay on track this time. I have to right? If I don’t everyone here will know. I can’t let that happen.

Read More Week 2 Weigh In

You Do Not Have to Starve when Dieting

Well, I’m half way through day three of my new weight loss plan and so far it’s been going quite well. I’m writing this post as I munch on my large salad that I find I can barely get through in one meal.

My salads for lunch consist of the following basics:

4 cups of mixed salad greens 1 tomato, diced 3 baby carrots, diced 2 tablespoons of low-fat or fat-free salad dressing

To keep it interesting I will also usually add either half a can of tuna, a chopped hard-boiled egg, grapefruit wedges, or a few other vegetables. Mmmm, good.

Here’s a picture of todays salad. Mixed greens with apple slices topped with chopped, toasted almonds, all dressed with a honey and balsamic vinaigrette… DELICIOUS!

I was chatting with one of my co-workers around the water cooler this morning and I was telling her about how I’m on a diet. She’s a bit of a skinny minny… one of those people who is always thin and doesn’t seem to gain a pound (mind you I’ve never seen her eat anything either). Anyway, she said to me, “Oh, I just hate diets because you can’t eat anything and your always so hungry.” I agreed with her, probably just to shorten the conversation, but when I got back to my desk I regretted not correcting her. The assumption that dieting means being hungry all the time is a common one, but I have found from my own experiences that this isn’t necessarily true.

The way I see dieting is that I have to reduce the number of calories I eat each day, but this doesn’t mean I have to eat less and in some cases I will actually eat more. Take for instance my salad, which I am starting

Read More You Do Not Have to Starve when Dieting

Make A Plan for Weight Loss

I keep trying to go right back into the routine of dieting and exercising, but I just keep failing. I was at a loss about how to break this pattern, but I had to do something so last night I decided the best thing I can do is MAKE A PLAN FOR WEIGHT LOSS!!!

Read More Make A Plan for Weight Loss

Muscle Weighs More Than Fat – A Common Weight Loss Myth

I’m sure you’ve heard it, that explanation for the phenomenon when you’ve been exercising and dieting and your weight stays the same, “Muscle weighs more than fat. Even though you aren’t losing weight you’re still losing fat.” I’m sorry to say that this is one of the most regularly shared weight loss myths between dieters.

Read More Muscle Weighs More Than Fat – A Common Weight Loss Myth

Losing Two Pounds a Week

My goal each week is to lose 2 pounds, which is considered ideal weight loss if you do it safely. I was flabbergasted when I looked into how many calories I have to burn to lose even one pound of body fat – 3500 calories.

Read More Losing Two Pounds a Week

Dieting Causes Hair Loss

Oh, now is that not just the icing on the cake that you can’t eat because you’re on a bloody diet – dieting can cause hair loss.

I was so distraught when I read that if you are losing significant weight you may lose hair. I ran to the bathroom right away. All squinty-eyed in the mirror, I went over my hairline over and over again, looking for any sign of weakness, thinness, recession. OK, none found…yet.

The American Hair Loss Council states on its website:

“Hair loss may also occur due to dieting. Franchised diet programs which are designed or administered under the direction of a physician with prescribed meals, dietary supplements and vitamin ingestion have become popular. Sometimes the client is told that vitamins are a necessary part of the program to prevent hair loss associated with dieting. From a dermatologists’s standpoint, however, the vitamins cannot prevent hair loss associated with rapid, significant weight loss. Furthermore, many of these supplements are high in vitamin A which can magnify the hair loss.”

I am assuming that losing hair while losing weight doesn’t happen to everyone (every model would be bald). Perhaps the key to keeping your locks is to eat a balanced diet. If you are worried about hair loss while dieting, maybe try to limit foods that are high in Vitamin A. These foods include cantaloupe, carrots, spinach, kale, apricots, papaya, mango, beef liver.

On the other side of the coin however, Vitamin A is really good for your body. Vitamin A plays an important role in vision, bone growth, reproduction, cell division, and cell differentiation (in which a cell becomes part of the brain, muscle, lungs, blood, or other specialized tissue.). Vitamin A also helps regulate the immune system, which helps prevent or fight off infections by

Read More Dieting Causes Hair Loss