The Anti Diet Approach to Losing Weight

The Anti Diet is much like it sounds. This is not supposed to be a diet or eating plan, but rather, a new way to look at both food and exercise.

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Stevia Sugar-Substitute – A Healthy Artificial Sweetener

Stevia is a sugar-substitute that may be one of the first healthy artificial sweeteners now available from your local health food store. If sweetening your beverages and food is adding empty calories to your diet then consider switching to Stevia, that contains almost no calories and is 200-300 times sweeter than table sugar.

Read More Stevia Sugar-Substitute – A Healthy Artificial Sweetener

Chocolate Increases Weight Loss

If you are someone who loves chocolate and has had to give it up for your diet, then deprive yourself no further. Not only are some types of chocolate healthy, but they may also help to increase weight loss, which is a win-win for all of us dieting chocolate lovers.

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Low Calorie Breakfast Ideas

There are a limitless number of low calorie breakfast ideas you can try if you want to eat in the morning but not blow your diet. Eating even a small breakfast in the morning will improve your metabolism and curb your hunger so that when lunch arrives you are not as likely to overeat.

Read More Low Calorie Breakfast Ideas

How Fiber Helps Weight Loss

From what I can tell, eating enough dietary fiber may be a valuable trick for losing weight that is easily overlooked. Of its many health benefits, fiber helps to curb hunger, suppress appetite, increase the rate of digestion and improve intestinal health.

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Foods that Stabilize Blood Sugar

Eating foods that help stabilize blood sugar levels can be an excellent way to curb hunger and stabilize your moods. Few people appreciate the need to balance blood sugar levels in their bodies in order to live healthy and more fulfilling lifestyles.

Read More Foods that Stabilize Blood Sugar

Ginseng for Weight Loss and Health

Modern day scientists have discovered properties of ginseng that may be responsible for weight reduction. Research has found that ginseng helps in improving an individual’s rate of metabolism, thus reducing the amount of food energy converted into body fat.

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Eat More, Crave More

If you are also someone who is overweight, then likely you too have experienced the Eat More, Crave More vicious cycle and understanding why this happens may help to overcome it. To begin with, when you allow yourself to consume many calories in one sitting your blood sugar and insulin levels will spike up quite drastically and then fall rapidly.

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Tips to Avoid Overeating

It’s a fact that all dieters must know – if you overeat, you are going to gain weight. In fact, overeating is one of the reasons why so many of us are now looking to drop some pounds. There are some tips that can help you avoid overeating. Some will work for you and others will not. Dieters should experiment to see what works best for them and then they should stick with it.

Read More Tips to Avoid Overeating

Eating Grapefruit Helps Weight Loss

Whenever I’m dieting I always keep a good supply of grapefruit around. Not only do I love to eat grapefruit (just plain, no sugar), but this tasty citrus has also been found to help with weight loss.

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