Vibration Plate Exercise for a Firmer Body

There’s been a lot of health chat lately about vibration plates. If you don’t know what a vibration plate is, its a small platform you exercise on that vibrates really fast. Some big celebrities are already swearing by these machines, including the firm and fabulous material girl, Madonna.

Well, even though I love Madonna, I still had to give a vibration plate a try for myself. So off I went to a gym equipment warehouse store to jiggle my jangles and see what all the fuss is about.

When I first got on a vibration plate I was a bit suprised by the tingling vibrations sent through my body. I immediately felt my core muscles (stomach and back) coming together to stabilize my body. I then went into a semi-squat position to work the quads and WOW! what a crazy burn.

Now, I still don’t think the vibration plate is something I would like to have as a home gym accessory (perhaps a bar accessory for mixing drinks though). But if you do come across a vibrating plate, “Shake it like a Poloroid picture” and give it a try. Who knows, it may be the missing piece of exercise equipment you need for the perfect home gym.