Cough, cough, sniffle, sniffle. Yes, I woke up this morning with a scratchy throat and runny nose – this year’s cold is upon me. The good news is that I’m taking a day off work so I’ve got my comfy clothes on and a big cup of tea. The bad news is that everyone I know has had this nasty cold/flu and I somehow managed to avoid it until now. I’m not sure why I didn’t get it when everyone else did, but I think part of my flu-dodging luck can be attributed to my all-to-healthy diet these days. It’s nice to be reminded that dieting not only helps you to lose weight, but also improves your overall health.
In fact, eating a healthy diet has many health benefits that are often overlooked when weight loss is your primary focus. There are special diets for those with autism, gout, attention deficit disorder, diabetes, diets for smokers, diets for drinkers and much, much more. There are also some super foods that can help with other types of medical conditions as well. Some of these healthy diet foods can fight cancer and some, believe it or not, can help you avoid the flu. So, in tribute to my current condition I have looked into these flu fighting foods that you should incorporate into your diet if you want to avoid some of the more common wintertime ailments.
 Citrus fruits, leafy greens and lean proteins are flu fighting diet foods that also help weight loss.
Avoiding the flu with the help of foods may be easier than you think. In fact, if you are dieting for weight loss, you may already be eating a diet that can help you and your family fight off the flu. Two important things to have in such a diet are lean proteins and a good selection of fruits – most notably citrus. These foods help keep your immune system strong. If they do not fend off the flu, they can certainly give your body a boost in fighting it when you do get it. Your symptoms will be lighter and the duration of the sickness could be much shorter.
There are other more specific foods that are known to help fight off both cold and flu. These would be mushrooms and many types of tea. Don’t forget to add honey to your tea. Barley and oats are good for you, and fit in with a flu fighting diet. Eat these in the morning for your breakfast. Other important foods are leafy greens, fresh vegetables, and other types of fruit other than citrus. Not only will you be fighting off the flu, you will feel better each and every day with these foods.
Think of foods that are high in vitamins D and B12, such as eggs and dairy. You also want to find foods high in healthy fats, such as fish, soy products, sunflower seeds and almonds. Other foods that are high in antioxidants, such as blueberries and acai are great for many health reasons, and may also help you fight off the flu. Some spices are great as well. Garlic is great for many reasons, and this is just one of them. Also think of ginger as something that can help keep you healthy.
Along with these great flu fighting foods, think of other things that will help keep you in top shape. Take care to eat breakfast each and every day even if you’re feeling under the weather. This helps keep your immune system strong. Take a good multi-vitamin, and exercise at least three times a week. All of the things that you should do during a weight loss program are going to benefit you in other ways too. That just might include skipping the flu this year while everyone around you is suffering.
The post yesterday about seasonal weight gain was the catalyst for todays topic. As I stare from my office window at another six inches of fresh snow that fell last night I think it would be a good time to discuss Tips for Working Out at Home. If you live in a climate with nasty winter weather like myself or hate to go to the gym to exercise, then these tips will help you to stay active and get moving even if you don’t want to leave the house to do it.
 Yoga is one of many great exercises that can be done at home.
Not everyone can go to the gym when they want to work out, nor does everyone want to. The gym can be very intimidating, especially when you are starting out on your weight loss journey. If you feel uncomfortable there, you are not going to get a good workout, and you probably won’t go more than a few times before you give up. Don’t let this stop you or allow it to make you give up entirely. There are plenty of great ways that you can get a good workout without having to go to the gym or even leave the house.
Walking is one of the best types of exercise you can do, especially when just starting out. If you have a lot of weight to lose, this is one exercise you can do, even if you can only get around the block just once. You can walk anywhere. You may not have to leave the house to do it, though it does depend on how much space you have. Stairs are great, and can be added to your walking routine. Get out your IPod or portable CD player and start walking. For a list of low-impact exercises particularly suited for those who are just beginning to get active, I recommend the article “Exercising When Overweight“.
If you have children, you may have a good workout tool in your home. There are many children’s programs that incorporate music. These are great opportunities for working out, and if your children are home with you, they can do it too. Find a DVD that has a lot of music and dance along. You may only be able to get through a few songs at first, but you will find that you can get in a great workout this way. It’s easy, cheap, and a lot of fun.
Speaking of games, some video games can also get you breaking a sweat. I have a Wii system in my house and love to play the sports games. Tennis and boxing can get me out of breath and the Wii Yoga is very good for core conditioning. These games are great fun to play with other people, or by yourself.
You can also get your own exercise equipment to use in your home. You have to be careful with this, as you may get something you tire of quickly, and something that will end up being a clothes rack rather than a key to a new lifestyle. Think hard before you buy, and try out a few different things. Many find better luck if they stick with the tried and true like the treadmill rather than the latest things found on an infomercial.
There are many other things you can do for a workout without leaving home. Average, everyday things can help too. When you clean your home, put more actions into what you are doing. Put on music and dance around as you do the dishes. Think of small ways to add any amount of exercise to your day. Not only will your physical condition improve, your state of mind will be lighter as well.
I was reading through a couple of my old diaries last night as I packed away some of our stuff for storage. These were diaries from two and three years ago and I found it fascinating to revisit all of my feelings of frustration and hopelessness as it pertained to my body weight. However, as I flipped through days and months I couldn’t help notice a pattern in my weight gain that I had never noticed before.
As I read I noted without a doubt that my weight gain has always spiked up during the winter months. Then, when spring and summer hit my weight either stayed the same or I was elated to be losing. I was surprised to make these observations and had to explore my apparent “Seasonal Weight Gain” a little closer.
 Fall and winter weather can strongly influence seasonal weight gain, particularly for those living in norther climates.
Of course, like many people I have always found it difficult to stick to a diet when the winter holidays come around, but it appears that dieting and choosing to start a diet can also be influenced by the different seasons throughout the year. For example, how many of us have headed out in the spring for the much dreaded bathing suit shopping experience to prepare for summer? I know I have. Oh, the torture of being sausaged into a skin tight piece of revealing clothing was at times almost too much to bear, but I would leave the dressing room with a new focus on losing weight.
Winter is one of the times when people are most likely to experience seasonal weight gain and I think there are two main factors that cause this. The first factor may only apply to people who live in climates farther away from the equator and that is shortened daylight hours combined with cold temperatures and rain/snow. These seasonal changes, that begin in the fall and last till spring, make it more difficult to get outside for exercise. Even a short walk can be painful when the temperature is minus 30 degrees. The second factor is seasonal moods or depression, which are common during the winter months. Seasonally depressed moods and seasonal depression, also known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), can lead to people eating more types of comfort foods that are typically high in carbohydrates. Combine these poorer food choices with large holiday meals and you have winter seasonal weight gain that may be very difficult to overcome.
It is important to mention that depression can strike at any time and those that have long-term depression may struggle with weight gain throughout the year. However, there is also a large portion of people who suffer from SAD in the fall and winter months. There are also other causes for seasonally depressed moods, including stress before or during the holidays.
Winter is not the only time seasonal weight gain is common. Fall can be a time for seasonal weight gain as well, though it is not quite as problematic as the winter months. Fall is a time of great beauty in the eyes of some. They see the changing leaves and the orange pumpkins, and they feel content. Temperatures are not that bad and there is no snow. They still feel relatively good. Others, however, see these things as signs that thing are dying and that winter is just around the corner. When that happens, seasonal weight gain in the fall can occur.
I was surprised to read that some people can experience SAD during the summer months and symptoms can involve insomnia, poor appetite and weight loss (For more information about SAD visit here: Seasonal Affective Disorder) . If you feel that you have depression you should see someone to talk about how you are feeling and get the help and support that you need. Even when it is seasonal depression during any time of the year, you may benefit from some extra help. See your doctor to find out what can be done to stop the unnecessary weight gain and to improve your overall mood.
Week 4 of my goal to lose “30 pounds in 90 days” is here. It has been 28 days exactly since I stepped on the scale and wrote down my starting weight of 237 pounds. I have controlled portion sizes, eaten a healthy, low-calorie diet, exercised five times a week and have cheated my diet only a few times so now the moment of truth…
218 lbs
Incredible! I have lost 19 pounds in one month! I can’t believe I did it. I am over half way to reaching my goal and I’m only one month in!
The past four weeks have been quite enlightening. I thought I knew how to diet before, but in reflection I think there were many aspects about my approach to weight loss that were unhealthy and destined for failure. With a deeper appreciation for losing weight in a healthy and controlled way I can tell you this – anyone can starve themselves, run around the block a few times and then lose weight. However, the key is not in the losing of the weight, but in the healthy loss of weight—weight that is gradually lost and that isn’t gained back. This is where healthy weight loss comes in.
 A balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, proteins and whole grains is an important part of healthy weight loss.
I would like to take this opportunity to talk about how to balance the various factors that I have learned will help you to lose weight in a healthy way and keep it off for the long term.
The first aspect of healthy weight loss is diet. Your diet should be nutritionally balanced and consist of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats and whole grains. Try to stay away from eating processed foods as they release more calories to your body when eaten. Foods in their natural state, such as whole grains and fresh vegetables, require your digestive system to work harder and some of the calories they contain don’t actually get digested. This is a simple way to reduce the number of calories that are actually absorbed from the foods you eat.
Your approach to healthy weight loss should also involve eating six small meals per day instead of three large meals per day. This keeps your stomach smaller and it holds less food at a time. You will be less likely to binge at any given point in time as your stomach won’t tolerate it. Eating smaller meals per day also lessens the insulin output at any given meal. Insulin keeps sugar tucked away and makes your body heavier. Having a steady insulin output keeps you lean and storing less food away.
Exercise is a huge part of what makes for healthy weight loss. Exercise comes in aerobic and anaerobic varieties. Aerobic exercise involves things like bicycling, running, walking, swimming and other activities where you are raising your heart rate and breathing rate in order to burn off calories and keep up good cardiovascular health. Engaging in these activities help you become stronger and more able to do activities of daily living without difficulty. They also burn calories, which is a healthy way to lose weight.
Anaerobic activities involve primarily weight lifting and the strengthening of muscles against resistance. Such exercises can include work with hand weights, arm weights or machines that are designed to provide weight resistance against a set amount of weight for the arms, legs, back and abdomen. Calories are burned in the exercise but primarily the activity is designed to build muscle. More muscle equals more fat-burning power all day and night.
Healthy weight loss is the best way to approach losing weight and gives you the best opportunity to keep the weight off once it is gone. As you can see, by following a self-made, low-fat and low-calorie diet, exercising regularly and keeping motivated you can lose quite a bit of weight. I have lost 19 pounds in the last month with a healthy weight loss approach and I feel so much better physically and mentally about my health and life. You can do it too, you just need to be prepared to put the work and energy into it.
Exercise is crucial for good health, and can aid in weight loss. Exercise helps the immune system work more efficiently, and will help someone feel good each and every day if they stay on a good program. Whether exercising to lose weight, maintain weight, to build muscle, or just for the sake of health, it is important to do it right and also to make sure the right foods are ingested before and after exercise for the best possible benefit from your activity.
 Choosing the right foods to eat before and after exercise can improve health and weight loss.
The foods you eat before and after exercise can help you or hinder you, depending on your goals. This is very important for losing weight or for men trying to build muscle, but it is a good idea for anyone on an exercise program to know what they should and should not be eating when physically active. If you are an athlete, eating the right things can be essential for your performance and may even mean the difference between being good and being great at what you do.
When thinking about eating before exercise, use what you already know. If you have a huge meal before you exercise, some of your energy is going to be used to digest rather than exercise and you could feel sluggish. Fats and proteins are digested rather slowly, so they are not the best food choices right before you work out. Thus, if you are on a low-carb diet that is higher in proteins and fats, eat at least three to four hours before exercising.
Carbohydrates consumed in meals will move through your body quickly and give a burst of energy that is of great help during a workout. Even then, however, try to limit eating carbohydrate-type foods to at least an hour before exercise, or longer if you can.
While proteins are essential for building muscle, they should not be eaten right after exercise. Save protein for a meal later in the day and be sure to get enough (See this blog post Daily Protein Requirements for more information). Instead, focus on carbohydrates after exercise to replenish both the glucose and water that was lost during exercise. It is recommended that you wait an hour before eating any type of meal after exercise.
Anyone participating in a regular exercise program should include carbohydrates in their diet, but choose healthy carbs such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. For those who wish to take on an intense workout routine, one of the best places to get food and eating information would be from a doctor or a dietitian. A doctor should give you a physical to make sure you are healthy enough for the program that you have in mind. A dietitian can tell what to eat before and after exercise and what foods best benefit your program when eating throughout the rest of your day.
Is it that time already? This is Week 3 of my goal to lose 30 pounds in 90 days and I am feeling much more confindent about my weekly weigh in. I had a good week staying with my diet plan and I managed to squeeze in six days of exercise. I felt really driven this week to try to lose weight because of my setback last week. Here goes…
My current weight as of this morning is 224 lbs
Wow, a I am so proud of myself this week. I lost six pounds over the past seven days and have lost a total of 13 pounds in three weeks. It’s starting to look like losing 30 pounds in 90 days (three months) is quite a realistic weight loss goal to set for myself and I am certainly feeling motivated to keep going.
 Preparing healthy, lower-calorie meals for the whole family can be challenging, but also very rewarding.
I have tried dieting many times before, but this time feels very different. I have learned so much about losing weight, health and nutrition over the past couple of years and it is all coming together in this deeper understanding of what weight loss is all about.
I think the biggest difference between this weight loss effort and my other ones is that I am diligently tracking how many calories I eat every day. Planning my daily meals has become more like a science fair project, with adding up calories and trying to balance proteins and carbohydrates. This past weekend I spent three hours carefully planning my meals for this week and writing out a very specific grocery list for just the items I needed, nothing more. When I went shopping I bought only the items on my list, which kept me away from buying food I didn’t need.
I know that some families, particularly with young children, would have a hard time doing this kind of meal planning and strict grocery shopping. Many of my friends are in that boat and have a very difficult time controlling what they eat at meals when they have to make food for the whole family. In these situations, controlling your portion sizes at meals is extremely important.
I admit that even though it is just me and my husband (so far) in our family, planning out our meals and sticking to them can pose some real challenges. Since I am not willing to make two separate meals for us each night, my husband has been “forced” to “diet” along side me. Although he sometimes gripes about not eating the way we used to, he is also starting to lose weight and feel healthier too. So even though it may be difficult to change what you eat when you have a family to cook for, making healthier, lower-calorie meals will benefit everyone.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids are some of nature’s best work as far as fats go. These “healthy” fats, also known as Poly-Unsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFAs), have many health benefits including improving cognitive (memory and performance) functions in the brain, lowering high blood pressure, reducing high cholesterol and preventing heart disease.
 Salmon is one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids.
In addition to these wonderful health benefits, recent research has found that omega-3 fatty acids consumed in the diet may be capable of improving insulin levels, particularly in people with insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome. Insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome are both health conditions typically associated with obesity and can greatly influence the body’s ability to lose weight. Both these conditions, which are considered to be precursors to Type 2 Diabetes, are related to a decline in the body’s sensitivity to the hormone insulin and a corresponding increase in the amount of insulin produced. Higher insulin production results in a decline in your body’s ability to use stored fat for energy, combined with an increase in the amount of fat your body makes. For this reason, people suffering from insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome are prone to weight gain and have an abnormally difficult time losing body fat even with dieting.
Researches with the Landspitali-University Hospital & Faculty of Food Science and Nutrition in Iceland recently published their findings regarding the influence of omega-3 fatty acids on insulin resistance in a group of overweight and obese European young adults (Diabetologia. 2008 Jul;51(7):1261-8. Epub 2008 May 20). What they found was that when omega-3 fatty acids were consumed in the form of either lean fish or fish oil as part of a calorie-restricted diet, there was a statistical improvement in insulin resistance among the test group.
The weight loss benefits of consuming omega-3 fatty acids is not only limited to the treatment of insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome. New research suggests that consuming a meal rich in omega-3 fatty acids may also help to promote the feeling of satiety (fullness), naturally reducing the amount of calories consumed (Appetite. 2008 Nov;51(3):676-80. Epub 2008 Jun 14).
It is apparent that omega-3 fatty acids offer a range of health benefits, including weight loss and it is worthwhile to supplement your diet with this healthy fat. Since your body is unable to produce omega-3 fatty acids, you must make sure to eat foods that contain it. Foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids include salmon, flax seeds and walnuts. Other good sources of omega-3 fatty acids include scallops, halibut, shrimp, cod, tuna, soyabeans, tofu, kale, collard greens, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, cloves and mustard seeds.
Some people love exercising and are happiest when they are physically active. However, many of us don’t share the same enthusiasm and would rather spend our free time relaxing than moving our bodies. Part of the issue with exercise is that instead of viewing it as something fun and entertaining, we often see it as a chore or something we have to do to lose weight. Furthermore, many of us have a distorted understanding of exercise and are prone to thinking that you need to take on a rigorous program, such as hard-core cardio workouts and strength training to lose weight and get in shape, but this simply isn’t true. Although cardiovascular activities and strength training should be a part of your regular exercise routine, for the most part just getting up and being active everyday will go a long way to helping you lose weight and improving your overall health.
 Walking is an excellent form of exercise and a perfect activity to begin with if you haven't been very physically active.
If your body weight interferes with being physically active, then I recommend you read this article “Exercising When Overweight” that has excellent suggestions for low-impact exercises that are gentle on the body and will improve your physical fitness.
There are a number of ways you can get your body moving to lose weight. Best of all, since there are so many types of exercises, you’re bound to find one you truly enjoy. To help give you ideas, consider the following great exercise activities that many people have fun with:
Fun Exercises that can Help You Lose Weight
Swimming – Moving your body underwater takes a lot of strength because the body is faced with so much resistance. Regular swimming builds endurance, cardio vascular fitness and strengthens your muscles. Even if you are not an avid swimmer you can join a class that offers water exercises, such as aquacize, which are not only highly beneficial to your health and fitness, but are also low-impact on the body.
Dancing – This is a great cardio workout that helps you burn calories. You can do all sorts of dancing to obtain your exercise fix. You can join a class and learn new dances, boogie to your favourite song around the house while you are cleaning or dance for no reason at all.
Jumping on a trampoline – You’ll be amazed at how beneficial bouncing up and down on a trampoline is for your health and it’s so easy to do! You can develop balance, coordination, improve your flexibility and posture, give your muscles and cardiovascular system a workout and, of course, lose weight.
Gardening and yard work – You can burn calories by pushing a lawnmower, trimming hedges, pulling weeds, etc. In addition to summer chores, shovelling snow in the winter months is also highly beneficial.
Playing with the kids or dog – If you have children or a pet you can play with, this is the perfect opportunity to exercise and bond with them. There are many wonderful things you can do together including walks, sports, swimming, tag, etc.
Workout with a friend – Sometimes the best way to maintain regular exercise is to look forward to doing your activity with a friend. Running, jogging, walking, cycling or joining a fitness class with someone is very enjoyable and helps you stay motivated.
There are a multitude of other exciting exercises awaiting you including: Yoga, pilates, rock climbing, hiking, skating, snowshoeing, racquet sports, boxercise and the list goes on and on. Thus, don’t limit yourself. Try new things, and put your energy into your daily activities. Exercise is whatever you want it to be, so make it fun!
When I first decided to start losing weight, which was a few years ago now, the thought of exercising was almost enough to prevent me from trying. Visions of myself, a 200+ pound woman jogging down the main street where we lived seemed ridiculous and disturbing at best. And then envisioning myself at the gym, surrounded by all sorts of crazy health nuts staring at me while I walk on a treadmill almost did me in for good as far as exercise at a gym goes. The truth of the matter, however, is that without exercise any attempt to lose weight would be almost futile. If losing weight was something I really wanted (needed) then I was going to have to find a way to include exercise in my weight loss program.
 Dev, 19, the world's smallest body builder can inspire us all to overcome our barriers to exercise. Photo © Barcroft Media
I think that exercise is one major area of a weight loss program where many people falter. The real trick for exercise is to set realistic goals for yourself, much like you have to do for losing weight. When I first started exercising, just getting out for a 20 minute walk was enough and I slowly worked my way up from there.
I always figure… “If I could do it, so can you”. So for the new dieters out there who may be feeling confused as to how to start exercising, here are some helpful tips to get you started.
Exercise Tips for New Dieters
Start slowly and gradually increase intensity – If you haven’t had exercise as a part of your life for a while then a really good way to start is with a short walk. That’s it. Even if you can only get out and across the street and back at first, walking is a great exercise. Even that short amount will help. More and more walking can be added as time goes on, and other activities can be added as you feel more fit.
Build up your muscles – All new dieters, men and women should lift small amounts of weight as part of their weekly routines. Building muscle helps to prevent muscle deterioration that can occur from dieting. Many women in particular leave weight lifting out of their exercise routine and this is often a huge mistake. Women worry that they are going to bulk up like bodybuilders, but that is really not going to happen because women are not genetically prone to big, bulking mucles. Instead, women build lean muscle that helps tone and tighten.
Do exercises that you enjoy – A key to staying on top of exercise is to mix it up. You may see rows and rows of people at the gym on the treadmills and elliptical machines, and assume that is what you have to do too. That is not the case unless you think that is something you will enjoy. The trick to staying with an exercise program is to pick activities that you are going to enjoy and stick with in the long run. It could be just about anything that keeps you moving: skating, hiking, walking, or playing baseball are just a few options. Do it as long as you love it, and you are going to stick with it longer.
Drink lots of water – You probably hear a lot about the importance of drinking water while dieting. That is because it is the best thing you can do for your body and that goes double for when you are exercising, even when it is just a walk around the block. Drink plenty of clean, cool water and avoid calorie-laden sport drinks.
Happy exercising everyone!
I felt some hesitation to step up on the old bathroom scale this morning for my weekly weigh in. I knew a few things had gone sideways this weekend and I was afraid of the consequences.
My current weight as of this morning is 230 lbs
Despite a good effort, I only lost 1 lb last week. So what went so terribly wrong? Well, the error of my ways happened on Saturday when I went to celebrate a friends birthday. I didn’t think at all about how I would manage my diet and go to a party at the same time. I promised myself I would have a couple of drinks and that would be it, but as the night progressed and the drinks flowed my willpower fizzled away and I found myself “making love” to the birthday cake.
The next day I felt devastated at what I had done, but I also didn’t feel well enough to go to the gym, so I didn’t exercise. With my body loaded with calories and carbs, it quickly stored all that excess energy into body fat and stored up water. One night of cheating probably set me back 4 pounds.
 The Birthday Cake was a blackforest, just like this one. Can you blame me?
Dieting does not mean you have to avoid all social situations that involve drinking and eating. To help I’ve come up with this handy list of Weight Loss Tips for a Party Night.
Weight Loss Tips for a Party Night
Bring your own 0.5% beer or cider to the party. Non-alcoholic beers and ciders can be pretty tasty and give you the feeling that you’re going wild ‘n crazy, but without the alcohol. These beverages still contain calories though, so don’t go overboard. Drink lots of water during the night too.
Do not socialize in the kitchen. The kitchen is one of the most common places for party socializing, but that’s because it is the epi-center of the food. When at a party, try to avoid the kitchen chatter and find conversations that can be had elsewhere.
Suggest a party game that gets you up and moving. Party games, such as Pictionary and charades, are a great way for people to have fun and keep themselves busy. The busier you are, the less you’ll be reaching for the bowl of chips or next helping of cake. If you’re not sure if the party host has one of these games, bring one along with you. Another tip would be to suggest you all go out to do an activity, such as bowling.
If it’s brown, put it down. Now there are words to live by! In the context of food though, brown foods are almost always the high-calorie, high-carbohydrate, high-fat variety. Examples are nuts, chocolate, deep-fried foods, chips and so on. Make a goal for yourself the next time you go out to a party to avoid all foods that are brown.
Socialize standing up. When you socialize standing up you exert more energy and burn a few more calories than if you were sitting. Also, you can only hold so many things in your hands while you stand, which will hopefully keep you from overeating.
These are the five top Weight Loss Tips for a Party Night that I could come up with. I’m sure there are many more so don’t be shy to tell us about any tips you may know of for these special occasions.