Before I tell you about one of the more important aspects of a healthy weight loss diet, the carb:protein:fat ratio, it is time to do my weekly weigh in. Actually, my weigh in day was yesterday, but I was away from my computer so it is one day late – sorry. At yesterday morning’s weigh in my weight was…
195 lbs
This is another week of losing 4 or more pounds and I couldn’t be happier. I know that most people say healthy weight loss should occur at an average of about two pounds a week. In my experience, however, many people will lose weight faster than this even if they are following a healthy weight loss program, especially if they have lots of weight to lose (like me). As long as you are eating right and getting lots of exercise, don’t worry if you are losing weight faster.
 Following the recommended carb protein fat ratio in your diet will help you to lose more weight or overcome a weight loss plateau.
Recently, with the help of fitday.com, I have been able to track the amount of fats, carbs and proteins I eat each day. Before using fitday.com I had no idea what these values were or how close (or far) I was to reaching the recommended carb protein fat ratio that is recommended for a healthy weight loss diet. Now, it is true that I have been losing weight without paying any attention to the carb:protein:fat ratios of the calories I eat, but now that I have been following it more closely I have been losing weight more consistently. Since I have changed nothing in my exercise routine, I have to assume that my recent weight loss streak has something to do with balancing these sources of calories in my diet. So if you are not losing weight consistently, or are perhaps struggling with a weight loss plateau, modifying your diet so that your within the recommended carb:protein:fat ratio may be just the thing you need.
There are a few things to understand about fats, carbs, and proteins that will help any dieter. The more a person knows about what they are eating and why they are eating them, the more powerful their diet is going to be for them. You can go on any diet, but if it does not make sense to you, you won’t be as willing to stay on it because you are confused. If you understand why you are making the food choices that you are making, and what is going on in your body, you are more likely to stay put with your eating plan and will see great results in the long run.
Carbohydrates are found in foods like fruits and vegetables, and also in many processed foods that contain sugar, flour, and other white foods. These carbs are made into glucose and will impact your blood sugar. The fruit and vegetable variety of carbs are the ones you want to have the most of (as they have the lowest blood sugar impact) and you want to avoid the processed type. The processed ones have the most impact on blood sugar and cause huge peaks and valleys in blood sugar levels and insulin. When sugar levels drop, hunger ensues. That is what you want to avoid.
Fats and proteins are not the same thing, but they do both help with keeping a person fuller for a longer period of time. Fats are not as bad for you as you may think, as long as you are not eating the wrong types. Stay with natural fats found in nuts and the unsaturated variety you find in other foods. Proteins come from meat, beans and nuts, and are more slowly digested with little impact on blood sugar. Eaten in the right amounts, fats and proteins keep you strong while keeping you full.
For the most part, the carb:protein:fat ratio in a healthy weight loss diet is generally about 40-50% carbs, 25-35% protein and 20-30% fats. However, that is only a guideline. If you have pre-diabetes (insulin resistance), you will want a lower the carb ratio in your diet, thus lowering your blood sugar. Bodybuilders or people who are trying to build more muscle mass may want to include more protein in their diet that what this ratio suggests. It is also recommended for a weight loss diet that you keep your sodium intake below 2500mg a day and consume at least 25 grams of fiber.
As I mentioned before, I am now tracking my carb protein fat ratios in my diet using fitday.com. If this is something you want to try as well, go to fitday and sign up for a free account. There are a number of other online resource that all do the same thing as well. Check out a short list of them in my post “Best Online Diet Trackers“.
Happy Canada Day to all of our beautiful Canadian friends :)!
Weight loss drugs and supplements come and go from the shelves all the time. It can happen with any drug on the market – prescription or not. Hydroxycut was just one drug in the recent past that has been pulled. Hydroxycut was a supplement to help the dieter out with eating less and getting stubborn fat deposits off of the body (see Weight Loss Center’s review of Hydroxycut here: Hydroxycut Review). This was a natural supplement, not an FDA approved drug. While most people who used it did not have any problems, there were a few cases of people who reacted badly to it, and it was pulled from the market.
 In May 2009 the FDA deemed all 14 Hydroxycut products unsafe for consumption following 23 reports of liver damage in users.
Hydroxycut was recalled after there were 23 different reports of people who took the supplement having liver-related problems. As with any type of drug or substance that goes through the body, it is filtered out by the liver. For some, the liver reacted badly and they became sick. Due to that, even though the numbers were very small in comparison to the number of people who took this supplement, the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) issued an official warning about taking these weight loss products on May 1, 2009, in which they deem all 14 Hydroxycut products unsafe for consumption.
The Food and Drug Administration does not have any jurisdiction over things that are called ‘natural’ and that are sold as health ‘supplements’ therefore Hydroxycut did not have FDA approval before it came on the market. They rely on reports given to them voluntarily to determine if there may be a problem with any supplement. There were more than 14 or more different types of Hydroxycut on the market before it was deemed unsafe. Because the formula for the supplement was changed so many times, it was unclear which ingredient it was within the supplement that caused liver problems in a small percentage of users.
The typical problems associated with the use of Hydroxycut other than generalized liver damage are jaundice, seizure, and cardiovascular disorders. Some liver damage led to the need for a transplant. A young man (aged 19) died from taking the supplement. Those that still have some Hydroxycut and are still using it should stop, and should go to a doctor if symptoms of liver problems arise. These include jaundice (yellowing of the skin), extreme loss of appetite, brown urine, vomiting/nausea, pale stools, fatigue and excessive weakness, pain in the abdomen, and some skin dryness leading to itching.
Hydroxycut is an example of why some weight loss products that are labeled as non-prescription, natural, or as dietary supplements can be dangerous despite the fact that they may contain all-natural ingredients and do not require a prescription. There are many of these products that are safe, but some are not, which is why reading diet pill reviews is very helpful when considering a weight loss product. A general rule of thumb is to only take products that provide a public listing of ingredients. If you are taking a weight loss supplement and odd symptoms occur, see a doctor immediately and be sure to disclose the use of any supplement along with other medications when asked what you are taking.
Other Related Posts and Articles you May Find Interesting: “New Prescription Diet Pill – Vigabatrin Use For Weight Loss“, “Weight Loss with Fat Burners” and “Buying Diet Pills Online“.
Last night my husband and I had another serious talk about having children. It is so hard when you know you want to have them someday, but it never seems like just the right time. Unfortunately, nature does not give you a lifetime for deciding when to have children, at least not for women. So after numerous conversations over the years and knowing this is something we both want, we have decided to throw caution to the wind and begin trying to have a child. I am really excited about this decision, but also really nervous because I don’t know what to expect. One thing I wasn’t sure about was the risks obesity poses to pregnancy. So last night I was up to the wee hours in the morning reading as much information as I can on the subject. Here’s a summary for any of you who are overweight and considering getting pregnant.
 There are a number or risks obesity poses to pregnancy and is the reason why overweight women are encouraged to lose weight before becoming pregnant.
Being very overweight or obese typically comes with a host of health problems. Anyone with a BMI (body mass index) of at least 30 is considered obese by the medical community (despite my amazing weight loss, my BMI is 32). Some who are obese are healthier than others of the same BMI, but they still risk their health if they do not lose weight. It is not ideal to become pregnant while fitting in the obese category, but it can happen and it can turn out alright. There are some specific problems that can come about for an obese mom-to-be of which she needs to pay special attention. Dads should also know about these so they too can look for signs of a potential problem.
Gestational diabetes can happen with obese pregnant women, though a woman does not need to be obese to have this complication. Some women who have PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) also have insulin resistance (please read the post “Weight Loss, Insulin Resistance and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome“). This is often the reason they are overweight or struggle to lose weight. When such a women is pregnant, she runs the risk of gestational diabetes forming during the second half of the pregnancy. It usually goes away after birth, but can have serious complications for mom and baby if not monitored and treated during pregnancy.
Preeclampsia is another problem that is more common in obese moms-to-be. This condition can be very dangerous if not noticed and treated. This condition causes high blood pressure and fluid retention. These can sometimes be severe. The mother may appear to be swollen and will be carrying a lot of extra water weight in her legs and feet, if not other areas as well. If left to go out of control, this can cause blood flow restriction, which in turn harms the unborn baby.
Obese women are at a higher risk for a Cesarean section. It is thought that overweight moms have a harder and slower labor, which may result in fetal distress. When that happens, a Cesarean is necessary. Along with the typical risks of surgery, there is also a higher rate of infection after a Cesarean that can put the life of the mother at risk. Note that many obese moms have normal delivery, and that this is also something that can happen to women of healthy weight.
Other risks obesity poses to pregnancy have to do with the development of the fetus. These are all risks with any pregnancy, but the chances of them occurring rise a bit higher with obesity. That is why obese women are encouraged to lose some weight before becoming pregnant if they can. These include an increased risk of neural tube defects, cleft palate, spina bifida, fluid on the brain, cardiovascular problems, and limb abnormalities.
After doing my research last night about the risks obesity poses to pregnancy, I decided the best thing I could do was make an appointment with my doctor and discuss with her all of my concerns about being overweight and pregnant. I think that continuing to lose weight and a visit with my doctor is likely the best thing I can do to make myself as healthy as possible for pregnancy.
When I first began going to the gym on a regular basis to get exercise about the only exercise machine I recognized was the treadmill. Some of the cardio machines that are out there looked darn intimidating and I had no idea how to use most of them. As I became more comfortable in the gym and had a couple of sessions with a trainer there I learned about the different types of cardio machines that not only provide an amazing cardio workout, but are also low-impact. Finding low-impact cardio exercises that I was comfortable using was particularly important when I first started out because I didn’t want to put unnecessary strain on my knees or other joints.
 There are a number of different types of low-impact exercise machines you can use to get a good cardio workout that is easy on the knees and hips.
There are many ways that you can get into shape, but your exercise routine must have two components. You have to do some type of strength training, and then you have to get in cardiovascular activity – otherwise known as cardio. Both men and women should have both in a good workout plan. Cardio can be done in many ways, which is good because people all have a different idea of what they like to do and what they can stick with from day to day. If you aren’t one for jogging or biking, which are both activities that can cause strain on the hips and knees, then using a low- impact cardio machine for cardio may be the perfect option for you. There are many different machines out there and the best idea is to take the time to try out a bunch to find which ones you like the best.
The standard exercise bike has been around for a long time and can be the machine of choice for those that must have a lower impact workout. This machine is great for those that are pregnant or obese, as it takes much of the strain off of the knees and the rest of the body while still allowing a pretty decent and intense workout. Recumbent exercise bikes are also available and are the best choice for easing joint strain while exercising. Of course, as with all activities, to get the most benefit from your workout on an exercise bike you will need to work hard enough. Adjust the resistance on the bike until you have to do some work to pedal and gradually increase the intensity of your workouts as your body becomes stronger.
The elliptical machine is also a popular type of low-impact cardio exercise machine (and is my personal favorite machine to use). These have a very fluid motion that makes the joints work in a positive manner without adding to or creating damage in the knees or hips. The type that has moving arm rests tends to be the best as they can offer a workout for the back and arms as well, not just the legs and core. Unlike the exercise bike, however, the elliptical requires a person to hold their own weight. Most elliptical machines have pedals that can be adjusted according to your stride. Take the time to adjust the pedals properly before beginning your workout to avoid any unnecessary strain on your hip joints.
Another low-impact exercise machine for cardio that is similar to the elliptical is the Arc Trainer. If you’ve ever stayed up late enought at night to see the infomercials with a crazy guy with a ponytail, Tony Little, almost busting the seams of his shorts on the “Gazelle” then you have seen an Arc Trainer before. Basically this machine allows you to swing your legs in a wide stride and the resistance can be adjusted to give you a harder or easier workout. Some people prefer the arc trainer to an elliptical because it positions the feet and legs in a slightly different way that removes almost all torque from the knees and hips when exercising.
While not as common, the rowing machine is also one of the best low-impact exercise machines for cardio. Though most think this just works out the upper body and arms, it also works out the back, core muscles and legs. There is little to no impact on the knees and hips with this machine and body weight is predominantly supported by the machine, making it an excellent choice of exercise machine for people who are quite overweight or have bad knees or hips.
Of course, you can get low-impact cardio without machines if that is what you wish. If you have bad knees and other joints in your body, take an aerobic workout done in a swimming pool such as aquacise. You can find these at your local gym in many cases, and you can also work out on your own if you have a pool in your yard. You can also ask someone at your gym about other low-impact exercise options they have to offer.
Other Related Posts and Articles you May Find Interesting: “Exercising When Overweight“, “Exercise Tips for New Dieters” and “Body Shaker Vibration Plates“.
This past week marks a momentous occasion for me. On June 17th I celebrated my one year weight loss blogging anniversary and I cannot believe how far I’ve come. When I was first asked to blog for Weight Loss Center I was skeptical that I would have anything interesting to say on a daily basis. However, as the days went on I always found pieces of my life that were related and could be shared. I also started to embrace weight loss blogging as a way to help myself lose weight and set weight loss goals. This experience of writing for Weight Loss Center has been life-changing and I will be forever grateful for the opportunity that they have given me. Thanks guys, you’re the best!
I suppose there is no better way to commemorate my weight loss blogging anniversary that with a weekly weigh in. Last week was pretty impressive – I lost 7 pounds and was down to 204lbs. At this morning’s weigh in my weight was…
198 lbs
Yes, whoot whoot! I am ecstatic. I am elated. I am encouraged. I am, for the first time in over three years, below 200lbs. This is the best anniversary gift I could have given myself.
 This week marks my one year weight loss blogging anniversary. In this post I share the best dieting tips I have learned over the past year.
Now that I’m calming down from my excitement of this morning’s weigh in I can begin to reflect on what I have learned over the past year of blogging. As I’m searching through my old posts and reading through some of my favorites, I feel that today would be perfect for pointing out the best dieting tips I’ve learned over the past year. Here they are, in no particular order:
Dieting Tip #1: Keep a weight loss journal. My weight loss became much more structured when I started setting goals for myself and started documenting all foods and calories I eat on a daily basis. Although keeping a weight loss journal by hand is time consuming, now that I use Fitday.com I am able to track all my calories consumed, calories burned and lots of other interesting nutritional info. On a daily basis I try to have a calorie deficit of 500 to 1000 calories. This works out to be a 2-4 pound loss of body fat a week, which is a healthy rate to lose weight.
Dieting Tip #2: Learn as much as you can. Weight loss blogging has helped me learn about myself and what it takes to lose weight. This is because when I am curious about a weight loss topic I am motivated to find the answer and share it in the blog. In this way I have gained so much more knowledge about dieting, weight loss, fitness and exercise and as we all know, knowledge is power. For all the dieters out there trying to lose weight I cannot tell you enough how important it is that you learn about basic nutrition and health. Read blogs, read books, participate in forums (Weight Loss Center has a great forum here: Weight Loss Forum) and learn as much as you can. Not only will this knowledge help you through losing weight right now, but it will give you a solid foundation for making long-term and permanent lifestyle changes that will help you maintain your weight in the future.
Dieting Tip #3: Stop Making Excuses! There are a million-and-one excuses we can make to avoid dieting or exercise. “I can’t afford a gym membership so I can’t exercise” (someone actually said this to me, see the post here “Weight Loss Done Cheap“) or “I don’t have time to eat healthier meals”. I used to be the queen of excuses and for that reason I have spent most of my youth and adult life overweight. What has changed these days is my determination. I really want to lose weight and I’m doing all I can to achieve that. This is what weight loss requires. You have to make hard choices, like exercising even when you have a cold or having only a couple of drinks at a party instead of a whole bunch. You may feel like you are missing out sometimes, but it’s worth it and it’s necessary.
Dieting Tip #4: Water is the essence of life and weight loss. Everyone who writes weight loss tips always, always mentions how important it is to drink lots of water. Without water your body becomes dehydrated and your metabolism slows down (refer to the post “How Dehydration Affects Metabolism“), which is not what you want when trying to lose weight. Also, drinking water is a great way to help fight hunger pangs and is a spectacular, zero-calorie and refreshing beverage to replace other high-calorie drinks with, such as juices, coffees and sodas. Enough said.
Dieting Tip #5: Protein is one of nature’s most powerful appetite suppressants. Using protein to curb hunger is something that I only started to do recently. This post that I wrote back in May, “How Protein Curbs Hunger” really opened my eyes to how easy and great a dieting tip this is. Since this post I have been making sure to have a source of protein every morning with breakfast, bring a lunch that also contains protein and also one protein snack that I eat about an hour before exercising. The difference in my hunger, particularly between meals is really noticeable. My favorite high-protein snack is chocolate protein shakes (made with one cup skim milk and chocolate soy protein powder). This snack is easy, tasty and can be brought to work or wherever I may be.
Dieting Tip #6: Remove temptation and get rid of your junk food. I would love to say that I have will-power of steel, but really I don’t. Although I don’t struggle too much with the temptation of donuts in the office like I used to (the problem with office donuts described here “Insulin Response to Sight and Smell of Sweet Foods“) I find that when I am at home almost anything goes. For this reason I have had to ban all processed junk foods from my sight in our house. My husband still eats it occasionally, but he has a hidden stash somewhere that I’ve yet to find. The point here is that dieting is hard enough just getting through day-to-day and it is important to make your house, or at least your kitchen, a safe place to be. Get rid of the chips, cookies and crackers and replace them with healthy, low-calorie snacks (don’t forget protein snacks like cheese sticks or beef jerky). Then, when you do reach for something at least you won’t be taking two steps backwards in your diet.
Dieting Tip #7: Mix up your exercise routine. Our bodies are much smarter than we give them credit for. Really, all our bodies want to do is the most amount of work for the least amount of energy. The body is always striving to become more efficient – it’s a survival skill. So when it comes to exercise you need to mix up your routine so that your body doesn’t become accustom to what’s required of it. This makes your body work harder and burn more calories during activity. In the past six months I have really been focusing on this when exercising. A couple of days a week I’ll go to the gym for cardio and weights, then a long bike ride at least one day, then jogging another day and interval training another. I also go swimming, play sports (soccer, tennis) and take long walks. Not only has mixing up my exercise routine kept my body on its toes, but it has also kept my brain stimulated and exercising is not as boring as it used to be so I’m more inclined to do it.
Dieting Tip #8: Set small weight loss goals to work towards. Setting weight loss goals for myself is one of the best things I have done. Before the goals were set I was trying to lose weight, but the task often felt daunting because I had so much weight to lose. However, when I started setting smaller goals for myself I started to have much more success. It’s also really fun because instead of celebrating one big weight loss, you can celebrate a whole lot of little ones. When you first start dieting make your goal really small, like 5 or 10 pounds. Then, once you’ve reached that you can make bigger goals like 15 to 20 pounds or just keep to the small ones. Find what works best for you and stick to it.
Dieting Tip #9: Start your diet the second you decide you want to lose weight. Postponing the beginning of your diet for a week, or a month or even a day can be a big mistake. Many people say they will start “tomorrow”, but never actually do and the whole cycle repeats over and over. Instead, as soon as you say to yourself, “I want to go on a diet and lose weight” you should consider yourself dieting. There will always be occasions in life that make dieting “inconvenient”, but the sooner you learn to get through those occasions without totally blowing your diet the better off you’ll be.
Dieting Tip #10: Take responsibility for your health. Although the majority of my blog posts over the past year have had to do with dieting and weight loss, one of the things I feel I have benefited most from is learning about my own health in general. Healthy eating and exercise are not just a part of dieting, but they are an essential part of living a long life. Treat your body like it is a temple. Stop polluting yourself with fats and chemicals and preservatives and start rejuvenating your body with natural foods, such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Another important part of taking responsibility for your health is to get a checkup by your doctor. Your health lies in your own hands, so take control and make the changes that are needed.
Well, I feel like I could go on and on about all the amazing dieting tips I’ve learned over the past year of weight loss blogging. It has been an amazing journey and I can’t wait to look back in a years time and see how much more I have accomplished and learned. Thank you everyone for visiting and reading and learning with me. I appreciate all the comments from our visitors too and look forward to many, many more conversations. Finally, today I would like to leave you with a short list of some of my favorite posts from the past year. Not only were these posts inspiring to write, but in some way they have all changed how I live my own life. Enjoy :).
Guinea Piggy’s Top 5 Life-Changing Blog Posts (so far):
“Charities that Fight Hunger”
“Talking to Your Children about Weight Loss”
“Healthy Weight Loss”
“Weight Loss Tips for a Party Night”
“Tips to Avoid Overeating“
Hypothyroidism is a thyroid disorder that lowers the production of the thyroid hormone. The poor supply of this hormone in the body disrupts the body’s metabolism and normally causes physical and mental adverse conditions. Symptoms of hypothyroidism observed in adults include fatigue, cold sensitivity, depression, constipation, goiter, headaches, low appetite and weight gain among others. When hypothyroidism is suspected, doctors test for it by checking the levels of thyroid-stimulating hormones in the blood. Although not all causes of hypothyroidism are understood, the majority of cases is attributed to a deficiency in iodine, childbirth or genetics.
 Weight gain caused by an under-active thyroid can often be successfully treated by following a hypothyroidism diet that is high in protein-rich foods, such as fish.
The greatest concern for most people with hypothyroidism is weight gain that arises when the food energy they consume is not metabolized efficiently and thus accumulates as body fat. Some of the recommended solutions for hypothyroid weight gain include drug therapy, physical exercise and a healthy diet. Some of the thyroid hormone replacement drugs used to treat hypothyroidism include Thyroid and Synthroid. However, hypothyroid medications can cause serious health side-effects and should be taken only under the direct supervision of a doctor.
In many cases, hypothyroidism weight gain can be managed with a healthy diet. Individuals with hypothyroidism who want to manage their weight through diet should avoid foods that contain a lot of salt, iron, calcium, soy and drugs for acidity or ulcers. This is because products with soy, antacids and vitamins hinder the absorption of the thyroid hormone. However, if you have a pre-existing condition, such as Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), that is treated with antacids seek medical advice about the best dietary options for you. Besides this, people with hypothyroidism are encouraged to eat foods that contain fiber, zinc, copper and iodine. Also, protein-rich foods that contain the amino acid tyrosine like chicken, turkey, fish, avocado, bananas, milk, cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, lima beans, pumpkin seeds, and sesame seeds, are particularly good to add to a hypothyroidism diet because tyrosine increases the production of thyroid hormone. Hypothyroidism diet plans also suggest that you limit carbohydrate intake, thus a diet high in protein and fiber and low in carbohydrates, such as Eco-Atkins, may be suitable as a hypothyroid diet.
Physical exercise is also greatly encouraged for people with hypothyroidism as it helps the body jump start the metabolism system that burns off excess weight. Moreover, getting enough rest and adequate sleep also significantly helps the body’s metabolism function better. It is also good for people with hypothyroidism to know how to calm their bodies by selecting the most effective technique that works for them. For instance, if using aerobics does not work to relive stress they can choose other methods like tai chi or yoga.
Individuals with weight gain problems caused by hypothyroidism need to be aware that their unbalanced body chemistry makes it harder for them to lose weight as fast as they would like to. People with underactive thyroid need to make lifestyle changes, such as eating a healthy diet and regular exercise, that will not only help them to lose excess weight, but will help them to maintain a healthy body weight over the long term. In addition, avoiding stimulants, drinking plenty of water, reducing stress, staying motivated to lose weight and doing daily relaxation techniques can go a long way towards helping hypothyroidism individuals get control over their body weight.
You may think that your mood depends on how you feel when you wake up in the morning or what happens to you as you go through your day. More often than not, your mood is not only due to your life, but also to the chemicals in your body that are supposed to regulate your mood and sense of well being. However, these chemicals are not always balanced as they should be and that can leave you feeling down, angry, frustrated, depressed and ill-tempered. Do you want to feel better, happier and more relaxed without turning to that tub of double chocolate fudge ice cream for comfort? Try adding some of these weight loss foods that improve your mood to your daily diet.
 There are many foods that not only help you to lose weight, but will help to improve your mood. Yes, it's true, losing weight can make you happier, at least as far as your foods are concerned.
Some foods are going to make you feel good, but that does not mean they are good for you. These foods are called “comfort foods” and we all have some. Usually comfort foods are high in processed carbohydrates, preservatives, chemicals and sugars. When you eat these types of foods you experience a spike in blood sugar, which gives you a temporary “high”. You may feel great for a little while, but that feeling does not last and even worse, these foods are the main culprits for contributing to weight gain. That, as you already know, is not something that is going to be good for your mood in the long-run. There are better ways to use foods to improve your mood and sense of well-being while still sticking to your diet.
Protein is an essential food to add to your diet both for losing weight and improving your mood. It will give you a jolt of feel-good hormones or anything like that, but you may notice that a diet higher in protein can help your mood stay more level throughout the day. The more proteins you eat the less hungry you are going to be, and that means you are going to eat less of those processed carbs that cause spikes and slumps in your blood sugar that throw your mood completely out of whack (see the post “Ways to Fight Sugar Cravings” for more information). Try eating a good source of protein for breakfast every day to get you and your mood started out on the right foot. Protein snacks like tuna fish, nuts, protein powder shakes and lean beef jerky are also wonderful ways to keep both your hunger at by and you in a good mood between meals. For a full list of high-protein foods, please see the post “Daily Protein Requirements”.
Vitamin D may also be a key to good mood and weight loss (I recently wrote about this in the post “The Link between Vitamin D and Weight Loss”). It is well-known that spending more time out in the sunlight can help with depression, so it makes sense that it might be the vitamin D that we get from the sun that is helping the most. You can get enough vitamin D each day with just one hour out in the sunlight, but you can also get the mood-boosting benefits you want by drinking more vitamin D fortified milk and eating vitamin D rich foods like salmon, eggs and cod liver oil.
I’m sure many of you have heard of the feel-good B vitamins. Two of the B vitamins, vitamin B9 (folate) and vitamin B12 seem to be the key to improving mood. It is thought that these vitamins help the body to make serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter that stabilizes mood. In fact, I have known a number of people who have had vitamin B shots to lower stress and it seemed to work quite well. In order to harness the mood-uplifting goodness of these vitamins either take a vitamin supplement that contains B vitamins or eat foods that contain them. Foods that are rich in folate include lentils, black-eyed peas, soybeans, oatmeal, beets, broccoli, sunflower seeds, wheat germ and oranges. Foods that are high in vitamin B12 include shellfish, salmon, lean beef, cottage cheese, yogurt, milk and eggs.
The final piece of the puzzle to eating weight loss foods that improve mood is consuming enough omega-3 fatty acids. Not only is this “healthy fat” associated with improving brain function, lowering high blood pressure and cholesterol, preventing heart disease and increasing weight loss (see the post “Omega-3 Improves Insulin and Weight Loss”), but recent research suggests that omega-3 may also help to improve mood and fight depression. To reap all of these great benefits try to include foods that are high in omega-3 in your daily diet. Some of these foods include oily fish (salmon, mackerel and sardines), ground flaxseeds, walnuts, omega-3 fortified eggs, olive oil and canola oil.
It’s true – chocolate is also good for your mood. Not only can eating dark chocolate in moderation help you to lose weight (refer to the post “Chocolate Increases Weight Loss”), but the natural elements of chocolate help raise serotonin in the body. This is a mood-altering chemical that makes us feel better. Chocolate also releases endorphin. When combined with serotonin, a lovely feeling of euphoria can be found, if only for a little while. Enjoy your chocolate, just don’t overindulge.
If you are suffering from long-term depression or stress then please see your doctor as there are medications that do wonders for helping these problems. However, if your mood is temporarily low, try adding these weight loss foods that improve mood to your diet. Not only will they help you to lose weight, but they will make you happier doing it. Well maybe not happier, but you will feel better and you will be healthier for it.
Hunger has been a real curiosity to me, mainly because I have been overweight for some time and even though my body obviously gets enough calories and has many to spare I still feel hungry and want to eat. Hunger is a common condition that everyone in the world can understand. However, for many people, hunger becomes an insatiable urge that causes them to eat well beyond the amount of food that their bodies actually need. For this reason, understanding the factors that trigger hunger in the body, which I discussed in the post “What Causes Hunger Pangs” is an area of science that is of particular interest in the weight loss industry. One area of growing interest lately has been in determining the exact role that the hormone leptin plays in regulating metabolism and hunger.
 Leptin, a hormone that is produced by fat cells, may be naturally regulated with a low-carb diet and better sleep.
Overeating can thwart any diet endeavor. If you can not control your eating, you can not control the amount of calories that you are going to consume. It might seem simple, but will power is only going to take you so far. You need help and understanding to keep going. Emotional eating is a huge problem for many, and is something of great concern. Another factor to add to the mix is also a hormone called leptin that can hinder your efforts to lose weight.
Leptin is a hormone produced by fat cells and found in the blood plasma. It is believed that leptin helps to regulate hunger in the body. If you have only a small amount of body fat, leptin levels in your body will be low and will trigger you to be hungry. This is a survival strategy your body has developed, but new research suggests that this hormonal trigger does not always work as it should. There may also be a link between leptin, smoking, and overeating, but this is something that is still being studied. Leptin may be the reason why some overeat and gain weight when they have quit smoking (a good article to read as well is “Weight Gain When You Quit Smoking“). If this is found to be true then leptin supplements may be able to help prevent those who quit smoking from overeating.
As you may know, your body turns foods into glucose, which then fuels all cells and systems of the body. There is a connection there between glucose, leptin, and hunger. Glucose triggers insulin, and it also triggers the release of leptin in the fat cells. These both regulate how much food your body thinks it needs. If there is a lot of extra insulin going through the body, the body wants to eat more. The same can be said with leptin, but the opposite is true. If there is not enough, it thinks more food is needed. As you can imagine, this can be a problem if either is out of whack. In people who are obese or overweight, their fat cells have been turning out high levels of leptin that the body has now become resistant to, also known as leptin resistance. This situation is very similar to chronically high levels of insulin causing insulin resistance.
There is some thought that leptin may also play a role in regulating metabolism. If it has control of hunger, it makes sense that it might also work with metabolism. At times, the rate of your metabolism is in direct relation to how much you are eating and when you are eating, along with other factors like age and water intake. If lower levels of leptin trigger hunger, it might also mean your metabolism is stunted because the body feels it has to conserve what body fat it has stored away.
The big question is what can we do to help control leptin levels and perhaps in turn control hunger and improve metabolism. There are some suggestions that the eating plan associated with low carb diets helps the body produce the right amount of leptin, but more studies are needed. There is also quite a bit or research that suggests a good night’s sleep is a key to controlling leptin, as too little sleep or poor sleep may cause leptin levels to fall, which triggers hunger (refer to the articles “Sleep and Weight Loss” and “Sleep Apnea and Weight Gain” for more information about leptin and sleep). Of course, if you can overcome those feelings of hunger, the best way to help your body regulate leptin levels is by losing weight and getting more exercise. In the future it will not be suprising at all if new weight loss medications are made to control the affects of leptin in the body, thus helping to control hunger. Until then it’s back to relying on will power and making sure to include enough protein and fiber in your diet to thwart those pesky hunger pangs.
Other Related Posts You May Find Interesting: “How Dehydration Affects Metabolism“, “How Fiber Helps Weight Loss“, “Foods that Stabilize Blood Sugar” and “How Protein Curbs Hunger“.
Before I get into today’s exciting topic “The Baby Food Diet” I wanted to fill everyone in on my weekly weigh in that I did this morning. This weekend was different than others. Usually I gain about four or five pounds over the weekend because of having a few drinks and eating a bit more with my hubby, but then lose most of it, but not all, Monday after working out. This weekend I made it my goal to continue losing weight and not experience the regular weekend weight gain I usually do. It wasn’t even hard. I just ate meals and snacks like I do during the week and only had one or two drinks. Just another small change that is easy to make and can help shed more pounds. Losing weight isn’t always that hard, most of the time we just think it is.
At this morning’s weigh in my weight was…
204 lbs
Whoo Hoo!! That is a 7 pound loss from last week. I am beyond thrilled. To reach my goal of losing 44 pounds in four months I now have to lose 34 pounds in just over two months. Wow, did it really take me almost two months to lose 10 pounds? Oh well, now it’s time to get really focused. If I don’t ruin my diet every weekend like I was before then I should start to lose more every week. Wish me luck 🙂
 The Baby Food Diet recommends eating baby food for snacks and as a replacement for some meals as a means to control portion size easily and lose weight.
Back to today’s topic, “The Baby Food Diet”. When I was a child I loved baby food. I would beg my mother to buy me the jars of pureed fruit – those were my favorite. So when I was surfing around online the other night I was curious to see that there is actually a diet based on eating baby food, called the Baby Food Diet. This diet intrigued me and so I thought I would look into it a bit further.
There was a day when your food was portioned out for you, and the aim was to grow and gain weight. That was years ago, however, and your days with baby food may seem long behind you. However, there is a diet out there that encourages you, as an adult, to go back to eating the offerings found in these tiny jars. The Baby Food diet is something that has been around for a while now, and many swear by it. If you want a new way to try to lose weight, see if this might be something for you. Just be sensible about it.
This diet is much like it seems. The person who wants to try this diet would eat baby food for snacks each day to limit calories, and may even substitute some for a regular meal. It is not recommended that someone use baby food as their only food source, as that can lead to a severe calorie deficit. If that happens, the diet turns into a crash diet that leaves the dieter weak and tired, and very likely to rebound and regain the weight once the diet is finished (read the article “Dangers of Yo-Yo Dieting” for more information about this unhealthy pattern). Have a few healthy adult meals each day and save your baby food for perhaps breakfast and your snacks for best results.
If you find information on the actual baby food diet, you will not see many recommendations for adding exercise to your new eating plan. This is a problem, as exercise is essential for healthy and long lasting weight loss. Add whatever type of exercise that you like to your new eating program, but remember to take in enough calories to sustain your body through that workout.
This diet may not be for you if you do not like baby food. That may seem obvious, but you may not take that into consideration until after you have stocked your shelves with these foods. Remember that baby food is ground down so fine that it often is watery or mushy. There is rarely any texture unless you go with older age baby food. The taste can be bland, and not everyone will feel full after eating baby food. Try a jar or two before you decide this is what you want to do. By the way, in my experience fruit baby food is much tastier than the vegetable baby foods.
On the other hand, there are some benefits to the Baby Food diet. Manufacturers are careful to make sure baby food is healthy. That means no added sugars or preservatives are included. You may even want to try the organic version to be even healthier. Many are gluten free, and they are chock full of vitamins and minerals. Baby food is on the cheap side, and comes in many varieties. So if anything, baby food can be added to your diet as a snack food. At around 100-150 calories a jar, baby food makes a good, portion-controlled snack.
I was visiting with some family this weekend who own a house on a lake. The weather was beautiful so we decided to lounge lakeside and dip in and out of the water in the hot afternoon. As the guys did their own thing, I sat and chatted with my sister-in-law, who is a very smart and wonderful person and who is also very, very thin. I’m not sure how the conversation came around to it, but at one point she was telling me how she wants to lose the “rolls” on her stomach. I squinted to see the little rolls on her stomach, which is likely loose skin from when she was pregnant and nothing to do with body fat. “I’ll show you rolls” I thought to myself, with visions of whipping my t-shirt up and having her gasp in shock at the ebb and flow of my rolling bodyscape, but I didn’t. Instead I told her she looked wonderful, which she does.
 Being underweight can be very unhealthy and can lead to many health problems including anemia, hair loss and infertility.
Afterward my sister-in-law and I talked about what a “healthy weight” would be for her, and for me, and we shared about counting calories and the daily struggles of trying to stick to a healthy diet. It was good to have the focus of weight be off of me for a change to be honest. It was also good to address that fact that there are many health dangers associated with being underweight as there are with being overweight and that unhealthy eating habits tend to be at the root of both of these problems.
A lot of attention has been focused in dealing with overweight issues but much as this is justified, little attention has been directed to tackling matters pertaining to being underweight. Scientifically speaking, people who have a Body Mass Index (BMI) that is under 18.5 are considered to be underweight. Some of the main causes of weight loss that leads a person to being underweight include; stress and depression, malnutrition, abuse, eating disorders, and dental or oral problems.
Being underweight can be a serious risk to the immune system by making it weak. That basically means that the body is not getting enough nutrients and can therefore cause one to have the flu, a cold or be at risk of other related infections much more frequently than other people. It can also result in a serious loss of hair (as discussed in the previous post “Dieting Causes Hair Loss” or growth of hair in the most unlikely and unwanted areas. This condition is more common in women than men. Hair needs to be nourished by adequate and healthy intake of food just like the body.
An underweight person is at higher risk of having osteoporosis and bone loss. Osteoporosis is a condition that weakens bones and makes them brittle. Having osteoporosis increases chances of one having fractures and broken bones. The body needs energy that is found in food to strengthen bones. Women in menopause are more likely to suffer from osteoporosis. Serious weight loss especially because of deliberate food restriction or illness is also known to reduce the levels of muscle mass. For growing teenagers, the muscles may not develop well by being underweight.
Many pregnancy complications have also been related to a woman being underweight, resulting in miscarriages especially in the first three months of the pregnancy and in severe cases it may actually cause infertility or make it almost impossible to conceive. Underweight conditions can also result in anemia. Anemia is brought about when the body is not able to transport enough oxygen in the red blood cells. Some of the symptoms of anemia include heart palpitations, exhaustion, fainting or feeling extremely dizzy. This condition is caused by iron deficiencies. People restricting food intake or dieting are more likely to suffer from anemia. Another effect of severe weight loss is that it causes menstrual irregularities by making the menstrual flow become irregular or it can make it stop in severe cases also known as amenorrhea. Other health dangers of being underweight include heart irregularities, vulnerability to diseases, memory loss, cancer, digestive diseases and hypothermia.
It is as important to remember and address the health dangers of being underweight as it is to address the ones associated with being overweight or obese. If you have friends or family who are very thin, watch out for signs that may make one see that the weight loss is becoming a problem. Some physical signs can be loose and elastic skin, depression, loss of muscle bulk and lethargy, which is also lack of energy. Rapid weight loss can also be a strong sign that something is wrong. Being underweight is just as risky as being overweight and is typically caused by unhealthy eating habits, such as starvation diets and skipping meals. There are also some health problems that may cause one to become underweight, such as hyperthyroidism. Of course, one major cause of someone becoming underweight is an eating disorder. Whatever the cause, it is important to address the issue if it is present.