For those of us who are trying to lose weight, a sluggish metabolism can be a real thorn in our sides. The good news is there are a few common sense things you can do that will not only naturally increase metabolism, but will improve your overall health.
 One of the most effective a natural ways to increase metabolism is by getting regular aerobic exercise, such as jogging, swimming or aerobics.
It is true that many of us maintain lifestyles that are not metabolism-friendly. What we ingest and how much we eat, as well as how much we rest and exercise has a dramatic affect on our bodies and will impact both our health and our metabolisms negatively or positively depending on what we do. To make sure you are doing everything you can to help your body lose weight, here are 5 ways to naturally increase metabolism you should make sure you are doing every day:
- Eat breakfast – Many people make the mistake of skipping out on breakfast in the morning. You’ve likely heard the saying that breakfast is the most important meal of the day – this is true! The food you eat after you wake up jump starts your metabolism and keeps it functioning at its optimum level until lunch. Understand, however, eating breakfast doesn’t mean filling up on coffee and sweets. Your first meal should contain both some complex carbohydrates and protein. For instance, a small bowl of oatmeal with skim milk and some fruit will provide you with the proper energy you need and keep your hunger at bay until lunch. Try some of these low calorie breakfast options mentioned in the post “Low Calorie Breakfast Ideas“.
- Eat small meals frequently throughout the day – To increase your metabolism eat 4 – 6 smaller meals instead of 2- 3 large meals daily. After we eat our metabolism increases due to digestion. The larger the meal, the more there is to digest and the more sluggish you will feel. Furthermore, when you ingest higher quantities your insulin levels will spike up then fall rapidly, which can cause more hunger. Hence, you need to take care to eat smaller portions of nutritious food more frequently and avoid skipping meals. Also, be sure to drink plenty of water to flush out toxins and keep your body hydrated (for more information, see the post “How Dehydration Affects Metabolism“).
- Get enough sleep – Your body needs adequate sleep in order to fully recuperate and re-energize. Therefore, you should make sure you are getting a minimum of 7 hours per night, though 8 hours is more preferable. To be certain you will achieve the recommended amount of rest your body requires, you should go to bed at the same time every night and avoid participating in activities prior to bed that may hinder sleep, such as drinking caffeinated, high sugar or alcoholic beverages or eating a meal (for more information about how sleep can affect metabolism, see the article “Sleep and Weight Loss“.
- Exercise regularly – Some individuals are under the impression that exercising uses up energy, but the fact of the matter is that exercise actually boosts your body’s energy levels. Low levels of energy, which can occur when you are inactive and sit around, decreases the oxygen level in the cells, which prevents your body’s organs, such as your heart and lungs, from working properly. The lower the oxygen in your cells the slower your metabolism. When your metabolism drops, you burn fewer calories and can gain excess weight. Furthermore, when your metabolism is down you tend to experience fatigue and are more prone to feeling down. Therefore, get your blood pumping and increase your cells metabolic efficiency by engaging in any number of aerobic exercises.
- De-Stress – Physical and emotional stress causes the body to release cortisol, a hormone that slows down metabolism. Additionally, people also tend to skip meals, eat excessively or drink alcohol in a reaction to stress. That said, you need to take special care to make sure you take adequate breaks and have fun whenever you can. When you feel happy you feel better overall and this is key in order to maintain a healthy metabolism.
Other Related Posts You May Find Interesting: “Leptin and Weight Loss: How the Fat Hormone Affects Hunger and Metabolism“, “What Causes a Slow Metabolism” and “How to Speed Up Your Metabolism“.
Well, here I am back again recording my weekly weigh ins for all to see. I can’t believe I made my last weigh in blog post just over a month ago now. Just so you know, though, I have been following my diet and getting lots of exercise and tracking my weight loss progress with fitday.com. I didn’t let everything go during this summer’s vacation, unlike other years.
Back on July 7th at my last weigh in my weight was 192 pounds. This morning when I stepped up on the big bathroom scale I weighed…
184 lbs
As you can see, I really have my work cut out for myself. To reach my goal of weighing 170lbs by August 23rd I have to lose 14 pounds in two weeks, which is not very realistic. I want to reach my goal, but I don’t want to harm myself in the process. Slow and steady wins the race, at least as far as losing weight is concerned. I will likely not reach my goal, but I still have accomplished losing a huge amount of weight so that is something to definitely celebrate.
 Addressing emotional eating and food addiction is an integral part of my successful weight loss program.
I still can’t believe I weigh 184 lbs. This is the lightest that I have been now almost since my senior year in highschool. My clothes are all loose and baggy, people are starting to be surprised when they see me (which feels really good), I feel sooooo much healthier and I don’t have the aches and pains I used to and I have so much more energy than before. It is really amazing what a toll your body pays when you carry around extra weight.
Not only are there many physical changes that happen when you lose weight, but there are also many emotional and psychological changes that happen as well. One of the biggest changes in myself is how I deal with problems in my life. I used to turn to food for comfort when I was feeling down or frustrated or bored. I would grab a carton of ice cream, or a few donuts from the store, or a box of cookies and sit and eat. Sometimes I would feel better while eating, but always I would feel worse afterward. I see how this type of behavior is destructive now. Not only would I not deal with my problems head on, I would compound the difficulties in my life by eating and making myself fatter. It really is a vicious cycle and a tough one to break, but you can break it even if it means getting professional help.
Since I don’t allow my emotions to control my eating anymore I have been forced to find other outlets. One of the best ways I have found to deal with a bad mood is to go for a long walk. Walking and taking time to think about what is bothering me is cathartic and I always feel better afterward. It seems so simple, but for most of my life I have been choosing a much more difficult path, like so many other people who are struggling with emotional eating. Emotional eating can control who you are – your moods, your self-esteem, your budget, your friendships and your family. You wouldn’t give this much control over your life to a person so why are you giving it to food? Take charge of your life and your body right now. No matter what your age, gender, relationship status or physical abilities are losing weight is something that you can do. Stop making lame excuses. Get help if you need it and take your life back from the sugars, fats and processed foods that have been controlling your life for so long.
If you’re thinking that my last statement sounds like something you would hear at an AA meeting then you’re not that far off. Emotional eating is an addiction and to overcome it you need to treat it as such. Since January 27th, when I committed myself to recording my weight loss in this blog I have discussed how to eat properly and exercise effectively to lose weight. One aspect of my weight loss program that I have not discussed, mainly because of its personal nature, is that I joined an AA group, not because I have a problem with alcohol, but because I have a problem with food. My name is Guinea Piggy and I am a food addict. Now some people may not need this kind of help with emotional eating and food addiction and can kick it on their own, but for me attending weekly meetings has been necessary and a key part of my success. I mention this because many people may not know that they can go to AA for help with food addiction, but you can. There are also other programs, such as Overeaters Anonymous (official website and list of meetings can be found at www.oa.org) and Food Addicts Anonymous, but they are smaller organizations and my not have meetings in your area, which was the case for me. The point here is that there is ways to get help all around you, but you need to want it.
When we think of dieting we often vision all the delicious foods we will have to go without. All that taste and flavor is a hard thing to give up, I know, and this is one of the biggest deterrents that people face when they need to lose weight. The good news is that eating a healthier diet does not mean you have to only eat bland and tasteless foods. There are a number of excellent zero calorie food flavorings that can bring zest back to your meals without the addition of calories or sodium. If you are trying to lose weight then add some of these zero calorie food flavorings to your weight loss arsenal – your taste buds won’t be disappointed.
 Don't let bland foods bust your weight loss efforts. Try some of these zero calorie food flavorings to add zest to your healthy meals.
One of the best zero calorie food flavorings is Mrs. Dash. Mrs. Dash is an all natural food flavoring product that is salt free and contains no MSG (monosodium glutamate). The 13 different seasoning blends (I.E. Original Blend, Onion & Herb, Extra Spicy, Lemon Pepper, Southwest Chipotle, Mesquite Grilling Blend, Italian Medley, etc.) and 6 varieties of Mrs. Dash 10-Minute Marinade, are comprised of non-sulfited herbs and spices and can be used to flavor all types of foods, including fish, meats, vegetables, rice, noodles, salads, soups and so on.
Another popular food flavoring that is all natural and low in sodium is Vegit. This product was created by Gayelord Hauser, a renowned gourmet nutritionist. To give you an idea of how it was created, his all purpose, MSG free, non-chemical free flowing agents seasoning blend contains a mixture of flavorful ingredients including, but not limited to: kelp hydrolyzed, vegetable protein, papain enzyme, dill seed, toasted onion, celery, parsley flakes, white pepper, mushroom powder, orange and lemon peel, as well as special yeast grown on blackstrap molasses. Vegit has a delicious vegetable flavor that is great on many healthier foods, such as steamed vegetables, broiled fish and combined with fat-free yogurt to make a delicious veggie dip. Vegit is also exquisite to use on your favorite low calorie snacks, such as popcorn, which is my personal favorite.
Flavor Spray is another flavoring for food that helps people enjoy healthy meals. This product was carefully crafted by David Burke and is ideal for those who want to lose weight, are concerned about their calorie intake or simply want to experience great taste. Flavor Spray contains no calories, fat, cholesterol, carbohydrates or sugar. It contains natural and artificial flavors that are FDA approved. The best part about Flavor Spray is the number of flavors it comes in. You can buy common cooking flavors, such as butter or pesto, you can try more exotic flavors such as Memphis BBQ or Hot and Sour, you can get fruity with blueberry or kiwi sprays or you can indulge your senses with sweet flavor sprays such as chocolate fudge, cookies and cream or marshmellow, just to name a few. With flavor sprays your menu is limitless and you can enjoy all sorts of flavor combinations (chocolate fudge steak tenderloin anyone?).
One of the more interesting zero calorie food flavorings to come to the market recently is Flavor Magic Portion Control Sheets. Each sheet is just the right portion size for fish, meat or vegetables. This takes the guess work out of portion control for you and adds flavor to your meals – who could ask for anything more? Flavor Magic comes in a variety of delicious flavors including Honey Mustard and Teriyaki. The only downside is it is a bit on the pricy side when compared with the other zero calorie food flavorings options above, but if portion control is really tricky for you it may be well worth the investment.
Speaking of new food flavorings, Sensa is a new product that claims to make your food taste better, not by adding flavor but by enhancing the flavor. Now, there is a lot of skepticism about how effective Sensa really is, particularly when it comes to helping people lose weight. Of all the options I’ve mentioned so far, Sensa is my least favorite zero calorie food flavoring, but it still deserves a mention. For more information about Sensa, please see Weight Loss Center’s Sensa Review.
Of course you don’t need to go out and buy a fancy seasoning to make healthy cooking taste delicious. Some of the best zero calorie food flavorings can be found in almost any kitchen. Lemons and limes add a nice zest to all sorts of foods and beverages. One of my favorites is to sqeeze some lime on corn on the cob – it’s really good. When you cook your meals try different combinations of herbs and spices. Garlic powder, chili flakes, cumin, basil and oregano are just a few herbs and spices that can improve the flavor of almost any meal.
As you can see, there are many ways you can enhance the flavor of your food without increasing the calorie content or salt content. Try using the different spices you have in your home and give food flavoring products a chance. You will likely be pleasantly surprised at the difference sprinkling a little seasoning can make.
Other Related Posts and Articles you May Find Interesting: “Weight Loss Foods that Improve Your Mood“, “Stevia Sugar-Substitute: A Healthy Artificial Sweetener” and “Cooking Tips for Weight Loss“.
My goodness, it feels like forever since I’ve been here to blog. My good friends at Weight Loss Center took a much needed vacation and so I haven’t been able to update the blog for a couple of weeks. During this time I have also taken a much deserved break and have enjoyed this glorious summer that we’re having. I hope that everyone is having a wonderful summer as well.
 Try these simple kitchen makeover tips that may help you stay on track with your weight loss efforts.
During this break from blogging I found myself with extra time on my hands. Since the diet and exercise are still ticking along as usual I decided to tackle an area of my life that I had avoided for some time – the dreaded kitchen. Now my kitchen is not that bad, but it has been at least a couple of years since it was given a thorough clean, sorting and purging. What I have found lately is that it is not a cheerful or organized space to be in so I approach making every meal with a heavy sigh instead of the enthusiasm cooking should bring. So over the past week or so I have torn apart my kitchen, cleaned everything top to bottom and have started to put it all back. I am amazed at what years of unhealthy eating can accumulate in a kitchen… canned puddings, cake mixes, frostings, chocolate, chips, crackers, pastas galore, and so on. This made me think about how a kitchen makeover may be just the thing I need to help me with my weight loss efforts. Here’s how I approached my own Kitchen Makeover for Weight Loss.
If you haven’t given your kitchen a proper makeover since you decided to lose weight, then you might find that this one room in your home is actually sabotaging all of your well designed plans to eat in a proper, healthy way. The following are some great tips that you can use to remake your current kitchen so that it will work with your efforts to lose weight, instead of against them.
Downsize your Dishes – Your first step in your kitchen makeover is to pack away any oversized dinner plates or bowls you may have and buy some smaller replacements. If you do not want to buy new plates and bowls (which are very cheap from a dollar store) then start using the smaller sizes in your dish set (i.e., salad plate instead of dinner plate). The goal here is to eat your meals using a smaller plate or bowl. These days plates and bowls can be really large and, when filled with food, can easily cause you to overeat at meals. If you use smaller bowls and plates, then you will be giving yourself a much more realistic and weight loss friendly quantity of food. The same thing goes for your drinking glasses. If you’re drinking anything other than water, pour it into a small juice glass instead of a tumbler or taller glass.
Purge Old and Unhealthy Foods – I hate throwing anything away, particularly if it is food, but that does not mean a good purge of old and unhealthy foods isn’t needed. When doing your kitchen makeover get rid of the boxes of crackers that are three months old, boxes of Kraft dinner that call to you in the middle of the night, stashes of chocolate that are in every drawer and so on. If you have other family members that like to eat snacks you now need to avoid then make a special cupboard or shelf just for those items and label it as such. Any foods that you decide to purge that are still good can be donated to your local food bank. At least it won’t go to waste.
Spice It Up – Many dieters complain that diet food is bland, but that does not have to be the case. Herbs and spices are one of the important features in any good kitchen, whether you are trying to lose weight or not. During your kitchen makeover, go through your herbs and spices and buy some if you need to. Some of the best for making foods tastier are garlic powder, cumin, black pepper, Italian seasoning, cinnamon, ginger, cayenne pepper and red pepper flakes. Not only do some of these herbs and spices naturally promote weight loss, they will also make bring life to a bland dish. Do a little experimenting of your own to find your favorite combination.
Keep Important Items within Arms Reach – When you lay out your kitchen, put all of the important items you need for cooking within easy reach where you can find it quickly. When it comes to the items you’ll be using the most, keep them right there on the kitchen counter. The less work you need to do to make a healthy snack or meal the more likely you will actually be to make it, instead of opting for a simpler choice.
Let There Be Light – Cooking in a poorly lit or dreary kitchen is a drab chore. If your kitchen is tucked away in a dark corner of the house then make sure to have plenty of lighting. This will make the room more pleasant overall and will help your mood when you are preparing the meal. Furthermore, a new paint job for your kitchen in a bright and cheerful color may be a good idea as well as the addition of some decorating that lifts your spirits. I have a good friend that has a collection of lava lamps in her kitchen. She loves to cook with the lava lamps bubbling away and this gives her the lift she needs to prepare those amazing meals. Make your kitchen an inviting space and you’ll be more inclined to be in there.
Weight Loss by Colors – Some colors make you hungrier than others, it’s true. If your kitchen is orange or red (or based on shades of those colors), then you will be more likely to eat because those colors stimulate the appetite. Instead, if you are thinking of painting as part of your kitchen makeover then choose soothing colors such as shades or tones of greens and blues that will keep your kitchen looking clean and keep you feeling inspired. The color yellow may also be a good fit because it is thought to improve metabolism, however it can also trigger frustration so pick carefully. White will really brighten up your space, but every little bit of dirt will show in a white kitchen so if cleaning is not your forte then choose something darker.
Stock up with the Healthy Foods – Keep healthy foods in the house and dump those foods you know you shouldn’t be eating. Stock up on foods that won’t perish, such as brown and wild rice, canned beans, lentils, nuts, canned tomatoes, whole wheat pasta, dried fruit, rolled oats, herbs and spices so that you always have something on hand to make a quick meal. When you grocery shop, buy vegetables, fruits, lean meats, and good fats such as olive oil. I also like to keep a supply of pre-portioned snacks on hand so that I can grab and go, such as cups of apple sauce and yogurt.
Buy a Healthy Cookbook – If healthy cooking is somewhat new to you then I strongly recommend that you buy yourself one or two healthy cookbooks. The best ones have the calories, fats, carbohydrates and proteins listed for each portion of the meal so you know exactly what you’ve eaten. I also find that cookbooks with pictures are way easier to follow than ones that just give you the recipe, especially when you’re just learning. There are so many great cookbooks out there for healthy eating and low-calorie meals. Find a couple that you think you and your family will like and get cooking.
When you think of weight loss, you generally think of this as something that is an adult issue. That is just not the case any longer. In fact, up to 33% of children and teens under the age of 18 are overweight and obese. These children are facing serious health risk and will become obese adults if something is not done to help them. Parents can help, but some have a hard time knowing what to do. That is why many successful weight loss camps have sprung up around the country. As with anything, do your research before you choose. These are just a few of the good weight loss camps for children and teens you may find.
 Weight Loss Camps for children and teens offer a range of programs to help kids learn how to eat a healthy diet and include more exercise in their lives.
Wellspring – This company offers many different types of weight loss programs including adventure vacations, weight loss retreats, after school programs, boarding school programs, and weight loss camps. They have facilities all across the country so there should be a camp somewhere near you. Wellspring does not subscribe to a one size fits all approach to weight loss, but rather works with the children and teens to see what they want and what works best for them.
Camp Shane – This camp has been featured on the Tyra Banks television talk show, MTV, 20/20, Dr. Phil and The Learning Channel. The focus of this camp is fun. There are some ‘fat camps’ that are more like boot camps, but this is not one of them. Those that run Camp Shane focus on getting healthy meals and exercise while the focus remains on happiness and good times rather than the dreary topic of weight loss. They are located in New York State.
Camp Pennbrook – This camp is unique in that it is the only one for girls and teen girls. This is so that girls can feel more comfortable with their bodies and wearing clothing like swimming suits. Camp Pennbrook features food menus that follow the FDA recommendations for daily nutrition and getting exercise through fun and innovative projects and programs. This camp is located in New Jersey just a short trip from New York City and Philadelphia, PA.
New Image Camps – These camps are located in the beautiful Pocono Mountains in eastern Pennsylvania and Haines City, Florida. They take in children from the ages of 7 to 19 and focus on health and self esteem issues. These camps are devoted to helping children develop lasting friendships, focuses on individual attention for each camper, is a positive and fun weight loss experience, and offers an experience that helps a child grow beyond learning about health and fitness.
Camp Jump Start – This camp is located on 250 acres in Imperial, MO. This came is a weight loss camp that takes a natural and holistic approach to losing and controlling weight. They work with children and teens on self esteem and about building self value as well as taking care of their bodies. They believe confidence and knowledge about food and exercise are the keys to success for any child.
If you are an adult who wishes you could also go to weight loss camp, there are places for you too, but instead of a camp it’s a spa. Some weight loss spas are downright luxurious, while others are quaint and peaceful. What spa is right for you depends on your preferences and budget. If you would like more information about some of the more popular weight loss spas, please visit Weight Loss Center’s Weight Loss Spas Review section.
It’s the “C” word, a word that we all hope to never hear from the mouth of our doctor, it’s cancer. If you have not been through this experience yourself then you are fortunate, but there is no one in North America whose life hasn’t been touched by this disease. In my life I have had a number of friends and family diagnosed with various types of cancer. Some have made it through their battle and some have not. In some of these cases the cause of their cancer was obvious and expected, such as smoking and hereditary breast cancer, but in many cases the reasons were not so clear. All I know is that I want to do as much as I can to help my body prevent cancer, and one of the best tools I have is following a healthy, balanced diet.
 Losing weight is one good way of reducing your risk of cancer and so is eating a healthy diet that contains fruits, vegetables and less red meat.
According to the National Cancer Institute, “obesity increases the risk of cancers of the breast (postmenopausal), endometrium (the lining of the uterus), colon, kidney, and esophagus“. Losing weight, however, can lower the chances of these types of cancers substantially. This is good news for all of us dieters plugging along at losing weight. However, it’s not just weight loss that will help our bodies fight this disease, it’s also about what we eat and how we exercise. There are lots of ways to lose weight, but extreme dieting methods like crash diets and fad diets that are not nutritionally sound are not the answer here. Instead, a healthy weight loss diet that is nutritionally balanced, high in fiber, full of antioxidants and contains healthy fats is your best chance at fighting cancer with what you eat.
There are no magic foods that are going to completely ensure that you do not get cancer. However, there are some that have powerful nutrients that can help you avoid it in some cases. One of these foods is fats. Fats are key in any diet and some are particularly good at preventing some types of cancer. Examples of these healthy and cancer fighting fats are conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and omega-3 fatty acids (see the related post “Omega-3 Improves Insulin and Weight Loss“). There are other unhealthy types of fats that should be avoided, such as trans fats and saturated fats. Eat more unsaturated fats like canola, sunflower, olive oils instead of vegetable oil or lard. The fats found in nuts are good for you as well. Fish oils are great for the body too and come in supplement form.
Other foods to eat as part of a healthy weight loss diet and anti-cancer diet are raw fruits and vegetables. These types of foods are naturally high in fiber, which may help to lower the risk of colon cancer. The other important parts of vegetables and fruits are the phytonutrients they contain that have cancer-fighting properties. For example, Anthocyanins that are the red pigments found in the skin of red grapes, berries, and yams are powerful antioxidants that help to remove free-radicals from the body that may cause cancer. Another example is broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts, turnips, and dark green leafy greens that contain indoles, which are phytonutrients that act on enzymes that are important to the body’s cancer fighting mechanisms.
Lowering your consumption of fatty meats and red meat is also a part of a healthy weight loss diet that may prevent cancer. Numerous studies have found a link between the consumption of red meat and cancer, particularly colon cancer. It has been hypothesized that the connection between meat consumption and cancer risk has to do with the animal proteins, saturated fats, and carcinogenic compounds such as heterocyclic amines (HCA) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) that are formed during the cooking of meat. Fatty meats are also high in hormones that may cause hormone-related cancers, such as breast cancer. All this is not to say that following a healthy weight loss diet to prevent cancer has to be void of all meats. Instead, limit your meat consumption to two to three times a week at most and choose only lean meats, such as poultry and lean cuts of beef. Even better, substitute red meats with seafood items, such as fish and shrimp, or with soy products, such as tofu and textured vegetable protein.
Just as exercise is an important part of losing weight, it is also an important part of cancer prevention. Exercise gets everything flowing and moving, which can help the body rid itself faster of potential cancer-causing chemicals. Studies have found that regular exercise can reduce the chances of someone developing breast and colon cancer. Other studies have found that exercise may also reduce the risk of prostate, lung, non Hodgkin’s lymphoma, ovarian, testicular and uterine cancers. So if shedding those excess pounds isn’t enough motivation to get you off your butt and exercising at least 30 minutes every day, then perhaps the idea of a cancer-free life will.
Keep in mind that following a healthy weight loss diet does not guarantee you will not at some time develop cancer, however you will be taking steps to minimize this chance. If anything, following a healthy and nutritionally-balanced weight loss diet with regular exercise will help you rid your body of extra weight and improve overall health. Bodies that are nourished with a healthy diet and function optimally will have better immune systems, and those are the ones that have the best chance of recovery or remission – or avoiding cancer all together. Be healthy, be happy, cherish your health and don’t take anything for granted.
Other Related Posts and Articles you May Find Interesting: “Alcohol Affects Risks of Cancer and Heart Disease in Women”, “Eating Organic Foods” and “Best Foods for Weight Loss”.
There are many health conditions that can make moving about quite painful and knee arthritis is one of the worst that I am personally familiar with. In my family, almost all of the women over the age of 60 have knee arthritis to one extent or another. My mother has had it progress quite quickly and now strains when she walks up or down stairs. My grandmother is now almost completely debilitated by the disease and is unable to walk or stand without experiencing excruciating pain.
 Losing weight will not treat knee arthritis, but it can help to reduce inflammation and pain associated with this disease.
After watching what my mother and grandmother have gone through, I am already starting to plan out the steps I need to take in my life to minimize or avoid knee arthritis in my later years. One of the positive steps I feel I am taking these days is losing weight. Although there are some that argue that weight loss cannot help with knee arthritis, it is also common sense that the less you weigh the less strain and stress you will put on your knee joints. For people who are already living with knee arthritis, losing weight may relieve some of the stress on placed on the knees and may help to alleviate some pain. There are also medications and supplements, such as glucosamine, that help knee arthritis and in some cases cortisone injections may bring some temporary relief, but also using weight loss to treat knee arthritis may be helpful.
Exercise earlier in life is not a cause of knee arthritis like some fear. Exercise is important for so many reasons, and one should never avoid it because they fear they are going to have arthritis later one, or that it might make it worse now. However, if you are suffering with knee arthritis and wish to exercise, talk with your doctor about exercises that are right for you and that take the pressure off of your knees (for some suggestions, please see the post “Best Low-Impact Exercise Machines for Cardio“. That way you can lose some weight, get your exercise, but you will not make your condition worse in the process.
The belief is that carrying around extra pounds throughout life can put strain on the knees that can prematurely wear away the cartilage that protects the joints. When that happens, arthritis sets in. Average weight adults have a 1 in 2 (50%) chance of developing arthritis while obese adults have a 3 in 4 (75%) chance. Thus, using weight loss to treat knee arthritis makes sense, at least as a preventative when you are younger. Losing weight by switching to a sensible diet and getting more exercise can get the pounds off, even if only little by little and that in turns takes some of the extra stress off of the knees and gives the cartilage a break from excessive wear and tear.
When dieting for help with knee arthritis, you have your choice of diet plans, but you should seek the advice of a doctor if you are not sure in which way you should go. There are many different diets that can have different effects on the body and help the body lose in different ways. Some people benefit from one diet more easily than they would from another type. Weight Loss Center offers some great suggestions for an Arthritis Diet. This diet focuses on eating foods that help to reduce inflammation in the joints. Recommended foods to avoid when following an arthritis diet are fat and oils and all animal products. Others suggest following an Elimination Diet to determine if your arthritis is connected to food allergies.
Other than helping with knee arthritis, weight loss will be of benefit to your overall health if you are overweight or obese. You may get some relief for your knee arthritis, but then again, you may not. However, that does not mean your diet was a waste of time. You may prevent further knee and joint damage, and there are other great health benefits to losing even just ten percent of your current body weight. It could help you avoid heart attack, stroke, diabetes, and a host of other deadly conditions.
There are always going to be new supplements on the market that promise to help with weight loss. However, there are also always going to be products that do not work or that end up being unsafe. When thinking about trying out something new, think about the product and what it promises before you dive in. Look for something that has been around for a very long time, even if it has not been used for weight loss. Such a substance, especially a food substance, has a higher chance of being safe. One such thing would be the Maqui berry, but it is unlikely that this weight loss supplement will help you lose weight.
 Although Maqui Berry may not help you to shed unwanted pounds, it is an excellent source of antioxidants that are commonly found in berries.
The Maqui berry is found in Patagonia and has been touted for its antioxidant properties for a very long time – and may even be better than Acai Berry or Goji Berries, which has also been advertised as a weight loss supplements even though there is almost no evidence, scientific or otherwise, that supports their ability to aid weight loss. The Mapuche Indians have used Maqui berry for a very long time to increase metabolism to stay warm and provide long lasting energy when hunting in the winter months. These qualities can be useful for someone who wishes to lose weight, as a boost of energy is always beneficial when exercising. A higher metabolism may also help the body burn more fat and store less new fat.
The biggest selling point of the Maqui berry is the level of antioxidants found in it. This may not seem like something that would benefit someone that wants to lose weight, but it can be a strong tool. Although the usefulness of taking antioxidants for weight loss is still being explored, it is believed that they help rid the body of toxins and help it function better to provide more energy. These benefits may help keep a diet on track and the body healthy. Of course there are other excellent sources of antioxidants that you can include in your diet that are natural, safe and relatively inexpensive, such as blueberries, tomatoes, spinach, red grapes, broccoli, garlic and green tea.
For the most part, Maqui berry weight loss supplements can be found online. Although Maqui Berry’s popularity is still rather low, you can expect it to become as popular as Acai Berry in time. As with all natural weight loss supplements, like acai berry and hoodia, when buying these products you want to be sure you are getting the real thing. Hoodia is popular as an appetite suppressant, but many of the hoodia products being sold either contain a poor quality hoodia or do not contain the part of the hoodia cactus plant that contains P57, the actual compound responsible for suppressing appetite (for more information about hoodia, see the article “Hoodia Gordonii“). When buying Maqui berry weight loss supplements, make sure you are getting the real thing or it will not do much for you. Along the same lines, talk with your doctor about the supplement to be sure all ingredients and fillers contained within the supplement are safe for you to take. Natural does not always mean safe.
I can’t believe we are already into July. Happy belated July 4th everyone, I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. It’s been a while since I’ve recapped my current weight loss goal and I feel like I need a reminder. It was back on May 19th that I chiseled out my new goal to lose 44 pounds by August 23 and reach my target weight of 170lbs. At this morning’s weigh in my weight was…
192 lbs
I lost three pounds last week, even over the holiday long weekend, which is miraculous (I’ll tell you how I did it below). This leaves me with approximately six weeks to lose another 22 pounds. Oh wow, that’s cool, I’m half way there. Wish me luck.
 Eating too many calories, even if your diet is healthy, is one of the top reasons why you may not be able to lose weight.
As I mentioned above, I managed the miraculous and did not gain weight over this past long weekend. My husband and I went camping with a group of our friends and usually on those weekends anything goes and we come back bloated and ten pounds heavier. This year, however, I packed my own food in my own cooler and vowed not to touch any other goodies that may be brought. In my cooler I had a huge bag of turnip, cucumber and celery sticks along with cherry tomatoes. In another container I had celery sticks filled with lite cream cheese. I brought diced papaya and low-fat yogurt for my breakfasts, lean cuts of meat and fish for dinners and an enormous amount of greek salad with lite feta and zero-calorie dressing. My only treat was two bars of dark chocolate that I slowly savored each evening while everyone else feasted on chocolate muffins, lemon cake, cookies and smores. Oh, and I can’t forget, I also brought my chocolate protein shake powder and milk to help curb my hunger during the day when everyone else was feasting.
You may think that my menu was really boring and ghastly, I know I did when I first packed it. The funny thing though was that everyone at the camping trip almost seemed envious that they didn’t have a healthy cooler too. And after watching the enormous amounts of calories that were being eaten every day, I was grateful to have a healthier alternative and munching on turnips and cherry tomatoes didn’t seem that bad at all. Afterall, undoing two weeks of hard work dieting for a one weekend blitz seems careless and unnecessary to me now. I know how hard it is to lose weight and I’m starting to appreciate the effort it takes a lot more.
These days it is becoming more and more obvious to me why in the past my weight loss efforts have failed so miserably, and I’m sure I’m not alone in this. There are billions of dollars spent on the diet industry each year yet most people end up weighing more and more. Why does this happen? There are quite a few reasons why you may be struggling to lose weight; some of them are physical and some are mental, but they are all the same in one way – they have to be overcome for healthy and lasting weight loss. Overcoming these obstacles can sometimes be done on your own and sometimes require professional help, but they can all be dealt with.
One of the top reasons why you cannot lose weight is because of your diet. Despite the fact that you feel you are eating healthier, and you may be, you are still consuming too many calories. Calories are tricky because they can really sneak into your diet easily. I highly recommend using a calorie tracker, such as the one at fitday.com where you can track all of the calories you eat. If you can’t lose weight despite exercising and dieting then track your calorie consumption for one week. Then, the next week lower your calorie consumption by 500 calories a day. If after this second week of a lower calorie diet you still can’t lose weight then a visit with your doctor may be in order.
Another top reason why you cannot lose weight is because of an underlying health condition (for a list of condition that affect weight loss see the post “Healthy Conditions that Cause Weight Gain“). If you have insulin resistance, for example, regular low calories diets may not be the answer for you. Instead, you want to follow an Insulin Resistance Diet that is higher in fats and proteins and lower in carbohydrates. A doctor can advise you on a diet plan that is right for you and your particular medical situation.
You may also fail on a diet because you believe that all you need is willpower. This is a huge myth that has sunk many diets, including mine many times. Willpower will get you through a day, week, or maybe a month, but that is about it. If you are determined, that is great, but that is not all that you need for a successful diet. You have to have a plan in place that works when your willpower is slipping. Don’t rely on something that is just not meant to last and go with what works in the long run (see the post “Improving Weight Loss Motivation” for some great tips).
If you have tried and failed to lose weight many times, think about what went wrong. Did you follow a fad diet that promised weight loss that is simply not possible or healthy? Do you fail when confronted with certain situations? Are you hungry all of the time and that leads to problems? All of these things should be considered. Take some time to find a diet plan that fits your life, not one that you have to adjust your life to do. That can make all of the difference.
Finally, one of the top reasons you cannot lose weight is that you don’t have a weight management plan for when you are finished dieting. You can not simply change the way that you eat, lose weight, and then go back to your old eating and lifestyle choices. If you do that, you are going to gain the weight back and then some if you are not careful. A good diet means a lifestyle change that you stay with for the rest of your life. If you go on a temporary diet, you are going to fail in the long run. This is the biggest mistake I’ve made when dieting and I think it is a common one – thinking that a diet is a short-term thing. Once you reach your weight loss goal, don’t think your work is over. Instead, continue to follow whatever diet and exercise routine you have been successful with and adjust your calorie intake accordingly.
Pardon the pun here, but there is no better way to title my discussion today, which is about the most common excuses people give for not being able to lose weight. Making “Big Fat Excuses” is something that all of us who have wanted to lose weight have made at some point. In fact, over the almost 20 years that I have been either overweight or obese I have probably made a hundred different excuses for why I couldn’t start a diet, or stick to a diet, or get more exercise, or stop eating junk food, and so on. What I hope everyone who reads this post will do today is take a moment to reflect on what excuses they may have been making that are preventing them from reaching their weight loss goals.
 Free yourself from the big fat excuses you have been making that are preventing you from reaching your weight loss goals.
Losing weight is hard, I’ll be the first one to admit it. However, some people make it harder than they have to. They have the will and the need to lose, but they fall into a trap that makes it okay for them to put off a diet or fall off of one, even when it has proven to be successful for them. Why some people do this is a mystery, but there are a few reasons why some people make excuses and remain at an unhealthy weight. This group of people is the majority, as the obesity rate in the United States can attest to. If you are using some of these excuses, stop and think about why and what your real motivation may be.
Big Fat Excuse #1: “I can’t start a diet now, the holidays are coming.”
Some people will put off starting a diet in the fall months because they want to enjoy Thanksgiving, Christmas, or whatever holiday they celebrate in December. They do this because these holidays are not all about food, but they certainly feature food and they want to enjoy those foods and good time without feeling left out of the fun. What they don’t realize is getting through this season while staying on track with their diet means they can handle almost anything. Sticking to a diet over the holidays is not as hard as you think either if you follow some simple tips like the ones in my post “10 Best Weight Loss Tips for Thanksgiving“.
Big Fat Excuse #2: “I’ll start dieting and going to the gym in the new year.”
New Year’s Resolutions are probably the biggest excuses people use for not staying on track with their diet or not starting a diet. Those in the above scenario that wait until January 1st to begin a diet are setting themselves up for failure right away. New Year’s Resolutions to lose weight hardly ever work out, and when they fail, dieting and exercising are often put off until next new year’s. That is a whole year of wasted on more bad habits that make things worse. Don’t plan to start a diet on New Years. The second you decide you want to lose weight consider yourself dieting and stick to it, no matter what time of year it is (see the related post “The Best Time to Start a Diet“).
Big Fat Excuse #3: “I’ll start my diet on Monday.”
Setting yourself up to start a diet on Monday is about as successful as starting a diet on New Year’s. The problem is that unless today is Monday you are going to have a few days to eat anything and everything that you love and think you’re going to miss when dieting. This adds more pounds and makes it harder to start. It sounds good in theory, but choosing a day to quit smoking is more effective than choosing a day to start a diet. If you want a diet and are serious about it, start that very day with no exceptions.
Big Fat Excuses #4: “I am unable to lose weight because of my ________ condition.”
There are some people that have a harder time losing weight due to a medical condition (for more information, read the post “Health Conditions That Cause Weight Gain“). This is a real excuse, but it should not be one that stops you from losing weight. Instead, take the time to find a diet and exercise program that addresses the issues your health condition poses to weight loss. There are very few people who can not diet because of their health, as a better weight is always a good thing. Pregnancy may be the only true medical condition that stops someone from going on a diet.
Big Fat Excuse #5: “I’m too tired.”
Exercise is essential for losing weight and becoming healthier, we all know that. The problem is that finding the motivation to workout or go to the gym, particularly after a long day at work, can be very, very hard. If you find that you are not exercising because you never seem to have enough energy then consider this… the more exercise you get the more energy you are going to have. Instead of making excuses, commit to getting exercise at least three times a week (more is better). Choose days and times that work with your busy schedule then stick to it no matter what. You will be surprised how energized you feel after working out, even when you may have been tired before.
Big Fat Excuse #6: “I don’t have enough time.”
Most of us with families and jobs and other responsibilities struggle to get everything done each day, but it is possible. Not having enough time is used as an excuse for both not eating a healthy diet and not exercising. I can’t tell you how many people I know who eat fast-food because they “don’t have enough time” to prepare a healthy meal. The truth is that if you wish to lose weight then your priorities are going to have to change. Preparing healthy meals, even if it means doing the preparation before you go to bed each night, is possible even for the busiest person. If you really don’t have time to cook, then you can still make healthier food choices, such as buying a salad rather than eating burgers and fries, or tacos or fried chicken. As for exercise, if you really don’t have time to exercise then there are a number of things you can do during the day to get you moving. For example, take the stairs, go for a walk on your lunch break or check out these other great suggestions in the posts “Exercises You Can Do At Work” and “Exercises You Can Do While Sitting“.
These are just a few of the big fat excuses we all make not to diet and exercise and remain overweight or obese. Some will say that they can not afford to lose weight, which is a more common excuse made these days, but is also complete bulls**t (if you make this excuse, please read the post “Weight Loss Done Cheap“). There are always ways around any of these issues if you truly wish to lose weight and become healthier. Don’t let any of these big fat excuses stand in your way of a better and longer life. Your weight loss success lies in your hands and your hands only. From this day on make a promise to yourself that you will take charge and control of your plans to lose weight and get to it. No more excuses.