If you’ve ever seen weight loss pictures of before and after, you’ve seen that quite often the people are holding a measuring tape around their waist. But why is this? While it certainly looks good that the waist area has become smaller, could there be a connection between your waist measurements and your weight? The simple answer is yes.
 Measuring your waist and hips can be a helpful way of tracking your weight loss progress and body fat percentage.
For many people, the abdomen is the area on their body where they gain weight first. It’s an area that is filled with a certain kind of fat – fat that is receptive to hormones and to diet changes. As a result, when you’re losing weight (whether you like it or not), this is the first area where the weight loss is apparent. Conversely, this is also an area where weight gain also shows up first.
The circumference of your waist is actually an important measurement of your health too. When you store fat in the abdomen, it’s not like other parts of the body. Fat in the abdomen can actually be stored around the organs, which can cause hormonal changes that can lead to other problems. For example, if you store a lot of fat in your abdomen, it can increase your risk of heart disease and even some cancers in women and in men. Other studies have shown that people who have a larger stomach circumference than their hips can also be at a higher risk of long term health issues – diabetes, for example. In fact, women are not supposed to have greater than a 0.8 waist-to-hip ratio. You can find this measurement by dividing your waist measurement by your hip measurement. You can do this very easily as well by using the Waist-Hip Ratio Calculator.
You have also probably heard about the two common body types used to describe people’s waist-to-hip ratios: apple or pear. Studies have shown that people who are pear shaped with bigger hips than a waist are healthier than apple-shaped people with larger waist than hips. And this may be another reason why all of those weight loss pictures point out the shrinking waists.
It can help for you to take measurements of your waist and your hips frequently as you lose weight. This way, even if the scale does not show that you are losing weight, you can see when you are losing inches and body fat. This becomes really apparent if you calculate your Body Fat Percentage based on your weight and waist size (you can use the handy Body Fat Calculator to see what yours is). Often, if you’re building muscle at the same rate you are losing fat, you might be shrinking, though the scale doesn’t register the change yet. Keeping measurements will help keep you motivated, stay on track and give you a better understanding of your overall weight loss.
Other Related Posts and Articles you May Find Interesting: “Muscle Weighs More than Fat – A Common Weight Loss Myth”, “Helpful Weight Loss Calculators” and “The Truth About Losing Body Fat”.
Most people feel they just don’t have the time for a sufficient exercise program, so they tend to avoid exercising altogether. And while diet can certainly help with weight loss, it’s only half the equation. Doctors and researchers have found time and time again that those who eat well and exercise are not only able to keep weight off, but they also have an easier time losing the weight in the first place. But if time is limited, here are some 30 minute workouts which will not only help a person lose weight, but also will help to boost the body’s metabolism to continue to burn calories the rest of the day.
 Weight training can be a simple 30 minute exercise that will help your body to burn more calories all day long.
Brisk Walking
One of the easiest ways to burn calories is by walking. And since a person can do this anytime, anywhere, this exercise is the most convenient. Many people choose to use a part of their lunch hour to exercise, helping to shake off the afternoon sleepiness while also burning calories. Find time to walk briskly each day to boost weight loss and to feel more energetic. The key is that when walking, the pace needs to be brisk enough that you’re feeling slightly out of breath, but you can still talk as you move. If your heart rate isn’t up and your lungs aren’t working harder, you’re not burning as many calories.
Weight Training
Weight training is often considered to be just a way to gain weight as opposed to lose weight. But men and women who build more muscle are thinner as a rule. Muscle burns more calories than fat, allowing you the opportunity to eat more and still lose weight. Choose three or four basic weight training exercises to use each day, then switch off between upper and lower body work each day. This way, you’re not using up a lot of time, but you’re still hitting all of the major areas of the body, toning and tightening your figure.
Interval Training
To combine aerobic and strength training into one workout, interval training is a good choice. For example, you might do jumping jacks for one minute and then lift weights for your arms for a minute. Then you might switch back to jumping jacks for a minute, then do weights for your legs. Repeat the cycle until the 30 minutes is up. This is a fast paced and fun workout that flies by once you have the exercises in your mind. You can also choose to do just aerobic work with interval training. Just choose a few segments during your workout when you do the exercise at almost a sprinting pace. This way, you’re boosting the calorie burn without adding any more time to your workout.
Thirty minutes of exercise each day is the best way to make sure you lose weight without losing your free time. Getting up early in the morning will help you get your workout out of the way, while also giving you less of an opportunity for other things to get in the way of your precious exercise time.
Other Related Posts and Articles you May Find Interesting: “Best Calorie-Burning Exercises”, “Exercise Routine that Maximizes Weight Loss”, “Fat Burning Exercises” and “Fun Exercises That Can Help You Lose Weight”.
When we think of all the health benefits of dieting and eating a healthy weight loss diet, most of our attention is on the fact that we will be shedding body fat. The amazing thing is that a well-balanced diet designed to help you lose weight will also make your organs and other parts of your body become stronger and healthier. There is no end to the benefits of eating a healthier diet it seems, and one of these benefits is a brighter smile.
 Eating a healthy weight loss diet not only helps you to lose weight, but it makes your teeth and gums healthier, helping you to fight periodontal disease.
While many people do not connect their dental health to weight loss, the two are linked more closely than one might think. With each healthy eating habit comes health throughout the body, leading to health not only in terms of pounds lost, but also in dental health. With a healthy weight loss diet, a person can fight periodontal disease (gum disease), both now and in the future.
One of the first things a dieter will do when they want to promote healthy weight loss is to stop eating sweets – and teeth couldn’t be happier. When a person eats sweets, the saliva in the mouth starts to digest the treat, but if a person is not able to brush their teeth right away, this sugar will stay on the teeth, causing decay. This is especially the case when a person likes to eat sticky candies, like caramels or taffy. These treats can be difficult to remove from the teeth and lead to periodontal diseases.
By cutting out, or at least restricting, sweets in the diet, not only can this mean fewer trips to the dentist, but it also means fewer calories in the everyday eating plan. But since many people still crave sweets, it’s best to turn to fruits and sweet vegetables for those cravings. With less calories and natural sugars, they are less likely to harm the teeth and cause periodontal disease.
Another common diet trend for people who are dieting is that they will consume more low fat dairy as a part of their diet and the teeth and jaw bone will benefit immensely. Calcium in dairy products has been linked with a faster rate of fat loss, while also helping to build strong bones and teeth. The calcium can help to refortify weaker teeth, while also helping to make the jaw bone stronger, which wards off periodontal disease.
Linked to the utilization of calcium in the body is our friend, the sunshine vitamin, Vitamin D. Many dairy products are now fortified with Vitamin D, which is good for your teeth because it helps your body to use the calcium you are giving it. Of course, another great way to get your Vitamin D is to head outside without sunscreen for a few minutes each day. Those trying to lose weight often do this naturally when they go out for their daily exercise, soaking in the sun and increasing the teeth and bone-strengthening levels of Vitamin D in the bloodstream (Vitamin D may also help promote weight loss – read the article “The Link Between Vitamin D and Weight Loss“).
Finally, a high fiber diet is often recommended when someone wants to lose weight as this helps to make the dieter feel fuller longer. But this fiber can also help to remove any plaque or other debris from between the teeth and improve the health of your gums. Since fibrous foods need to be chewed for longer periods of time, they can help to remove sugars from between the teeth, reducing the risk of cavities and other tooth decay issues that can lead to periodontal disease.
While losing weight may be the priority, a healthy smile is an added bonus. By simply changing a few basic eating habits to a more healthy weight loss diet, not only can the number on the scale do down, but so can the number of trips to the dentist. So all you dieters out there eating your fruits, veggies, proteins and fiber – give a big smile and show off your pearly whites.
Other Related Posts and Articles you May Find Interesting: “Dairy Fats and Calcium Absorption”, “Daily Calcium Requirements”, “Lactose Intolerance” and “Healthy Milk Alternatives”.
Throughout your life, your heart is going to work for you and hopefully not against you. When you are working out to lose weight, you should pay particular attention to your target heart rate range. This will not only help you burn calories more efficiently when you exercise, but it will more importantly help keep you healthy for a longer and more active life.
 Your target heart rate is the rate at which your body is actually burning the most calories for your physical effort.
When you have been living a rather inactive lifestyle and you want to start working out, regardless of what your target heart rate range may be you should start out slowly. You do not want to jump in and overdue it with exercise right away or you could damage your heart and your health. That is why those who have a lot of weight to lose or who have been living a very sedentary life should start out slowly by going walking or doing other simple cardio exercises before they get into more intense workouts. Weight Loss Center has an excellent article about this – “Exercising When Overweight” – definitely give it a read.
So what is your target heart rate and why is it important for weight loss? Your target heart rate is the rate at which your body is actually burning the most calories for your physical effort. For this reason, the target heart rate range is also referred to as the Fat Burning Zone or Calorie Burning Zone. Exercising at an intensity that keeps your heart rate in this range for an extended period of time is ideal for burning optimal calories. However, exercising within your target heart rate range should be only one aspect of well-rounded exercise program that also includes lower-intensity activities and muscle toning. For further discussion about this, please read the article “Exercise Routine that Maximizes Weight Loss”.
Finding out what your target heart rate range is can be done very easily, either by using a Target Heart Rate Calculator or you can ask your doctor to calculate it for you. Your target heart rate is based on what your resting heart rate is and your age.
As I mentioned above, if you are just starting out with an exercise program then start out with lower-intensity workouts and build up from there. In other words, you should not aim to exercise within your target heart rate until you are in better physical shape. As a general rule of thumb to ensure you are not exerting yourself too hard when exercising, you should be able to hold a conversation with someone or sing a tune. If you find that you are breathless and can’t talk or carry a tune then slow down your pace.
This past summer I finally felt fit enough to start exercising in my target heart rate zone. To do this I calculated my target heart rate range and bought a heart rate monitor that fit on my wrist. This gave me the ability to easily see what my heart rate was during exercise, which was very useful. The exercise I found best for achieving my target heart rate was doing intervals, or interval training, at the local outdoor track. I would jog slowly for about 2 minutes then push myself to a fast paced jog for one minute, which elevated my heart rate into the target zone. I would repeat this at least 20 times. I was always exhausted after this workout, but I also noticed the most weight loss in the days following.
Other Related Posts and Articles you May Find Interesting: “Best Low-Impact Cardio Machines for Weight Loss” and “Fat Burning Exercises”.
Last evening I went clothes shopping with a friend of mine. Now, my friend is not by any medical definition overweight or obese, but she is not a thin person either. She probably has about 15-20 pounds she could comfortably lose to be within her healthy weight range (use the BMI Calculator to see where your weight is). As she shopped for some new pants and shirts, I couldn’t help notice an interesting phenomenon occurring – all of the pants sizes and shirt sizes she was trying on were “smaller”. My friend even commented on this saying that usually she needs to buy a 34 waist pant, but lately 32 has fit just fine and she used to buy medium sized shirts, but now many small sizes fit too.
 Despite larger body sizes becoming the norm, Americans should strive to lower obesity and improve overall health.
As we shopped around in a number of popular, brand name stores we couldn’t help notice that many lines of clothing have increased their sizes. What was once considered a “small” is now larger and can accommodate someone who once fit in a “medium”, and so on. This made me ask the question – are we, as a society, just adapting our surroundings to the growing waistline of the majority of Americans? Is what we used to consider “fat” becoming the new “thin”?
When I got home last night I spent some time thinking about this interesting concept. I went online and found in no time plenty of evidence that supports my theory that as we get bigger as a society, so to we make larger accommodations for our growing bodies. For example, I found an interesting article called “America’s Ever-Bigger Bottoms Bedeviling Seating Planners” published in the Miami Herald on September 23, 1999 by Phil Patton that described how some famous baseball stadiums were replacing their old seats with new ones that were two or more inches larger in diameter to accommodate the growing girth of their fans. And the seat size changes weren’t just limited to baseball stadiums – subways, busses, airplanes and movie theaters were all reported to be making similar changes. I also found articles substantiating what my friend and I had noticed at the clothing stores – clothing is becoming “super-sized”. Even the brand name sports clothing manufacturer Nike was reported to have increased the size scale of its women’s apparel line to accommodate a larger body.
We live in a society that holds the slogan “Bigger is Better” close to its heart. Everything from TV’s to meals at restaurants seem to all be growing in size and it is no surprise that so are Americans. The big question in my mind is if what was once considered “fat” is becoming the new “thin” then what will the “new fat” be? Where does it end? Granted, there will be a number of benefits, such as less discrimination against larger people and more comfortable seats at the movies and baseball game, but there will also be some drawbacks, such as an even further decline in the overall health of Americans.
Let’s refuse to apply the mentality that bigger is better to our body weights. It’s time for America to slim down or face some dire consequences.
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If you want to start losing weight, but are hesitant to make world-shaking changes in your life right away then don’t fret. Although establishing a healthy diet and more exercise in your daily life will both be key in reaching your weight loss goals and maintaining your weight over the long-term, there are some simple things you can do right now that will start to help you shed some weight. After all, sometimes it takes seeing to believe and some people may find shedding a few pounds using these tips for easy weight loss the motivation they need to take on bigger changes and challenges.
 Following these simple tips, such as snacking smartly and subtracting one high-calorie item from your diet, can help you shed some weight easily.
5 Simple Tips for Easy Weight Loss
1. Make Fiber Your Friend – Fiber takes more time to digest than other types of food components and for this reason, eating foods high in fiber can keep you feeling full for longer after a meal. In addition, fiber helps to stabilize blood sugar levels following a meal, which lowers the amount of insulin your body produces and helps to curb hunger (for more information, please read the post “How Fiber Helps Weight Loss“). To start losing some easy weight right away, substitute some processed carbs with high-fiber foods instead. Some high fiber foods you can easily add to your daily diet include vegetables, fruits, beans, brown rice, high-fiber cereal and whole grain bread.
2. Embrace the Power of Protein – Gram for gram, protein has the same number of calories than carbohydrates do, but like high-fiber foods it takes much longer to digest. Replacing a few carbs in your diet with protein instead will help you to avoid those nagging hunger pangs between meals (read the post “Weight Loss Benefits of Protein” for a further explanation). Some easy high-protein foods you can add to your diet include eggs, low-fat turkey meat, low-fat or fat-free dairy (e.g. cheese, yogurt and milk) and fish.
3. Snack Smartly – Snacking between meals is a fact of life for most of us, but if you do it smartly you can really reduce the amount of calories you consume each day. Smart snacks should be high in either fiber or protein for all of the good reasons discussed above. One of the best snack foods are nuts because they are high in fiber, protein and monounsaturated fats, although you want to eat only a small handful (I find that eating 10 almonds can be a very satisfying snack). Other smart snacks could include low-fat cheese, a low-fat or fat-free yogurt cup, a small cup of applesauce, a few strips of beef jerky or some fruit.
4. Avoid Artificial Sweeteners – Although artificial sweeteners can be much lower in calories than sugar or honey, some research suggests that their consumption might be related to over-eating and weight gain. For this reason, eat foods and beverages that have been sweetened naturally, or not at all. For example, instead of buying yogurt sweetened with aspartame, buy some unsweetened yogurt and add a small amount of honey to it. Honey and raw sugar are both excellent substitutes for artificial sweeteners in food and beverages. Of course, when at all possible, avoid sweetening your food all together.
5. Subtract One High-Calorie Food or Beverage – Of all these tips for easy weight loss, the simplest is subtracting one high-calorie food or beverage from your daily diet. Take a look at your eating habits and see if there is one food or beverage you consume on a regular basis that is high in calories. In many cases this includes the coffee you buy on the way in to work, the breakfast sandwich you grab on the go or the couple glasses of wine you like to drink at dinner. If you skip consuming these empty calories, or substitute them with a healthier alternative that is lower in calories you will save yourself at least a couple hundred calories each day, which can really add up.
By following these 5 Simple Tips for Easy Weight Loss you should start to see a drop in your weight in a few days. Although these tips aren’t the answer for long-term weight loss or weight maintenance, they will show you how making just a few small changes in your daily diet can help you start losing weight. Good Luck!
Other Related Posts and Articles you May Find Interesting: “Eating Slower Improves Weight Loss”, “5 Natural Ways to Increase Metabolism”, and “Ways to Cut 100 Calories Daily”.
Happy 2010 Everyone! It is so exciting to start a new year and be looking forward to another year of becoming healthier, both emotionally and physically. For myself, my focus for the first half of this year will be on nutrition until I have my baby, then it will be all about shedding post-pregnancy weight (what a trip all that is going to be). What will be the things you focus on in this new year for yourself? How many of you made a New Year’s resolution to lose weight and are now going through what I like to call “The 5 Stages of Weight Loss Grief”?
 Starting a new diet can cause similar emotions to those of the 5 Stages of Grief – denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.
Like many of you, my husband made his New Year’s resolution to lose weight – 30lbs in his case. His resolution includes eating a healthier diet and smaller portions, drinking less beer and getting regular exercise. I really admire him for setting these goals for himself and although I cannot diet myself right now, I will do what I can to support him.
It was by day 2 of my husband’s diet that he had obviously started to go through the 5 Stages of Weight Loss Grief. I call it this because I have found from my own experience, and from learning about those of others, that dieting can cause a similar pattern of emotions to those of the 5 Stages of Grief – denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Working through each of these stages seems to be a very important aspect of getting through the first couple of weeks on a new diet without giving up entirely. If you have recently started a new diet then you will likely recognize, and perhaps even struggle through, some or all of these stages.
5 Stages of Weight Loss Grief
Stage 1: Denial – Denial is the first emotion you will likely encounter when coming to terms with losing weight. It is not denial about the fact that you need to lose weight – you already know that. Instead, it is denial about how difficult it is going to be. The first day or two of a new diet is exciting because you’re committed more then than any other time to stick to it. You may think “Well, dieting isn’t that hard. I should be able to lose all this weight no problem.” This is denial. No matter how easy you think it’s going to be in the first couple days of a diet, don’t let this false sense of security set you up for failure. Losing weight takes patience, perseverance and a whole lot of will-power and it helps to remind yourself of this so that you are prepared for tougher times ahead.
Stage 2: Anger – Some may call it anger, some frustration, but the bottom line is you are going to start feeling rather hard done-by when the denial stage passes and you start to realize dieting isn’t as simple as you thought. Dealing with hunger and lower energy levels while being surrounded by food temptations all day can really test your strength and many will lash out in anger. During this time, remind yourself about all of the benefits of losing weight and how good you are going to feel when you reach your goal.
Stage 3: Bargaining – The bargaining stage of weight loss grief comes right after anger. The anger stage will leave you feeling a bit miserable and eating is a major comfort for many of us. So, in the bargaining stage you start to make deals with yourself, such as “If I eat a salad for lunch today then I can grab a couple burgers on the way home instead of making dinner cause I’ve done pretty well so far and I DESERVE IT”. Bargaining is one of the most common reasons diets fail in the first couple of weeks. If you are really dedicated to reaching your weight loss goal and sticking to your diet then don’t bargain or make allowances for unhealthy eating. Take this time to start developing healthier methods to comfort yourself and lift your spirits, like exercise or a new hobby, that don’t involve food.
Stage 4: Depression – Dealing with depression when dieting is very common because of the emotional and physiological changes that are taking place. If you don’t have a good support network around you, dieting can make you feel very alone and isolated. Other emotions that have to do with not being able to use food for comfort may build up to a point where you will feel quite blue. Working through depression caused by dieting can be very difficult, but is also necessary. Many diet councilors will tell you the best way to get through this stage is to keep a weight loss journal and write down your emotions. I have done this many times and find it quite useful. I also call my friends and family to talk to them about how I’m feeling and their kind words of encouragement always make me feel better.
Stage 5: Acceptance – If you make it through to the acceptance stage of weight loss grief then you have gone further than most new dieters get – give yourself a big pat on the back. The acceptance stage involves coming to terms with what it takes to lose weight successfully and you are ready to seize the bull by the horns. At this stage you should incorporate a regular activity into your life, if you haven’t done so already. Remember that taking small steps, particularly if you are new to dieting, is much better than overwhelming yourself with big commitments and gym schedules.
As you can see, the 5 Stages of Grief and the emotions that many people experience when starting a new diet are very similar. Like I said above, many people do not make it past the first couple weeks of a new diet. Hopefully, however, if you are more aware and prepared for the Stages of Weight Loss Grief then you will have better success. Try to stay focused on your goal at all times and take it one day at a time. If you falter don’t beat yourself up over it, just get back on your diet and keep going. If you need some emotional support, talk to your family and friends or get involved in an online community, such as the Weight Loss Forum. You can do it, just stick with it!
Other Related Posts and Articles you May Find Interesting: “Big Fat Excuses”, “Improving Weight Loss Motivation”, “Weight Loss Commitment” and “Sharing Your Weight Loss Goals”.
Health Canada announced today that they are contemplating allowing food companies to add an anti-cancer drug to junk foods. This cancer-fighting drug called asparaginase is an enzyme that is used in patients with leukemia and some other types of cancers. Asparaginase also helps to reduce levels of a food processing byproduct called acrylamide, which may have cancer-causing properties.
 There is public concern regarding the addition of an anti-cancer drug called asparaginase to junk foods, such as potato chips.
When I first read this news about an anti-cancer drug being added to junk foods I shook my head and thought “Taking drugs should be my choice, not that of the government’s”. After a few moments, however, I have come to my senses. Why would I be opposed to a drug being added to junk foods if it might lower cancer rates. After all, if you think about how many unhealthy chemicals are already contained in these types of foods, one that may help fight cancer surely shouldn’t be a problem.
The proposal to add asparaginase to junk foods and baked goods is not a new one. In August 2007, DSM Food Specialties trademarked asparaginase under the brand name PreventASe™ and signed over application rights to Frito-Lay and Proctor & Gamble. These two companies make common brand named junk foods, including Doritos, Cheetos, Lays Potato Chips and Pringles. Asparaginase is not currently added to these products, at least not according to the nutritional information these manufacturers provide, but now it could be only a matter of time.
So why does the Canadian government want to encourage the food industry to add asparaginase to certain foods? As it turns out, during the processing of starchy foods at high temperatures a potentially cancer-causing chemical called acrylamide is produced. However, the addition of asparaginase to these foods before they are processed helps to reduce the amount of acrylamide that is formed.
The big question is whether asparaginase is safe to consume and this is at the root of consumer concern. After all, we don’t want to replace one evil with another as we so often do. Health Canada claims that its group of scientists have completed a thorough safety assessment of asparaginase and have found no safety or health concerns. Health Canada also backs up this claim with the fact that asparaginase is already used in the U.S., New Zealand, Australia and Denmark. However, the word “used” is very ambiguous and it is not clear whether asparaginase is being used as a food additive in these countries or as something else. After much looking, I was unable to find any U.S. food products that claim to contain asparaginase.
I feel I wouldn’t be doing my part here if I didn’t mention that the whole group of foods in question are junk foods and baked goods. The consumption of these types of foods is associated with all sorts of health problems, such as obesity, high cholesterol, insulin resistance, and diabetes, not just cancer. As an advocate of eating a healthy diet that does not include junk foods, I feel a bit dismayed that the Canadian government is attempting to make these foods “safer” to eat. I can only hope that along with all the money they spend on trying to make these foods safer, they spend an equal amount on educating the public about making healthy food choices.
On the CBC website, one fellow wrote the comment “If mother nature wanted cancer fighting agents in food, she would have put them in our foods.” Ummmm, well, she did. Cancer-fighting compounds, such as antioxidants, are in all types of natural foods, such as fruits and vegetables. The problem is that most of us don’t eat nearly as much of these cancer-fighting foods as we should and when we do they are processed and not in their natural form.
I would like to end by saying that the Canadian government is simply asking for public feedback about adding this anti-cancer drug to junk foods, but in their opinion there is no risk. What this means is that it is already a done deal and sooner than you can say “French Fries Fatten my Fabulous Figure” ten times fast, asparaginase is going to be added to all sorts of fried and baked goods. So, if consuming this anti-cancer drug in your food is really a concern my solution for you is simple – don’t eat these types of foods. My god, they are bad for us all, what more proof do you need?
Other Related Posts and Articles you May Find Interesting: “Healthy Weight Loss Diet May Prevent Cancer”, “Alcohol Affects Risks of Cancer and Heart Disease in Women”, “Eating Organic Foods” and “Health Problems Associated with Being Overweight”.
 Many people make resolutions to lose weight every year, but are these types of weight loss resolutions doomed? Here's what you need to know.
Over dinner last night my husband announced that he was going to be making a resolution to lose weight this New Year’s. I supported this wholeheartedly, but in the back of my mind I kept thinking – I’ve heard this before. There have been more than one New Year’s when both of us have made this resolution and what I have found from my own experiences is that weight loss resolutions are doomed from the start.
So why are weight loss resolutions doomed you may wonder. Well, the first reason is simple – it gives you an excuse to fully “enjoy” Christmas and all of its delicious goodies. In fact, this is exactly what my husband said… “Until January 1st I’m going to allow myself to eat whatever I want”. These words are a recipe for disaster. I wouldn’t be surprised if he manages to gain anywhere between 5-10 pounds easily up to New Year’s and this is quite common for most people who make weight loss resolutions. At a healthy rate of losing weight (about 2 pounds a week), this post-Christmas weight gain will take anywhere from two to five weeks to lose. So right away, he’s making losing weight harder than it needs to be.
Another reason I feel that weight loss resolutions are doomed is because making healthy changes the morning of January 1st is often really difficult. If you have been out the night before celebrating the New Year you many not feel up to getting out for a walk or making a healthy meal for yourself. Only the truly dedicated resolutioners will stick to it, while most of us will opt for a comfort breakfast at IHOP and a relaxing day on the couch – promising to start the diet “tomorrow”. For many, “tomorrow” gets postponed over and over and this let down, this un-kept promise you made to yourself, gives you a feeling of failure. Already you feel negative and down about dieting and you haven’t even started yet.
Weight Loss Resolutions Poll
If you are one of the thousands of people who are making a New Year’s resolution to lose weight this year then don’t despair – all is not doom and gloom. First of all, congratulations on setting a goal for yourself and deciding to make healthier changes in your life. This is great! Now, to get your weight loss resolution started off on the right foot, here are a few tips:
- Don’t overindulge on Christmas goodies. If you make a decision right now to take more from the veggie tray than the cookie tray you may not experience the post-Christmas weight gain that is so common in weight loss resolutioners.
- Drink plenty of water over the holidays. Drinking water helps to increase your metabolism and keeps you hydrated after those salty Christmas meals. Choose to have a glass of water over eggnog or alcohol and you will save yourself lots of empty calories too.
- Prepare ahead of time for January 1st. Buy yourself some healthy foods that you can start your diet with on January 1st. If you have these foods on hand you will be much less likely to choose an unhealthy option and you can get started on your diet right away.
- Find a weight loss buddy to start dieting with you. It is often really helpful to have someone who will start a diet with you. This will help to keep you motivated and you can motivate them in return. Finding a good friend or your partner who wants to make a resolution to lose weight as well can make things easier.
- Tell one, tell all. One of the best ways to get yourself motivated about losing weight in the New Year is telling people that you have made a weight loss resolution. The more people you tell the better. Not only will they be able to offer you support if you want it, but telling people makes you accountable.
I hope that everyone who makes a resolution to lose weight this year has the utmost success. If a resolution is the best way for you to start a diet, then go for it and just be aware of some of the pitfalls that exist and what you can do to avoid them. I wish everyone good health and happiness in the year to come!
Other Related Posts and Articles you May Find Interesting: “Big Fat Excuses”, “Best Time to Start a Diet”, “10 Best Weight Loss Tips for Thanksgiving” and “Weight Loss Tips for a Party Night”.
Metabolism – the mysterious word we throw out there with either words of praise or words of frustration depending on which way our weight is headed. If we can’t lose weight, despite what weight loss busting activities we may be engaging in, then it’s because we have a “slow metabolism”. If we are losing weight then some of that success is attributed to a “faster metabolism”. Either way, it’s obvious, that metabolism is playing a big role in our weight loss efforts.
 Can eating spicy foods containing chile pepper really increase metabolism? Find out the answer below.
Metabolism is simply the amount of calories your body burns every day. This amount can fluctuate greatly depending on your activity level, diet and the amount of muscle you have. In the weight loss world there is a lot of focus on using certain techniques to boost metabolism, thus helping your body burn more calories each day. Some of these are based on facts, while others are based on myths. So today’s post is about exploring some of the common myths about metabolism so that we can judge for ourselves whether some of these techniques will be of benefit or not.
Common Myths about Metabolism
Overweight people have a slower metabolism than thinner people – FALSE. It turns out that people who are overweight or obese actually have a higher metabolism than people who are much thinner. The reason is because their bodies have larger muscles and organs that require more energy to function, even at rest. (I feel like I owe the skinny mini in my office and apology – I have been cursing her fast metabolism for years, lol.)
Weight loss makes your metabolism run slower – TRUE. It is estimated that for every pound of body fat you lose your metabolism slows down by 2-10 calories a day. So if you reach your weight loss goal of losing 20 pounds, then you will have to consume up to 200 calories less per day in addition to sticking with your current diet just to maintain your weight loss.
Fasting, skipping meals and starvation diets slow down metabolism – TRUE. These types of eating habits cause the body to conserve energy, not release it. This is why it is recommended that you eat small meals consistently throughout the day as this helps to keep your metabolism running efficiently.
Consuming cold beverages and food increases metabolism – TRUE. Well, don’t get too excited because the effect is rather small (only about 10 calories a day), but drinking ice-cold beverages or eating ice-cold foods do require the body to burn a few extra calories.
Eating protein increases metabolism – TRUE. Protein requires your body to use more energy to break it down and digest it. It is estimated that it takes your body twice as many calories to digest protein as it does to digest carbohydrates.
The more muscle you have the faster your metabolism will be – TRUE. Lean muscle burns calories even when your body is at rest. It is estimated that by adding just 3 pounds of muscle to your body you can increase the amount of calories your body burns by 6-8%, which works out to be about 100 calories a day. Over a period of a year, this small amount of muscle gain will be responsible for helping you lose up to 10 pounds.
Drinking green tea increases metabolism – TRUE. Both green tea and oolong tea contain compounds called catechins that temporarily raise the metabolism.
Eating grapefruit helps to increase metabolism – FALSE. Eating grapefruit does not affect your metabolism, but it does have some benefits, including lots of fiber, vitamins and minerals. The fiber is particularly helpful in making you feel full for longer, which is why grapefruit is a recommended food in many diets.
PMS causes an increase in metabolism – TRUE. Typically, a woman’s body will burn up to an additional 300 calories a day during the luteal phase (time between ovulation and first day of the next period). This increase in metabolism may be masked by other PMS symptoms, such as water retention and food cravings that will cover up any evidence that your body is burning more calories during this time (for more information, see the post “PMS Increases Metabolism and Weight Loss“).
As we get older our metabolism slows down – TRUE. Hormonal changes, a loss of muscle mass and a less active lifestyle all contribute to your metabolism slowing down as you age.
Eating spicy foods increases metabolism – TRUE. Although the effect is only temporary, eating foods spiced with chile peppers that contain the compound capsaicin can increase the metabolism as high as 20%.
Keeping your body hydrated increases metabolism – TRUE. The many chemical reactions involved in metabolism all require water. If you are dehydrated your metabolism will not run as efficiently.
Other Related Posts and Articles you May Find Interesting: “Five Ways to Naturally Increase Metabolism”, “How to Speed Up Metabolism”, “What Causes a Slow Metabolism” and “How Dehydration Affects Metabolism”.