I was watching a show on TV the other night about morbid obesity. The show delved into the lives of three people who are morbidly obese and are bed-ridden the majority of the time because of their condition. I found it to be a powerful show that gave me new insights into food addiction, emotional eating and what health conditions can manifest when morbid obesity occurs.
 Some people end up helping the ones they love become overweight or obese because they are afraid of causing disappointment or anger.
I found that after the show I couldn’t stop thinking about these people I had just learned about, who for one reason or many, were unable to control the amount of food they ate. One of the things that intrigued me most about their situations was that all of these people were unable to get around much, yet they seemed to have an unending supply of food brought to them by either spouses, their children or their parents. Why would someone help another become overweight or morbidly obese knowing that it is harming the one they love?
I don’t think that there are many people who enjoy seeing someone they love suffer with a weight problem. And yet, there are more morbidly obese people today than there have ever been at any other time in society. This situation seems to point to the possibility that family members and friends of those who are obese are turning a blind eye to their weight gain, and may even be unintentionally helping them become obese. While this seems like a harsh accusation, the truth is that many people want to enable those they love – not because they don’t love them, but because they do love them.
Here are some common reasons why some people help others become overweight or obese:
Fear of Disappointment and Anger – One of the first things a person who is living with a morbidly obese person will say is that they continue to feed their food addiction because they don’t want to disappoint them, let them down or make them unhappy. Many of us have been taught that food is a way in which we can please others and by not helping another person have the food they want means that person might be disappointed and even angry.
What people need to remember is that their loved one is likely suffering from a very real addiction – food addiction. This can make them act in irrational and hurtful ways towards people around them just to get what they want and they feel they need, which is food. As with other types of addictions, family members and friends of these people can find themselves jumping through hoops to keep the person happy, even at the expense of their health. In most of these cases, professional help addressing the addiction should be sought for both the person who is overweight and their loved ones.
Unwilling to Make Diet Changes – In some cases, the people who are enabling a person to become morbidly obese do so because they are unwilling or unable to make change in the way they eat. Sometimes entire families can be struggling with obesity together and this can perpetuate bad habits, such as overeating, unhealthy food choices and a lack of exercise.
While not everyone may want to change the way they eat, supporting friends or family members who want or need to lose weight might be helpful for all involved. Part of being in a relationship is helping each other out. Thus, instead of looking at adjusting one’s eating habits as a chore, friends and family members may want to think about how not changing their eating habits are hurting the one they love.
Playing the Blame Game – A person who is enabling someone else to become or remain obese may place the blame of this predicament square on the other person’s shoulders. In saying that the other person should just be able to change they way they eat or just say “NO” to overeating, they are absolving themselves of any responsibility. If they’re keeping unhealthy food in the house and they are advocating unhealthy habits, such as not exercising or overeating, they are also to blame for the situation. While it’s true that there is personal responsibility to help one’s self, a person in a relationship can also help by being supportive in simple ways. This may include removing all unhealthy foods from the house or keeping a secret stash that you eat away from the other person, encouraging more activities the both of you can do together away from the TV, and preparing healthier, portion-controlled meals together.
Power and Control – I hate to think that there are people in this world who use obesity as a way to have power and control over someone else, but there are. Just as there are people who use drug and alcohol addictions of others to their own personal gain, there are also people who use food addiction in the same way. In many of these cases, the ones enabling obesity enjoy the feeling of power and control they have over the other person who relies on them entirely for food. This type of behavior is indicative of mental health problems for both people involved and therapy will likely be required in order to break the cycle.
As I wrote this blog post I kept reflecting on my own life and the habits that my husband and I do, often without even thinking. For example, when my husband is feeling unhappy, it is my first instinct to offer to go out and buy him something tasty. This usually involves a trip to the nearest burger joint for not one, but many hamburgers. And even though I know that this food is really not good for him and will just contribute to weight gain I still do it because I want him to feel happier.
The thing I’m beginning to realize as I write this is that it’s not necessarily the food that makes him happy, because if it was just that he’d go get it himself and never be blue. It’s the fact that I offer to do something nice for him, to care for him and show him that I love him that improves his mood the most. There are so many other things I can do for him other than buying him food and from this moment on I will try my best to explore what those other things can be.
Other Related Posts and Articles you May Find Interesting: “Overcoming Emotional Eating”, “Talking to Your Children About Weight Loss”, “Family Weight Loss” and “Is Fat Becoming the New Thin?”.
Most of us don’t give a second thought to what’s going on inside our bodies until there’s something obviously wrong. For most of my life I was the worst for this and I would only make changes in my lifestyle when my health dictated it, instead of being pro-active and taking steps to make myself healthy before the old body demanded it.
 Reducing the amount of salt (sodium) you eat is one diet change that can help lower blood pressure naturally.
Over the past couple of years of blogging here I have discussed numerous diet changes that can benefit all kinds of health problems, such as insulin resistance, diabetes and even cancer. There is no doubt that making positive changes to your diet and getting regular physical activity is a major key in making your body healthier and stronger – I am living proof of this and many of you are too. Always remember, though, that there is no better time to make these changes in your life than right now. Why wait until a doctor’s visit uncovers you have high blood pressure, pre-diabetes or high cholesterol? By making some simple changes in your diet you can naturally reduce your chances of developing many of these preventable diseases.
One of the most common health problems of people who are overweight or obese is high blood pressure. Keep in mind, however, that high blood pressure can also be present in people who are not overweight. Either way, when you hear that your blood pressure is higher than it should be, you need to take action immediately. In many cases, you can make changes to your diet which will lower blood pressure naturally so that you may not even have to take medication. In lowering your blood pressure, you will reduce your chances of heart troubles such as stroke, heart attack and heart disease. Here are three diet changes you can make today in order to lower your blood pressure naturally right away and reduce the risk of developing high blood pressure in the future.
Diet Changes That Lower Blood Pressure Naturally
Eat Less Salt (Sodium) -You may wonder how a diet too high in salt (sodium) can raise blood pressure. Basically, when you consume sodium your kidneys work hard to eliminate it from your body. However, when you eat too much sodium for your kidneys to eliminate on their own, some of this salt ends up in your blood. Since salt attracts water, your blood volume rises, which causes a corresponding rise in blood pressure.
Thus, one of the best ways to lower your blood pressure naturally is to reduce the amount of sodium in your diet. While 2300 milligrams of sodium daily is considered a safe amount in the typical adult diet, most people are eating twice and even three times as much salt. Most of this unnecessary sodium is coming from processed foods which are flavored with salt. Instead of looking for foods with less sodium, it is a good idea to begin to prepare your own foods at home, helping you control the salt you eat each day. And while you do still need some salt in your diet, look for foods that are not processed so that it’s easier to control your intake.
For people who already have high blood pressure, it is recommended that they consume no more than 1500 milligrams of sodium a day. Keeping track of how much sodium you eat can be a tedious task so a good rule of thumb is to avoid any type of food that contains more than 100mg of sodium per serving. If you are cooking at home, try to not use salt when preparing your meals. Instead, you can add a pinch of salt to your food once it’s on your plate if you need to.
Reduce Your Alcohol Consumption – Since alcohol can increase your blood pressure, you will want to remove as much alcohol as you can from your diet. You don’t have to avoid all alcohol, but anything above one drink is going to become harmful for a woman and anything about two drinks a day is considered too much for men. Try to slowly curb your alcohol intake to no more than a few drinks a few times a week in order to help your heart and your blood pressure reading.
Include More Potassium in Your Diet – If you want to lower blood pressure naturally you may also want to include more potassium-rich foods in your diet. One of the easiest ways to do this is to add fortified foods to your diet, such as milk and cereals that have added vitamins and minerals and to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Some of the best food sources of potassium are bananas, soy, beans and potatoes.
As you can see, with just a few minor diet changes you can lower your blood pressure naturally. What’s even better is that these diet changes are also ones that will help you to lose weight. In fact, a healthy diet that consists primarily of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and low-fat dairy will go a far way to not only lowering your blood pressure, but also your body weight. Add regular exercise to these diet changes and you will be well on your way to a lifetime of lower blood pressure and overall improved health.
Other Related Posts and Articles you May Find Interesting: “Health Problems Associated with Being Overweight”, “Tips for Making Healthier Food Choices”, “The Blood Pressure Diet” and “The DASH Diet”.
Valentine’s day is upon us and many of us have a special someone we look forward to sharing our love with. Of course, for anyone on a diet, chocolates and other sweet delicacies presented in heart-shaped boxes can lead us down the wrong paths with our diets even though our loved ones mean well. So what can you do to spice up your valentines day in a healthier, diet-friendly way?
 The sweetness of a little bit of honey can go a long way to putting one in a more romantic mood for Valentine's Day.
If you’re looking to get yourself and your loved one in the mood for Valentine’s Day, what better way to do it than with sensual foods. There are many aphrodisiac foods, such of which you probably already know of, and some which you may never have thought of. The good news is that some of these aphrodisiacs are also common diet foods that will keep you on track with your diet while adding that “little something” to your libido.
Best Aphrodisiac Diet Foods
Oysters – Oysters may not be a food that everyone likes, but they are certainly a good that can help to boost your loving feelings. With the higher zinc content, males will find their arousal is heightened.
Honey – Not only can honey be dripped on a lover, but it can also be used to promote the sex drive in women and in men. Honey is also good for boosting energy and for helping to increase orgasms.
Asparagus – Asparagus has been linked to increasing blood flow in the genital area, helping to enhance sexual arousal. Add these vegetables to a dish containing other foods on this list to maximize their effects.
Bananas – With a high level of potassium in bananas, they can help to ready the body for physical pleasure, but these fruits are also helpful to males in particular, helping to enhance libido.
Chocolate – One of the most commonly referenced aphrodisiacs, chocolate contains ingredients that can help get a person into a relaxed and euphoric state. Try slowly savoring some dark chocolate together to get in the mood.
Almonds – Almonds have a lot of vitamin E in them which is good for the heart and good for blood flow in sensitive areas of the body, enhancing sexual response. The fat in the nuts can also provide energy for longer evenings (hint, hint).
Basil – Though often taken for granted, basil is an herb which can help to stimulate the body and ready it for a lovely romantic encounter. Just the smell of basil is thought to help a person become aroused.
Figs – With their sexual appearance, figs help to create an immediate sexual response when served. The fruits have also been used to enhance libido for centuries. Feeding a fig to a lover can be a sensual interlude during a romantic evening.
Avocados – Not only do avocados look slightly sexual in their appearance, but they also have a rich supply of good fats in their meaty flesh, helping to support the body through physically draining events in the bedroom.
Garlic – Though garlic has a strong smell, it is helpful in enhancing blood circulation in the body, which allows for a more intense orgasm. However, the more garlic you use, the more intense the smell on your skin and in your mouth. Using breath mints can help if your partner isn’t partial to the smell – personally though, I find it quite sexy.
With this list of the best aphrodisiac diet foods, you can enjoy a night of bliss without blowing your goal to lose weight this weekend. And these foods are good to eat any time in order to keep your sexual self feeling in the mood while also staying on track with your diet or weight loss plan.
And not to get too X-rated with this post, but I can’t help mention that love-making does have it’s benefits for burning calories too. Everything from a passionate kiss and beyond gets your heart rate and breathing rate elevated, which gets your body burning those calories. So don’t hold back – have yourselves a very Happy Valentine’s Day and still lose weight – life couldn’t get any better than that.
Other Related Posts and Articles you May Find Interesting: “Weight Loss Foods That Improve Your Mood”, “Chocolate Increases Weight Loss” and “Tips for Making Healthier Food Choices”.
Probably the two most common (and also most difficult) health decisions people make is to either lose weight or quit smoking. Both of these goals require unbelievable determination and will-power, but the benefits to your health are undeniable.
I’ll let you all in on my dirty little secret – I used to be a smoker. I didn’t smoke every day, but I smoked very heavily when I was socializing, which when I was in college was quite a bit. My husband was also a social smoker and when we started dating we would smoke even when it was just the two of us.
 Your body is very resilient, but will still take quite a bit of time to heal from the damage caused by smoking.
Three years ago this past New Year’s was the last time either one of us smoked. It was a New Year’s resolution I am grateful I made and have been able to stick to. At the same time we resolved to get more exercise and in those early days I recall my lung capacity not being what it should. I would get out of breath easily and have a little bit of a wheezy noise when I really pushed myself. Now I am glad to say that both of us feel our lungs are much stronger and healthier.
I have always wondered what the healing time for smoking actually is. How long does it take for your lungs to heal from years of being filled with tar, nasty chemicals and smoke? I’m sure there are many other people out there who are wondering the same thing, so I have done some research and here’s what I learned.
Yay, You’ve Quit Smoking!
If you’ve recently quit smoking, congratulate yourself. This is a tremendous achievement and one which should be celebrated. Not only are you preventing future lung damage, but you are also giving your lungs a chance to breathe again – pun intended. But the question that’s concerning is how long it will take for your lungs to heal from smoking and whether the lungs can ever be completely healed. The good news is that your body is resilient, but you need to help too.
How Long Have You Been Smoking Determines Healing Time
The most telling factor in the ability of your lungs to heal after smoking is how long you smoked to begin with. If you have been smoking for decades, chances are good that your lungs may never be able to heal completely. This doesn’t mean they can not heal, but it does mean that you might not be able to completely reverse the effects smoking has on your body. For those who have been smoking ten years or less, the lungs are thought to be healed again in five to ten years, again depending on how much you smoked when you did. And for those who quit smoking before they are 30 years of age, it’s thought that this action will nearly completely allow your body to heal from the smoking damage.
Diet Changes that Improve Healing After Smoking
To help your lungs heal as quickly as possible, you need to change your lifestyle. You will want to add exercise to your life, as this will help your body circulate blood and oxygen more easily, which encourages quicker healing. You will also want to add more antioxidant-rich foods to your diet in order to promote the healing process (refer to the “Smokers Diet” for more information). Try to eat more brightly colored foods like peppers, citrus fruits, and green vegetables. This will help to support your body as the cells begin to repair themselves or replace themselves. Make sure you’re getting enough rest each night and also try to reduce stress from your life.
Staying Smoke Free
The biggest thing you can do to help your lungs heal from smoking is to not start over again. Even a few cigarettes will cause damage to your lungs, so staying free of nicotine and smoke is the best plan you can have. Even if it takes you several times of quitting for it to finally stick, don’t stop quitting. The more time your lungs spend without cigarettes, the better.
Smoking damages your lungs, even if you only smoke a few cigarettes from time to time. As soon as you put the first cigarette down, you will begin to let your body heal. Your blood pressure goes down, your oxygen levels begin to rise, and your body begins to feel better. The carbon monoxide that has been building up in your bloodstream dissipates and your risk of heart disease and lung cancer decreases. You owe it to yourself and to your body to quit today.
Other Related Posts and Articles you May Find Interesting: “How Antioxidants Enhance Weight Loss”, “Healthy Weight Loss Diet May Prevent Cancer”, “Weight Gain When You Quit Smoking” and “Detox Diet”.
If you’re trying to lose weight, it’s best to have your refrigerator and cupboards stocked up with foods that will help you in your battle. Since you don’t want to be tempted by anything that you might eat in excess, you want to begin by removing any tempting foods from your home and replacing them with better alternatives. However, you need to have tasty foods in your home so that you’re satisfied as well as nourished. Here are some weight loss foods to have on hand so that you don’t go hungry.
 Arm yourself with this list of weight loss foods to have on hand and you will have a better chance at staying on track.
Crunchy Vegetables and Low-Fat Dip
If you’re a person who likes to eat chips and other crunchy snacks, you might want to look into keeping pre-cut vegetables around your home. Put these in a container in your refrigerator so they are easy to access. Cutting up the vegetables on Sunday for the week will help you save time as well. If you need to have something to make the vegetables more appealing, try dipping them in a low-fat dip. One good dip you can try is low-fat hummus. This is a dip made with garbanzo beans, lemon juice, Tahini, and sometimes garlic. Simple and low fat, this dip can be used as a good source of protein and fiber as well, helping to fill you up and not out.
One of my favorite low-fat dip tricks for fresh veggies is to combine some Uncle Dan’s Creamy Dill salad dressing mix (a powder) with fat-free sour cream or low-fat plain yogurt. Just mix it to taste. This dip is totally yummy, a source of some protein and won’t run up the scale the next day.
Fruits to Carry with You
Since sometimes dieting can be harder when you’re always on the go, you might want to find some easy-to-carry fruits to have on hand. This way, you can put a few in your bag or purse when you leave for the day, guaranteeing that you always have healthy foods when your stomach starts to grumble.
Try eating whole fruits as much as possible since dried fruits and processed fruits can have added sugars in them. Apples, pears, plums, nectarines and bananas are easy to carry and they don’t tend to get bruised along the way. Small boxes of raisins can also be a good option. If you do want to carry some dried fruit with you for snacks, make sure to read the nutritional label first. Dried fruit, like apple rings, dried apricots and dried figs make an excellent snack.
Lean Protein Options
When you want to make sure you stay feeling full, make sure to always have a lean protein of some sort on hand with you or in your home. Try having cans of white tuna, for example, or cooked boneless chicken breasts. This way, you can easily add these ingredients to healthy meals. You might also want to find some tofu and some meatless burgers or veggie hot dogs to help keep your menu varied, but also low in fat and calories.
Nuts are good to have on hand as well, but put them into smaller packages so that serving size is as small as possible. Also, having a few low-calorie frozen dinners in the freezer can help you stay on track when you don’t have time cook.
There are also a number of lean protein options that travel well for when you are on the go. Pre-packaged snack foods, such as cheese strings and beef jerky are really easy to take with you and can help curb hunger between meals.
Don’t Forget Your Water
This list of weight loss foods to have on hand wouldn’t be complete without water. Drinking lots of water during the day keeps your body hydrated and your metabolism running efficiently. Water is also an excellent zero-calorie substitute for other beverages, such as coffees and juices that contain empty calories and carbs.
If you find that you don’t drink very much water during the day then buy yourself a water bottle to bring with you. There are lots of different types of water bottles and some are very stylish and fun, which may encourage you to always have your water on hand. If you do buy a water bottle make sure it is BPA free.
With these weight loss foods to have on hand you can make sure you are able to stick to your diet plan without many troubles. The more convenient you can make it to eat right, the more likely you are to do it in the first place. I’m sure there is many other wonderful ideas like these that other dieters use in their daily lives. If you have some you use, please share with us.
Other Related Posts and Articles you May Find Interesting: “5 Simple Tips for Easy Weight Loss”, “Workplace Weight Loss Tips”, “Kitchen Makeover for Weight Loss” and “Cooking Tips for Weight Loss”.
Losing weight is something that’s on a lot of our To-Do lists. And how nice would it be if everyday things we did would add up to calories lost? The good news is that laughing actually does burn calories – no kidding. And while you might not be able to drop twenty pounds during a funny movie, you will be able to trim the calories you take in each day, just by laughing at yourself, at others, and at the ridiculousness of life.
 Having a good laugh a number of times a day not only reduces your stress, but also helps your body burn extra calories.
Just laughing for ten to fifteen minutes at a time will burn about 10 to 50 calories. While this doesn’t sound like a lot, the more you laugh the more calories you will burn. Also, if you are slightly heavier, you will burn more calories overall, helping to boost your weight loss efforts. When you laugh, your entire body has to work hard. Your heart pumps more blood, your lungs take in more air, and you make a sound. All of these processes require fuel, which means you need to burn calories. And the louder and lengthier the laugh, the more calories you can burn.
What’s great is that adding laughs to your day is easy. All you need to do is to find ways to remind yourself to laugh and to take a break from the seriousness of your life. Start by signing up for joke email lists so that you always have some jokes to read first thing in the morning and last thing at night. This way, you can easily laugh before anyone is around, really letting those laughs out. You can also try to watch more comedies than dramas when you watch movies, helping to add to your laughing total for the day. Try to interact with people you find funny too. This will help you to not only get some socializing in, but you will also continue to add to your calorie expenditure.
While the calorie count for laughing doesn’t sound all that high, just laughing for ten to fifteen minutes each day can add up to almost a five pound weight loss over the course of the year. This is a significant weight loss – or it can simply help you to not gain those pounds over the year. In addition, when you laugh, you decrease the feelings of stress you may be having. In doing so, you will decrease the possibility of eating due to stress and due to tension. Bringing some happiness into your life can work wonders for your waistline.
With laughing, you can begin to add more calories to your daily expenditure. When you think about it, you need to burn 500 calories a day in order to lose a pound a week. If you can reduce your calories in your diet and laugh a few times a day, losing weight can actually be easy and fun.
Other Related Posts and Articles you May Find Interesting: “30 Minute Exercises for Weight Loss”, “5 Most Useful Weight Loss Gadgets”, “Video Games that Help You Lose Weight” and “Fun Exercises That Can Help You Lose Weight”.
For many people, the way they eat has become less of a choice and more of a habit. We eat certain things because we are accustomed to eating them, not necessarily because they are good for us. We gravitate toward foods we know taste good instead of those which are healthy and nourishing. However, knowing the importance of healthy food choices, you can begin to make better decisions when it comes to your nutrition. Here are three simple tips to turn your so-so diet into one which fills you with energy and good health.
 Making healthier food choices not only helps you to lose weight, but also improves your overall health and can help prevent some diseases.
Tips for Making Healthier Food Choices
Head to the Produce Section – The easiest way to learn how to eat well is to try new healthy foods. Try adding one new fruit or vegetable to your grocery store trip each week. Learn about this new produce item, how to cook it, whether you like its taste, etc. By adding more variety to your diet, you can begin to learn how to eat healthier and how to branch out from what you already know and like. Some also like to head to the frozen food section to choose one new non-meat item – i.e. vegetarian burgers or patties. This can also help to keep your diet from getting stale or boring.
Change One Habit at a Time – When you have a certain way of eating that you want to change, it’s best to make these changes in small steps. You will want to choose one habit a week, or even each month, that you want to change. Once you have made that change, then move onto something else. This way, it never feels as though you are making too radical a change to your eating, but you also begin to move your diet in a healthy direction. For example, one week you might choose to switch out your regular soda for diet soda. And then when you’re used to this change, you might try watered down juice with seltzer, eventually changing to just water.
Look for Substitutes – Your local grocery store has more options than ever to help you eat well. What you need to do is to start by thinking about the foods you already eat and how you can make them healthier. For example, if you love pasta, try using whole wheat noodles and instead of high-fat sauces like alfredo, switch to a low fat version or a tomato based sauce. This way, you can trick your taste buds into thinking you’re eating what you’ve always eaten, but it’s healthier. Low fat turkey burgers, for example, are just as tasty as regular burgers, but healthier. You don’t need to sacrifice what you love; you just need to find healthier alternatives.
Healthier food choices begin with learning what’s in your food. Start to make a habit of reading nutritional labels to learn how much fat, calories, and other ingredients are in the things you eat. You might be surprised at what kind of chemicals, fats, etc. your food really contains and how many calories you are actually eating in a meal.
Trying these tips for making healthier food choices will help you get started in changing your diet for the better. There are so many benefits to eating a healthier diet, including losing weight, lowering cholesterol, lowering blood pressure and reducing your risk of some types of diseases, such as cancer and diabetes.
Other Related Posts and Articles you May Find Interesting: “Are Healthy Foods Really That Healthy”, “Exercise + Healthy Diet = Weight Loss”, “Standard American Diet Attributed to Obesity and Poor Health” and “Healthy Weight Loss Diet May Prevent Cancer”.
Sometimes I wonder where I have been. The other day I was reading up on some new weight loss topics when I came across mention of the National Weight Control Registry. I visited the official website to learn more and found it such a valuable weight loss resource that I want to share it with everyone here.
 Preliminary research by the National Weight Control Registry shows that daily exercise is very important for losing weight and maintaining weight loss.
According to some scientific findings, up to 50% of the population of the United States is overweight. And even more alarming is that many of these overweight citizens are obese and morbidly obese. Not only is the problem of weight causing a population of dieters, but it is also creating a situation in which those carrying extra weight are at a higher right of long term health problems – heart disease, hypertension, etc. The National Weight Control Registry was created in order to help curb this alarming trend and to encourage people to reach and to maintain a normal weight.
Established in 1994, the National Weight Control Registry is an investigation into what makes some people overweight and others successful at weight loss or healthy weight maintenance. Since Dr. Rena Wing from Brown Medical School and Dr. James O. Hill from the University of Colorado founded the National Weight Control Registry in order to find out what was common among those who were able to lose a substantial amount of weight and keep it off. By collecting data on weight loss success stories, the researchers have been able to create a website and many files about what works for weight loss and what does not.
The National Weight Control Registry is tracking over 5000 people who have lost weight and kept it off over an extended period of time. By looking at surveys filled out by these people, the researchers hope to create a system of weight loss which will work for those who are still struggling with the scale.
Anyone can become a part of the National Weight Control Registry, but they do have to fit a certain set of standard criteria. The person applying needs to be over 18 years of age to consent to sharing their information. In addition, the person needs to have lost 30 pounds and to have maintained this weight loss for at least one year in order to be considered. There are forms for the applicant to fill out, located on the National Weight Control Registry website. In addition, those who are accepted will be required to fill out regular surveys about their diet, exercise, psychological, and lifestyle habits in order for the registry to spot patterns in those who have lose weight.
While at first the National Weight Control Registry looks to be a collection of those who are only winning the weight loss battle, without giving any advice or guidance to those who want to lose weight, the registry does have many benefits. The National Weight Control Registry is going to compile the data and then share it with the rest of the community in order to help point out behaviors that are in common among successful dieters and exercisers. This will help those struggling begin to see how they need to change their own life in order to be a success.
A couple of my favorite aspects of the National Weight Control Registry is that it has released a few research findings and does have some excellent success stories. I encourage everyone to at least read through the research findings, which emphasizes the importance of daily physical activity and making diet changes to successfully lose weight and keep it off. Visit the National Weight Control Registry yourself to learn more about this terrific undertaking.
Other Related Posts and Articles you May Find Interesting: “Standard American Diet Attributed to Obesity and Poor Health”, “Is Fat Becoming the New Thin?”, “Health Problems Associated with Being Overweight” and “Link Between Breast Cancer and Obesity”.
Weight gain seems to be something everyone fears, but when it comes to middle age, it seems there is little one can do to avoid putting on the pounds. However, this is far from being reality. Women do not have to gain a lot of weight when they begin menopause. By learning what causes women to gain weight during the menopausal years, a lot can be done to stop the scale’s ascent to higher numbers.
 The key to minimizing weight gain during menopause is the same as it is any other time of your life - eat a healthy diet, exercise and get enough sleep.
As the human body begins to age and as women enter menopause, one thing seems to happen consistently – muscle mass decreases. This can be due to a number of reasons. One of the most common reasons this occurs is that women stop doing activities that use their physical strength. They might stop doing weight training and yoga, perhaps because of fatigue or aches and pains. But the more a woman can exercise, the easier it will be to retain muscle mass and thus maintain a faster metabolism which can prevent the onset of mid-life weight gain. Each pound of muscle gained not only takes up less space than a pound of fat, but it will also burn an extra 100 calories a day, even when the woman is sleeping.
Speaking of sleep, as women grow older, they might begin to sleep less. Often, this is due to stress and to other life situations in which their career or other responsibilities may cause them to go to bed later and wake up earlier. Not only does this cause a woman to begin to lose her focus and her sharpness, but it can also cause weight gain. When someone is tired, they often turn to food in order to boost their energy. While this works in the short term, it can add to weight gain if done on a regular basis.
In addition, research has shown that losing out on sleep can cause a person’s cortisol levels to increase, which then can lead to weight gain, especially in the midsection. By getting at least seven hours of sleep a night, or as much sleep as it takes for the woman to feel awake throughout the day, they can avoid weight gain.
Of course, in menopause, hormone levels fluctuate and they can begin to cause troubles in terms of weight gain. Whether these hormone fluctuations lead to food cravings or to a lack of energy to exercise, women who maintain a regular diet that’s low in fat and calories while also exercising regularly can help to steady their hormones and gain less weight, if any at all. If weight gain becomes significant even as a woman is eating well and exercising, the woman may want to see their doctor to see whether there is a hormone that needs to be supplemented (for more information, see this interesting article about Hormone Replacement Therapy).
The key to minimizing weight gain during menopause is the same as it is any other time of your life – eat a healthy, balanced diet, get plenty of exercise and get enough sleep. No matter what age, most women can achieve and maintain a lower body weight by making these lifestyle changes.
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Recently I heard the typical American diet referred to as SAD – Standard American Diet. I thought this was humorous and ironic as our diet can be pretty SAD. Here we consider ourselves to be one of the most advanced nations in the world, yet many of us can’t grasp basic understanding of nutrition and how to eat a balanced diet.
 She may not look sad, but her diet certainly is. The Standard American Diet, or SAD, has been attributed to obesity and poor health.
While there are many other culturally inspired diets in the world, the Standard American Diet is one that many health professionals wish would disappear. Not only does this diet promote poor eating habits with its unbalanced food choices and large portion sizes, but it is also a diet that seems to ignore many health recommendations. Unsurprisingly, the Standard American Diet is one that is attributed to obesity and to poor health. Here’s what you need to know about the SAD diet, why it’s hurting you, and how to get back on track.
Why the Standard American Diet is SAD
The Standard American Diet is one that focuses on food for pleasure and convenience, rather than being a diet that encourages good health. With basic ingredients as beef and potatoes, these foods may be nourishing, but they can also lead to health problems and other dangerous consequences. The SAD diet is typically one in which vegetables and fruits are eaten sparingly or when they are included, they are dipped in butter or sugar or high fat, high calorie sauces. The daily caloric content of this diet is high, generally around 2500 calories for the average adult. And what’s worst about the Standard American Diet is that children are watching adults and the ways they are eating, learning eating habits that are difficult to break as they become older.
How SAD Eating Habits Contribute to Obesity and Poor Health
Food is meant to be a fuel and not simply something to do. In the Standard American Diet, Americans end up seeing a lot of harmful effects:
- Weight gain – People who follow the SAD diet are often overweight, if not obese at some point of their lives.
- Diabetes – When people eat too much sugar, their bodies stop being able to process it well, leading to diabetes.
- Heart disease – If the diet is focused on fats from meats, these saturated fats can clog the arteries and lead to heart attacks.
- Cancers – Without fiber, vegetables, or fruits in the diet, the body can have a greater risk of developing colon cancer, breast cancer, and other harmful diseases.
- High blood pressure – The Standard American Diet is often high in salt as well, leading to high blood pressure readings, which can lead to strokes and to other complications.
What you eat does matter – and the Standard American Diet does not offer a balanced meal plan.
How to Change Your Eating Habits Right Now
The good news is that it’s not difficult to adjust the Standard American Diet to be healthier. One of the easiest ways to enhance this diet is simply to reduce the amount of meat you eat. By eating a diet that has more vegetables and less meat, or by going all vegetarian a few meals a week, you can increase your health and reduce your fat intake very easily. Add vegetables or fruits to every meal if you can.
Another way to make your diet healthier is to limit the amount of fast food and fried foods you consume. This is a no-brainer, but for many of us it’s hard to break ourselves away from these convenient foods. However, if you can reduce or eliminate these types of foods from your SAD you will start losing weight and becoming healthier right away.
Other simple ways to make your diet healthier are to reduce sugar and salt (sodium) intake and increase whole grain carbohydrates in the place of white breads and pastas. Also, try drinking more water and less soda and juices. With just these few simple changes your diet won’t be SAD and your body will be GLAD.
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