McDonald’s Diet helps Chris Colsen lose over 85 pounds

It has only been a few days after my proclamation that I will be abstaining from my favorite fast-food chain, McDonald’s, when a news story was released about Chris Colsen, who claims to have lost over 85 pounds by eating McDonald’s for every meal.

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Kirstie Alley gains weight to get ready for the launch of her new diet

The former “Fat Actress” star Kirstie Alley has plans to launch her own diet plan in 2009. Yes, Kirstie Alley is attempting to make her ballooning self the biggest cash cow in the diet world.

Read More Kirstie Alley gains weight to get ready for the launch of her new diet

Is there something Fishy about the Sardine Diet?

I almost fell off of my oversized office chair the other day when I saw the “Sardine Diet” as a new weight loss option. Well, I say new, but actually the premise behind the Sardine Diet, which is to eat large quantities of foods high in Omega-3 fatty acids, is not a new concept to those of us who have tried almost everything to lose some weight.

Read More Is there something Fishy about the Sardine Diet?