There are some highly effective formulations and diet pill ingredients as of late.
There has been a lot of research done about diet pills in the last few years. It is due to their popularity and press—both for the good and the bad. Here we will briefly discuss the latest breakthroughs in diet pill ingredients and how you may benefit from them.
What types of diet pills are available?
There are several types and the main difference is that some are prescribed and contain pharmaceuticals that may cause side-effects and some are natural. However, lately, there are pills that are natural but not herbal and pack a greater punch without the harmful side-effects which seems to be the biggest factor in the latest diet pill ingredients breakthroughs.
Diet pill ingredients breakthroughs:
Garcinia Cambogia: This is a natural ingredient that has been touted as the “holy grail” of fat burning super foods. It is a pumpkin shaped fruit that you can find in India and Southeast Asia. Chlorogenic acid is the substance found in this fruit that boosts metabolism and burns fat.
Phentramin-d: Phentermine has been around a long time and so have the ingredients—however—Phentramin-d is a more natural over the counter version that works gently yet powerfully on the system to boost metabolism and burn fat. It is a diet pill ingredient breakthrough with the active ingredients being 2-Phenylethylamine (PEA), 1,3.7 trimethylxanthine, Hordenine, Synephrine and Yohimbine. They safely and effectively turn your brain’s natural fight or flight trigger on so that the body reacts and burns fat more effectively and provides the energy to work out.
Chitosan: Lately, shellfish have been looked at for so many things including their Krill oil which has an amazing ability to break the blood-brain barrier and support the system. They are also
Read More Latest Breakthroughs in Diet Pill Ingredients