NEAT Weight Loss

Taking the stairs at work instead of the elevator, walking to the store to buy groceries, gardening and so on can all contribute to your overall NEAT weight loss. Embracing NEAT weight loss in your life is all about finding the little opportunities to be active.

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Exercise + Healthy Diet = Weight Loss

Exercise + Healthy Diet = Weight Loss. This equation, one which seems completely common sense, has been the center of conversation lately because some say that exercise may cause weight gain and work against your weight loss efforts. This misleading fact about losing weight was recently promoted in a Time Magazine article “Why Exercise Won’t Make You Thin” and has been at the center of some fiery debate.

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Eating After Exercise

Eating after exercise is meant to help your body to recover from exercise and be ready to perform optimally the next day. After all, using your muscles to a certain degree does indeed damage them and providing them with the nutrients they need to repair is a natural process that helps them grow.

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Using Weight Loss to Treat Knee Arthritis

For people who are already living with knee arthritis, losing weight may relieve some of the stress on placed on the knees and may help to alleviate some pain. There are also medications and supplements, such as glucosamine, that help knee arthritis and in some cases cortisone injections may bring some temporary relief, but also using weight loss to treat knee arthritis may be helpful.

Read More Using Weight Loss to Treat Knee Arthritis

Best Low-Impact Exercise Machines for Cardio

If you aren’t one for jogging or biking, which are both activities that can cause strain on the hips and knees, then using a low impact cardio machine for cardio may be the perfect option for you. There are many different machines out there and the best idea is to take the time to try out a bunch to find which ones you like the best.

Read More Best Low-Impact Exercise Machines for Cardio

Exercise Equipment You Can Make at Home

If you want to lose weight then you are going to need to exercise more. Start today, don’t put it off until you can afford a gym membership or a piece of equipment. If your budget is small, try these suggestions for exercise equipment you can make at home.

Read More Exercise Equipment You Can Make at Home

Weight Loss Done Cheap

Although you may want to join that weight loss program that has you spending hundreds of dollars on their products and “support”, or you may want to join the local fitness center with the monthly fees, these things are not critical to your weight loss success.Weight loss done cheap is as effective and successful as weight loss that costs hundreds or thousands of dollars. If losing weight is something you really want to do, don’t let money stand in your way.

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Electric Muscle Stimulation Poor for Weight Loss

While electric muscle stimulation (EMS) sounds like something you see only in movies, it is a real thing used in the world of sports and medicine. However, it may not be as useful as real exercise to the average athlete or dieter.

Read More Electric Muscle Stimulation Poor for Weight Loss

Video Games That Help You Lose Weight

What I like most about video games that help you lose weight is that they are bringing the “fun” back into exercising. Even if you aren’t a person who has enjoyed video games in the past, Wii Fit and EA Active are two games that will entertain almost everyone. Whether you use these video games just on rainy days when exercising outside is unpleasant, or you incorporate them into your daily routine, one thing is for sure… your body will become stronger and healthier, you will burn calories and you will have a good time doing it. As far as working out goes, that’s about as good as it get.

Read More Video Games That Help You Lose Weight

Exercises You Can Do While Sitting

Sometimes, getting up and moving for exercise is out of the question, either because of injury, chronic pain or spending many hours sitting at a desk. Whatever the case, there are some exercises you can do while sitting in a chair that are great for your health and can mean a higher fitness level. This can help you move towards a more active and fit lifestyle.

Read More Exercises You Can Do While Sitting