Does a Dry January Make it Easier to Lose Weight?

Have you been keeping up your New Year’s resolution to have a dry January? If you’ve made it this far, this means that you haven’t had any alcohol for at least the first half of the month. Have you noticed any changes in your ability to lose weight or in other parts of your life?

Recent research conducted in the United Kingdom has found that participants in dry January have experience a spectrum of benefits. Not only are they finding it easier to lose weight, but they also have more energy, they sleep better, and they’re not spending as much. Moreover, research in previous years found that people who practice this dry month also tend to naturally reduce the amount they drink over the long term.

What Did the Dry January Research Say?

The study was performed by researchers at the University of Sussex. Within it, the researchers surveyed adults in the United Kingdom who took part in dry January last year. They found the participants because this practice is organized by the Alcohol Change UK charity in the United Kingdom.

The first survey had 2,821 participants, all of whom had registered for the dry January event participation. The second survey had 1,715 participants and it took place during the first week of February. The final survey was conducted in August and had 816 participants.

What the findings showed was that people who practiced dry January continued consuming less alcohol for several months afterward. Many of them still consumed less alcohol by the time the last survey in August was conducted.

Other Benefits of Dry January (Including Weight Loss)

Aside from drinking less throughout the rest of the following months, participants also said they saved money and enjoyed a greater sense of achievement. This was reported by 88 percent and 93 percent of the dry January participants, respectively.

Among the health benefits reported by participants in dry January included: weight loss, better concentration, improved skin, better sleep, more energy and better overall health.

Three out of every five participants in dry January lost weight simply from cutting out alcohol and continuing to reduce it in following months. This is not entirely surprising as alcoholic beverages are typically quite high in calories. Moreover, they are also often made with mixers that are high in sugar or even salt. Cutting these types of beverages can automatically slash your caloric intake and reduce your sugar and sodium intake at the same time.

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