Pardon the pun here, but there is no better way to title my discussion today, which is about the most common excuses people give for not being able to lose weight. Making “Big Fat Excuses” is something that all of us who have wanted to lose weight have made at some point. In fact, over the almost 20 years that I have been either overweight or obese I have probably made a hundred different excuses for why I couldn’t start a diet, or stick to a diet, or get more exercise, or stop eating junk food, and so on. What I hope everyone who reads this post will do today is take a moment to reflect on what excuses they may have been making that are preventing them from reaching their weight loss goals.

Free yourself from the big fat excuses you have been making that are preventing you from reaching your weight loss goals.
Losing weight is hard, I’ll be the first one to admit it. However, some people make it harder than they have to. They have the will and the need to lose, but they fall into a trap that makes it okay for them to put off a diet or fall off of one, even when it has proven to be successful for them. Why some people do this is a mystery, but there are a few reasons why some people make excuses and remain at an unhealthy weight. This group of people is the majority, as the obesity rate in the United States can attest to. If you are using some of these excuses, stop and think about why and what your real motivation may be.
Big Fat Excuse #1: “I can’t start a diet now, the holidays are coming.”
Some people will put off starting a diet in the fall months because they want to enjoy Thanksgiving, Christmas, or whatever holiday they celebrate in December. They do this because these holidays are not all about food, but they certainly feature food and they want to enjoy those foods and good time without feeling left out of the fun. What they don’t realize is getting through this season while staying on track with their diet means they can handle almost anything. Sticking to a diet over the holidays is not as hard as you think either if you follow some simple tips like the ones in my post “10 Best Weight Loss Tips for Thanksgiving“.
Big Fat Excuse #2: “I’ll start dieting and going to the gym in the new year.”
New Year’s Resolutions are probably the biggest excuses people use for not staying on track with their diet or not starting a diet. Those in the above scenario that wait until January 1st to begin a diet are setting themselves up for failure right away. New Year’s Resolutions to lose weight hardly ever work out, and when they fail, dieting and exercising are often put off until next new year’s. That is a whole year of wasted on more bad habits that make things worse. Don’t plan to start a diet on New Years. The second you decide you want to lose weight consider yourself dieting and stick to it, no matter what time of year it is (see the related post “The Best Time to Start a Diet“).
Big Fat Excuse #3: “I’ll start my diet on Monday.”
Setting yourself up to start a diet on Monday is about as successful as starting a diet on New Year’s. The problem is that unless today is Monday you are going to have a few days to eat anything and everything that you love and think you’re going to miss when dieting. This adds more pounds and makes it harder to start. It sounds good in theory, but choosing a day to quit smoking is more effective than choosing a day to start a diet. If you want a diet and are serious about it, start that very day with no exceptions.
Big Fat Excuses #4: “I am unable to lose weight because of my ________ condition.”
There are some people that have a harder time losing weight due to a medical condition (for more information, read the post “Health Conditions That Cause Weight Gain“). This is a real excuse, but it should not be one that stops you from losing weight. Instead, take the time to find a diet and exercise program that addresses the issues your health condition poses to weight loss. There are very few people who can not diet because of their health, as a better weight is always a good thing. Pregnancy may be the only true medical condition that stops someone from going on a diet.
Big Fat Excuse #5: “I’m too tired.”
Exercise is essential for losing weight and becoming healthier, we all know that. The problem is that finding the motivation to workout or go to the gym, particularly after a long day at work, can be very, very hard. If you find that you are not exercising because you never seem to have enough energy then consider this… the more exercise you get the more energy you are going to have. Instead of making excuses, commit to getting exercise at least three times a week (more is better). Choose days and times that work with your busy schedule then stick to it no matter what. You will be surprised how energized you feel after working out, even when you may have been tired before.
Big Fat Excuse #6: “I don’t have enough time.”
Most of us with families and jobs and other responsibilities struggle to get everything done each day, but it is possible. Not having enough time is used as an excuse for both not eating a healthy diet and not exercising. I can’t tell you how many people I know who eat fast-food because they “don’t have enough time” to prepare a healthy meal. The truth is that if you wish to lose weight then your priorities are going to have to change. Preparing healthy meals, even if it means doing the preparation before you go to bed each night, is possible even for the busiest person. If you really don’t have time to cook, then you can still make healthier food choices, such as buying a salad rather than eating burgers and fries, or tacos or fried chicken. As for exercise, if you really don’t have time to exercise then there are a number of things you can do during the day to get you moving. For example, take the stairs, go for a walk on your lunch break or check out these other great suggestions in the posts “Exercises You Can Do At Work” and “Exercises You Can Do While Sitting“.
These are just a few of the big fat excuses we all make not to diet and exercise and remain overweight or obese. Some will say that they can not afford to lose weight, which is a more common excuse made these days, but is also complete bulls**t (if you make this excuse, please read the post “Weight Loss Done Cheap“). There are always ways around any of these issues if you truly wish to lose weight and become healthier. Don’t let any of these big fat excuses stand in your way of a better and longer life. Your weight loss success lies in your hands and your hands only. From this day on make a promise to yourself that you will take charge and control of your plans to lose weight and get to it. No more excuses.
My biggest one is that I don’t have the time, this constantly used to be my excuse but recently I got a puppy and now he is my exercise, it can’t be an excuse that I do not have the time as he will suffer too. I make sure I eat well and have continued to take my adios weight loss pill and now I am losing weight again. Really good post with some excuses I had not thought of ;o)
my excuses….I’ll start after the holiday’s,… i’m tired…don’t have the time,…. I hurt to much…I’m to depressed…the sad thing is that with most of these excuses the answer to the problem is to get busy and loose some weight!! yes…I waited to get started after the new year, actually on Jan. 4th. I need to loose at least 50 lbs. I’ve tried Weight watchers…wonderful program, but not for me. I need to take controle of my eating, spend my calories wisely, and enjoy what I eat. Fit day allowes me to do this!! I’m looking forward to more of this sight…Thank you for your info!!
“I don’t have enough time.” This was my biggest issue when it came to preparing healthy meals. I used to just whip to the grocery store and buy whatever was easy to make for that night. It was never the healthiest choice. Now, I do some serious meal planning. On Saturday I will map out the entire weeks meals, sometimes two weeks. I write down exactly what I will be making each night i.e. Monday: grilled salmon filets with salad and asparagus spears. Tuesday: grilled chicken breasts with grilled yams and salad. Then I buy only and exactly what I need to make those meals. I then post the list on the fridge, so all I have to do is look at it and I know what is going on each night for supper. There is no guess work, and no need to ever pick up any take away or drive through. Sometimes I will make up a huge batch of weight watchers vegetable soup (0 points) and then freeze it so that it’s easy to grab and heat up for lunches. They key is all in the prep and planning ahead!