I felt some hesitation to step up on the old bathroom scale this morning for my weekly weigh in. I knew a few things had gone sideways this weekend and I was afraid of the consequences.
My current weight as of this morning is 230 lbs
Despite a good effort, I only lost 1 lb last week. So what went so terribly wrong? Well, the error of my ways happened on Saturday when I went to celebrate a friends birthday. I didn’t think at all about how I would manage my diet and go to a party at the same time. I promised myself I would have a couple of drinks and that would be it, but as the night progressed and the drinks flowed my willpower fizzled away and I found myself “making love” to the birthday cake.
The next day I felt devastated at what I had done, but I also didn’t feel well enough to go to the gym, so I didn’t exercise. With my body loaded with calories and carbs, it quickly stored all that excess energy into body fat and stored up water. One night of cheating probably set me back 4 pounds.

The Birthday Cake was a blackforest, just like this one. Can you blame me?
Dieting does not mean you have to avoid all social situations that involve drinking and eating. To help I’ve come up with this handy list of Weight Loss Tips for a Party Night.
Weight Loss Tips for a Party Night
Bring your own 0.5% beer or cider to the party. Non-alcoholic beers and ciders can be pretty tasty and give you the feeling that you’re going wild ‘n crazy, but without the alcohol. These beverages still contain calories though, so don’t go overboard. Drink lots of water during the night too.
Do not socialize in the kitchen. The kitchen is one of the most common places for party socializing, but that’s because it is the epi-center of the food. When at a party, try to avoid the kitchen chatter and find conversations that can be had elsewhere.
Suggest a party game that gets you up and moving. Party games, such as Pictionary and charades, are a great way for people to have fun and keep themselves busy. The busier you are, the less you’ll be reaching for the bowl of chips or next helping of cake. If you’re not sure if the party host has one of these games, bring one along with you. Another tip would be to suggest you all go out to do an activity, such as bowling.
If it’s brown, put it down. Now there are words to live by! In the context of food though, brown foods are almost always the high-calorie, high-carbohydrate, high-fat variety. Examples are nuts, chocolate, deep-fried foods, chips and so on. Make a goal for yourself the next time you go out to a party to avoid all foods that are brown.
Socialize standing up. When you socialize standing up you exert more energy and burn a few more calories than if you were sitting. Also, you can only hold so many things in your hands while you stand, which will hopefully keep you from overeating.
These are the five top Weight Loss Tips for a Party Night that I could come up with. I’m sure there are many more so don’t be shy to tell us about any tips you may know of for these special occasions.
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