In a day and age in which fertility problems have become commonplace, so many of us want to get to the bottom of male fertility. Understanding what may be to blame for infertility and how it all works can help couples who want to have a baby. The problem is that many men don’t really stop to think about this until they are trying to start a family. At that point, if the exposure to certain pollutants is too great, the damage may already be done. So understanding how the problems works in advance and then trying to solve it can be truly beneficial. Therefore, understanding the link between a factor like aluminum exposure and male fertility is important.
Research has been done but also continues when it comes to what sorts of things may have an impact on male fertility. For many men, it can be as simple as family history or even the type of job that they have. Many things can play a role in reducing a man’s ability to produce enough sperm, from the type of underwear they use to how long they sit throughout the day. The most recent subject of studies, however, focuses on the amount of exposure that a man has to aluminum over time. That is to say, if the exposure is severe and it goes on for a great period of time, then it may cause a man to have issues with his fertility. Studies are looking at just how intense that exposure may need to be, though.
Being Aware and Limiting Exposure Can Help
There is something within the composition of aluminum that seems to play a role in its dramatic and negative impact on male fertility. Many men may work or live in an environment where aluminum concentration is high. They may ingest fumes or be directly exposed to the aluminum, and the long-term impact is fertility issues. The most common problem related to this is that the sperm count goes dramatically down. There may be other fertility issues related to aluminum, however, so the issue must be studied further and taken seriously.
Though male fertility may be impacted by a number of different factors, the most pressing is looking at environmental factors. Aluminum is one of the top concerns with respect to impacting a man’s ability to have normal sperm count. So men should be aware of this and do their best to limit their exposure to this toxin. If the exposure is inevitable, then it may be beneficial to try to make it more indirect or try to limit it if at all possible. This can be a proactive approach to help down the road with any possible fertility problems, and therefore it benefits men—and their partners as well.