
Everyday Chemicals That Affect Sperm Count

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If you are worried about your sperm count, listen up. Did you know that some of the most common household items can be made with chemicals that affect sperm count? Starting a family is hard enough; you probably do not need any help making it more difficult. Understanding why your sperm are dying or inactive is one thing, but doing something about it is the sign of a true father-to-be. There are a lot of things that ultimately affect your sperm count, but these four everyday chemicals take the cake when it comes to making you sterile:

1. Bisphenol A (better known as BPA): According to a recent Reproductive Toxicology study, this common household chemical is responsible for lowering sperm numbers and activity. The news has been making waves throughout the reproductive world, with other studies popping up at an alarming rate. Typically found within the packages or coatings of processed foods, BPA is a no-no if you are trying to improve the condition of your little swimmers. In fact, 40 percent of all cash-register receipts contain BPA. That puts a whole new spin on taking your spouse shopping.

2. Phthalates: Phthalates are usually released from vinyl breaking down, which would not be so much of a problem if some our sex toys weren’t made from it. Go for glass, green, or silicone versions of these toys instead so that you can save your sperm for their intended job. As the vinyl breaks down, especially under high heat, prolonged wear and tear, or age, it releases dangerous phthalates that could render your sperm DOA (or MIA). Keep in mind that this chemical is often found in popular shampoos, so be on alert when you go shopping for supplies.

3. Isoflavones: These chemicals are among the most controversial culprits of reduced fertility. Of all the chemicals that affect sperm count, isoflavones are one of the most dangerous. Studies are still debating as to whether soy is responsible for the negative side effects of consumption since isoflavones are commonly found in soy.

4. Polychlorinated Biphenyls (better known as PCBs): This collection of highly toxic chemicals affects sperm so much that PCBs have been banned in most parts of the world. Found in specific breeds of older predator fish, PCBs are linked to decreased sperm count and less-than-average overall performance.

It would be best for you to stay away from these common household chemicals that affect sperm count. Talk to your doctor if you have specific questions or if your reproductive efforts seem to be futile. It could be a sign of something more serious.