
French Bread

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1 pack Yeast, (dry)
1/3 cup Water, (warm)
1 tbsp Flour, (rye)
1 cup Water, (cold)
1/8 tbsp Sugar
3 1/2 cups Flour
2 1/4 tsp Salt


Dissolve yeast and sugar in 1/3 cup water; let proof. Mix flours and salt in a large mixing bowl. Add one cup water to yeast water. Add water slowly to flour mixture, stirring until the dough makes a ball. Let the dough rest five minutes. Add more flour to make a smooth ball and knead for seven minutes. Lete rest two minutes and knead three minutes more. Place dough in a clean, dry four-quart bowl. Cover and let rise 40 minutes. Turn dough out; pat into a 14" rectangle and fold in thirds. Repeat. Return dough to bowl and let rise 1-1/2 to 2 hours, or until tripled in bulk. Form dough into two baguettes, two round loaves, or 12 hard rolls. Slash the top of each with a razor blade. Preheat oven to 400 F, placing a pan on the bottom rack to heat. Bake loaves 30 to 35 minutes, steaming the loaves every four minutes for the first 15 minutes.


Calories per serving: 145 Fat grams per serving: 4 Approx.