Effective Workouts for Women

The Easiest yet Most Effective Workouts for Women

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For a woman, getting into great shape can be pretty difficult. This is due to the unique hormonal and physical attributes of the female body. However, the task is not impossible if you know about some easy yet effective workouts for women. Stop trying to train like one of the guys and instead start getting into better physical condition with some exercises that were designed specifically for your body.

Workout #1: The Lazy-Lady Butt Toner

It is extremely simple to do this workout, even if you don’t really feel like getting up. It’s true; by laying down and doing this exercise you will essentially be performing one of the best workouts for women. Just lay down and raise one leg after another behind you, pulling it up as far as you possibly can. Hold this position for 1-5 seconds and then release before moving to the next leg. This workout not only tones your butt it is also improves your circulation while you lounge.

Workout #2: The Popular Plank

Ok, so the plank isn’t exactly among the workouts for women specifically, but it is easy and effective just the same. This exercise can be done while laying down as well, and works to tone the muscles of the abdomen with extreme precision. It’s simple because it only requires you to elevate your body onto your elbows for about 30 seconds a day. After about 15-30 days you should be able to see a real difference in the way your body looks (and functions).

Workout #3: Secret Squats

Nobody ever said that you had to go to the gym to get in some great exercise. You can do squats almost anywhere. Each time you bend down to perform a task you should be squatting instead. Squats are one of the best workouts for women because they are relatively easy and extremely effective at toning the entire lower portion of the body. If you can, try to hold whatever squat position you manage to get into for at least 3 seconds before coming back up. Oh, and flex your gluteus muscles while you do it for maximum results.

Be sure to have a conversation with your doctor or with a certified fitness trainer to gather more information about responsibly structuring your workout routine. Never push yourself beyond your comfort zone. There are easy and effective ways for you to get into better shape.