
Must Have Songs for Any Fitness Playlist

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Face it, you want to have a fitness playlist that makes a great motivator and makes things go faster. But you should have a great playlist that you look forward to using. Here we will share the must have songs for any fitness playlist.


What elements must the fitness playlist songs have?


Well it’s not like us to just hand you a list and run. Oh no, we will tell you the science behind why certain songs have a special something. Now, the whole reason to have workout music is to have motivation so you can maintain your weight loss goals. It is also to keep you in a certain mindset while you are doing your workout. So, the best thing to do is plan it.


Planning is the key to a great workout:


If you have an Mp3 player or another device, you can download music in the order of your workout and this will actually make the workout more structured and efficient. For example, if you stretch and warm up the way you should be then you should have slower tracks to encourage that part of your workout. Then for the workout itself you can do a more powerful series of songs. So if you are weight training something like “Eye of the Tiger” would be great. Then for your cooldown session something more conducive to that.


Most people just plug in and go but you don’t have to do that. You could structure yourself with the best fitness playlist for your personal workout. Studies have shown that people who make their workouts more meaningful and structured stick to it longer. It also should be geared to encourage endorphins to release. When this happens, it gives you more energy and the ability to work out more and burn calories better. This helps the goal very well.


Fitness Playlist:


  1. Eye of the Tiger - Survivor
  2. Lose Yourself - Eminem
  3. Work, Hustle Kill- The Hustle Standard
  4. Can’t be Touched- Body Head Bangerz
  5. Good Feeling-Flo Rida
  6. Hungry-Rob Bailey
  7. Back in Black- AC/DC
  8. Till I Collapse-Eminem
  9. Gonna Fly Now-Rocky Theme-Bill Conti
  10. Mamma Said Knock you Out- LL Cool J
  11. Shook Me All Night Long-AC/DC
  12. Hit Em Up- TuPac
  13. Fade to Black- Metallica
  14. Back for More-Five Finger Death Punch
  15. Bringing Down the Giant-Saving Abel
  16. Shut Em Down- LL Cool J
  17. Monster-Skillet
  18. Big Things Poppin-TI
  19. Click Click Boom-saliva
  20. It’s A Long Way To The Top- AC/DC

These are the top 20 most popular fitness playlist songs--however--you are encouraged to go further.