
Autumn Exercises for Seniors Who Want to Get Outside

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If you’re a senior then you probably don’t think much about working out. The truth is that working out at this point in your life can really help you be your best. You can not only work towards weight loss but you can protect your senior health in a really wonderful way. You want to be sure that you work with your body and work through any limitations that you might have, which is always important. Though you may feel that there aren’t any exercises for seniors that work well, you might be surprised at how many options are actually available to you. The good thing is that you can work with this great season and get yourself fit and in shape using the most effective exercises possible.


Many people tend to look at autumn as a season to sit back and relax, never really having to do much in the way of fitness, but that’s simply not true. While this is a season that’s about cooler weather and more comfort food, you can also enjoy some great ways of working out with these changes as well. The key is to find what you like and enjoy working it into the seasons and the elements that you have available to you. It’s not really as hard as you might think, for all you have to do is have the desire and the motivation and then the rest all comes together in a cohesive way. Getting fit in the golden years is not only possible but can actually be an enjoyable process as well.


Here we look at some fun and effective exercises for seniors that can change their bodies and most importantly their lives. These can help seniors get healthier and to enjoy what lies before them in a really wonderful way.


Walking or Hiking: It doesn’t matter what the weather may bring, for you can get out and get moving with a simple but effective walk or hike. This is gentle enough that people of any age can do it, and it’s accessible enough to do from almost anywhere. It can work to your advantage that the temperatures are dropping and that means that you can get out into the beautiful fall air for a nice walk. Start with shorter and simple walks and then see how they can transition into longer hikes as you get used to them. You can get up and get moving and ensure that you burn calories and get your heart rate up for a wonderful overall activity that will help you be your best.


Biking: Autumn makes for a wonderful time to get out on your bike. What’s so great about biking is that it can be done outside when the weather permits or even inside on a stationary bicycle. You can enjoy some great cardio with this and just continue to add onto your time or even resistance as you get more accustomed to it. What makes this one of the best exercises for seniors is that it’s gentle enough on joints but effective enough to get the body moving and get results, so it’s a true win/win!


Outdoor Bootcamp or Yoga Class: There are so many wonderful classes out there, and many of them are offered in the fall when the weather permits. Use this season as a great opportunity to get outside and get moving in a really fun and innovative way. You can try a bootcamp or even yoga class and become part of a community. They are usually offered inside and outside, but autumn is the perfect time to enjoy the cooler temperatures and fun that you can have in the great outdoors.


Body Resistance Workout: This goes above and beyond just strength training, for you are using your body as the actual resistance here. You can add in any intervals that you would like to make it challenging and yet accessible. Think of wonderful cardio and toning exercises like burpees, push ups, sit ups, and mountain climbers that get the whole body in on the act. As long as you work at your appropriate level you can make these some of the best exercises for seniors that can help you to get fit, healthy, and therefore enjoy your life for the long term and truly make these the “golden years.”