Best Weight Loss Tips

Best Weight Loss Tips

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Learning the best weight loss tips can help to make sure you always have the advantage toward achieving your goal. These are the types of help that can be useful in getting the most out of your lifestyle changes without having to make massive additional efforts.

Weight Loss Tips 1-10

These first ten steps are things you can do without spending any money or making any substantial changes to your lifestyle.  Since you’re likely already making a few changes here and there, these are typically more than welcome.


Weight Loss Tip #1 - Drink at least eight 8oz. glasses of water every day. There are some very important reasons for drinking water - first off, its zero calorie, zero chemical, zero caffeine, and the ideal thing to curb your hunger and appetite with. Learn More...


Weight Loss Tip #2 - Avoid skipping meals. Eating increases your metabolism, thus skipping meals can 'trick' your body into slowing down its metabolism in an attempt to conserve calories during a period it perceives as a situation where limited fuel is available. Learn More...


Weight Loss Tip #3 - Keep track of your weight loss progress and eating habits. It's very easy to break your diet if you don't monitor what you eat during the day. Keeping a weight loss journal is an important tool in dietary self-awareness, and one of the best ways to change your eating habits. Learn More...

Smaller but More Frequent Meals 

Weight Loss Tip #4 - Smaller meals throughout the day rather then larger meals. If you eat smaller meals throughout the day, your metabolism will stay at a higher rate and you won't feel as hungry throughout the day. Learn More...


Weight Loss Tip #5 - Exerise, exercise, exercise! Exercise increases your metabolism and burning off excess fat. When is the best time to exercise? Our metabolism slows down about 8 hours after we wake up, so 30 minutes of exercise in the evening, before dinner will increase your metabolism for about two to three more hours just when it was starting to slow down. This produces a significant increase in fat burned off, even after the exercise is over. Learn More...


Weight Loss Tip #6 - Plan your meals ahead. The fast food industry banks on people's need for food on the go...if you take the time to prepare your breakfast, lunch and dinner, you become a little more in control of your daily caloric intake. Learn More...

Pace Yourself 

Weight Loss Tip #7 - Eat slowly. Sometimes you have to rush your food down because you're late for work or late for an appointment, but if you eat slowly you will enjoy the food more and you will feel a little more satisfied and full. Learn More...

Grocery Shopping 

Weight Loss Tip #8 - Plan the week's family menus in advance and just purchase those ingredients at a once weekly shopping trip. Healthy eating starts in the grocery store. What we buy affects how well we eat. Learn More...


Weight Loss Tip #9 - Be positive! The more you feel good about yourself the easier and faster it is to lose weight.

Subs and Swaps 

Weight Loss Tip #10 - Learn how to make over family favourite recipes by cutting out fats, salt and sugar. Substitute non-fat yoghurt for cream, stir fry minus oil and use herbs and spices instead of salt for flavour.

Weight Loss Tips 11-20 

Now that you’re getting started with your healthy strategy, the following are some additional points you can begin gradually adding over time.  Aim for as many as you can but choose only the ones that make sense to your lifestyle.  Some are applicable to everyone so don’t just skip a step because it doesn’t look like it would be your favorite.

Consult the Experts

Weight Loss Tip #11 - Please consult your doctor before beginning an exercise or weight loss program.

Chew Your Food  

Weight Loss Tip #12 - Eat slowly and chew each bite completely to decrease your appetite.

Spread it Out 

Weight Loss Tip #13 - Eat three small meals and two snacks daily instead of two or three huge meals.

Skip the Oil 

Weight Loss Tip #14 - It's a myth that you need oil to stir fry! Use chicken stock instead and cut down on hidden fat.

Know Your Ingredients 

Weight Loss Tip #15 - There is more fat in a plate of toasted muesli than a plate of bacon and eggs! Purchase non-toasted muesli instead.

Eat the Whole Thing  

Weight Loss Tip #16 - Avoid removing the skins of fruits and vegetables - most of the nutrients are concentrated just under the skin.

Start the Day Right 

Weight Loss Tip #17 - Hot water with a squeeze of lemon before breakfast get the metabolism going for the day, helps prevent constipation and is excellent for the skin.

Try Meatless Options  

Weight Loss Tip #18 - The best source of vegetable protein comes from options such as soybeans or tofu. All legumes provide some protein, so include lentils, lima beans etc. into casseroles and soups.

Buddy Up 

Weight Loss Tip #19 - Find a weight loss "buddy," club, or support group. This will help you stay with your weight loss program.

Skip the Bedtime Snacks  

Weight Loss Tip #20 - Though difficult, try not eating 3 hours or more before bedtime.

Weight Loss Tips 21-28

These last points are meant to truly give polish to your strategy to reach your goal. Yes, you’ve already been adding a lot to your lifestyle but by making all the right adjustments, things will only get easier instead of harder!

Snack Fresh

Weight Loss Tip #21 - You can cut up a whole watermelon and leave it in the fridge to snack on over a few days. It is sweet, juicy, yummy and filling, and an easy thing to grab instead of something more calorie laden.

Redefine Fast Foods 

Weight Loss Tip #22 - Make pasta your fast-food choice - you can prepare a pasta meal and salad in 10-12 minutes.

Spice Up Your Meals 

Weight Loss Tip #23 - Chili helps to speed up metabolism - even the milder varieties.

Omelettes Make a Great Meal 

Weight Loss Tip #24 - Omelettes taste rich and decadent but are made primarily with a superfood! Skip the high-fat cheeses and top things off with filling, nutritious and delicious ingredients like mushrooms or asparagus.

Skip the Salt 

Weight Loss Tip #25 - Limit salt in cooking. Other names for salt in ingredients lists include baking soda, baking powder, MSG and soy sauce.

Lighten Your Gravy 

Weight Loss Tip #26 - For low fat gravy, drop ice cubes into the baking tray. Fat will stick to the ice cubes and can then be removed.

Chew Gum to Kill Cravings 

Weight Loss Tip #27 - Chew sugarless gum. It speeds up the digestive system, burning more calories, and sometimes kills a craving.

Use Sneaky Cooking Tricks

Weight Loss Tip #28 - Make casseroles the day before use. Refrigerate and skim fat from the top before re heating.