Eating Slower and Weight Loss

Eating Slower and Weight Loss

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Slow Down!  Hit the Brakes!

Eating slower for weight loss can provide you with shocking appetite suppressing benefits you may not have known were possible.  If your main struggle with losing weight is in the quantity you’re consuming, then this technique may help you to change that trend completely.

It takes at least 20 minutes after eating for your stomach to tell your brain that it is full, but most of us finish a meal in 10 minutes and for this reason many of us overeat without even realizing it. To avoid the chance of overeating, eating slower has been found to be very effective. By eating slower, you give your stomach time to tell your brain you've eaten enough, which will make you feel full.

Eating Slower and Weight Loss - Research

Eating slower may help overweight people lose weight after all, according to a new study that tested the commonly held belief. The study showed that overweight men and women actually ate less when they ate at a slower than usual pace. Researchers say the study shows that eating slower may assist overweight men and women in their weight loss efforts.

Study to find if Slower Eating Rate Reduces Food Intake

In the study, 28 overweight men and women ate a lunch of chicken nuggets at their normal pace in order for researchers to establish their habitual eating pattern. Then over the course of three lunches, researchers varied the pace of the same meal by instructing the participants to take a bite when they heard a computer beep.

In the first lunch, they ate a prolonged meal in which the pace of the entire meal was slowed by 50%. In the second, they ate a decelerated meal in which the pace of only the last half of the meal was decreased by half, and in the final meal they ate at a steady pace. The participants were told that the computer beeping would last indefinitely, and they could eat as much or as little as they wanted.

The study showed that all of the participants ate more during the steady meal than in either of the slower meals. The difference between each of the three meals was largest among the men. However, researchers say only a small number of men were involved in the study (six), and more research is needed to confirm this result. But they say this study shows that a slower rate of eating results in people eating less, which may help them lose weight.

Diet Tips to Eat Slower More Naturally

Ready to start eating more slowly as some of your best diet tips?  Here are some handy ways that you can make that happen more naturally instead of just forcing yourself to chew at a slower rate:

SOURCE: Martin, C."Does Slower Eating Rate Reduce Food Intake? Results of an Empirical Test" presented at the North American Association for the Study of Obesity 2004 Annual Scientific Meeting, Nov. 14-18, 2004, Las Vegas.