Water and Weight Loss

Water and Weight Loss

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On average, it is recommended that you should drink eight, 8oz. glasses of water every day for successful weight loss. This works out to be half a gallon, or almost 2 liters of water a day. That said, this is an average figure and is not set in stone. There are many factors that can increase or decrease the amount of water you need to be sipping or chugging each day.

Factors that Change Your Need for Water

There are many different factors that can change the quantity of water you should drink if you want to improve your weight loss.  While some of them may seem quite obvious to you, others may surprise you. Therefore, before you tell yourself that your rule of thumb is eight glasses of water each day, make sure you take the following into consideration.

How Water Helps with Weight Loss

Drinking water helps with many aspects of losing weight. Firstly, it is a calorie-free beverage, which makes it the best choice over anything else. Secondly, drinking a large glass of water can help curb food cravings and appetite. Finally, drinking water helps to keep your body hydrated, which is essential in maintaining a good metabolism.

Here are some ways water helps with weight loss:

 If you want an added benefit from water, drink cold water. Doing this will make your body have to work a bit to warm up the water and will burn a few extra calories.

Drinking Water and Your Metabolism

Drinking 500 mL of water (a half-liter or about a pint) increased the study participants’ metabolism briefly - for about a half hour. In that time, they burned an extra 25 calories. That’s about a quarter of a piece of sliced bread, or 5 M&Ms. The researchers theorized that most of the effect comes from warming the water in the stomach. In the male participants the calories came mostly from stored fat, in the women it came from stored carbohydrates. The paper was published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, December 2003. It was conducted by researchers in Berlin.