Phen 700 Reviews

Phen 700 Reviews

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Phen 700 is an over the counter weight loss supplement that has been strategically named in order to suggest some similarity to the popular prescription diet drug called Phentermine. There are dozens upon dozens of different products that are currently on the market that have used this naming strategy and while some may be quite effective, others may not be helpful at all or may even be potentially harmful.

For that reason, it is very important to go beyond the Phen 700 name before deciding that it has the potential to be safe and effective.

Phen 700 is a product that has been around for quite some time and over the last few years, it has undergone a reformulation that has changed the ingredients that make up each pill. Along with the new formula, it also gained its new name as it used to be called Phentemine Now – which only underscores the naming strategy being used by the maker of this product as that name is only one letter away from the prescription version.

At the time of the writing of this review, the ingredients that were listed within these diet pills were: phenylethylamine, synephrine, caffeine, yohimbine extract, inositol niacinate, nettle leaf extract and picamilon.

Clearly, this is a product that leans heavily on stimulants in order to help promote benefits that will make it easier for dieters to lose weight. Unfortunately, using stimulants in this combination and to this degree will also greatly increase the risk that the user will experience unwanted side effects.

When used in high quantities, stimulants – such as the first four ingredients in this product – are notorious for causing unwanted side effects. Just like when a person drinks too much coffee, the stimulants in diet pills can lead to shaking and tremors, headache, nausea, diarrhea, anxiety, increased heart rate and raised blood pressure.

When looking more closely at the specific stimulants in this product, it becomes even more worrying as Phen 700 contains a combination of synephrine and caffeine (which is included on its own as well as within the yohimbine extract). Synephrine and caffeine are a combination against which the FDA has warned consumers as it increases the risk of more dangerous side effects such as heart attack and stroke.

Due to the nature of these ingredients and the broad availability of safer alternatives in the weight loss market, it is unlikely that most doctors would recommend Phen 700.

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