
LipoFuze Review

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Lipofuze is a diet pill that makes the claim “Lose 10 Pounds in 7 Days or Your Money Back Guaranteed”. What? 10 pounds in 7 days? How is that possible you may ask. Well, to be quite honest you can only achieve this kind of weight loss by cutting off an arm or leg. One thing’s for sure, losing 10 pounds of body fat in 7 days is quite impossible.

While I’m on the topic of this ridiculous weight loss claim I would like to point out funny thing about LipoFuze advertising that I found quite ironic. Although the main selling point is losing 10 pounds in 7 days, if you read the FAQ section the first sentence states, “If you find yourself losing more than 1 pound per day decrease the dosage.” But wait, I thought you wanted me to lose more than 1 pound a day. Isn’t 10 pounds in a week like 1.5 pounds a day? Wow! Now I’m confused.

Lipofuze claims to contain 6 patented and 4 clinically tested ingredients. As I have mentioned in other diet pill reviews, even though an ingredient is patented does not mean it works or is safe to take. Many of the ingredients contained in Lipofuze are the same ones found in Apidexin, which received a very poor review. In the spirit of fairness however, let’s take a closer look at Lipofuze’s ingredients. 

Review of LipoFuze Ingredients

Additional ingredients in LipoFuze are: Cinnamon, Ginger, Phenylethylamine and 20-hydroxyecdysone. 

Lipofuze and Weight Loss – Do Lipofuze Diet Pills Work?

As you can see from this review of LipoFuze diet pills ingredients, there is very little science to back the claims they make for weight loss. It is very un-nerving to find so many diet pill manufacturers basing the effectiveness and safety of their ingredients on rodent trials alone. There are some unarguable differences between rodents and humans and to base the majority of your ingredients on the results of rodent studies alone is irresponsible at best. 

Combine Lipofuze’s ridiculous claims of a weight loss of “10 pounds in 7 days” with the fact that the majority of the ingredients have only been tested on rodents and you get a product you would be much better without.

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