
Low Sugar Diets

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Much debate surrounds the effectiveness of low sugar diets to reduce the symptoms of attention deficit disorder (ADD) or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Most clinically controlled studies of sugar consumption in ADD/ADHD children have failed to demonstrate a causal relationship between sugar-intake and hyperactivity. Not only do children with ADHD typically eat no more sugar than average, but adding sugar or sweets to the diet of a hyperactive child has also failed to aggravate hyperkinesis compared to control foods sweetened by aspartame.


Despite this, low sugar diets are still commonly used to treat children with ADHD. There are several reasons for this, as follows:


Low Sugar Diets

Although it appears from several studies that sugar intake is not a prime cause of ADD or ADHD, there are some hyperactive children for whom hypoglycemia and/or dysinsulinemia play a critical role. A glucose-insulin tolerance test may help to identify these children. Furthermore, the negative health consequences of a diet high in non-nutritious or "empty" calories may contribute to the nutritional deficiencies commonly seen in ADD/ADHD patients.